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How to help a child when his teeth are cut

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Let's talk about effective methods of anesthesia, when a child is teething ...

Teething in children usually begins from 4-7 months and lasts up to 2.5-3 years. This is a natural physiological process, and usually it does not impair the health of the baby, but in some cases it may still be a deterioration in health, especially when the most painful teeth are crawling - the first incisors. They tend to cut the hardest, and their appearance in a child can often be accompanied by anxiety, increased salivation, swelling and sore gums, appetite deterioration, and sometimes - a violation of the stool and fever to 37-38 and sometimes up to 39 ° C .

Next, we consider the most effective means and methods by which you can more or less relieve the gums when teething and do not harm the baby. At the same time, we also note the most frequent mistakes of parents, which can only aggravate the situation.


Means and methods commonly used for painful teething in children

All tools that are used in the case of painful teething in babies can be divided into drug and non-drug.

Drugs used to perform anesthesia include the following:

  • Anesthetic gels, often they are also called cooling because of the effect of "freezing", characteristic of anesthetics (such gels provide almost complete relief of pain for some time);The photo shows an example of the so-called cooling dental gel (that is, with a local anesthetic effect).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (relieve pain syndrome and inflammation sufficiently);
  • Homeopathic gels, ointments, pills, suppositories, drops and syrups (many do not know about this, but all such means are used for the placebo effect).

The use of drugs alone to anesthetize the gums in babies is not always sufficient, therefore, in addition to drugs, they also use non-drugs and methods of anesthesia. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the use of various teethers, as well as massage gums.

On a note

In addition, it so happened that many parents actively use various folk remedies, such as soothing warm tea,cool vegetables and fruits, mashed, diluted clove oil, cold gauze lotions and even breast milk. With the right approach, such methods of anesthetization of gums in babies also have a right to exist - it is only important to understand that in most cases they are relatively ineffective.


Painkillers ("cooling") gels

Among the "cooling" gels for anesthesia gums, one of the most popular today are Calgel and Dentol Baby.

Calgel contains lidocaine hydrochloride (anesthetic) and cetidylpyridinium hydrochloride (antiseptic). Lidocaine quite effectively alleviates pain in the gums when teething, and sometimes completely eliminates it for a while. Cetidylpyridine hydrochloride protects the gums against bacterial damage.


On a note

Lidocaine injections were previously widely used in dentistry for anesthesia during dental treatment (today even more effective drugs have replaced). It should be noted that this substance sometimes causes an allergic reaction, so for the first time the gel with its content is better to use in the minimum quantity - for the sample.

The advantage of Kalgel is rapid anesthesia, which occurs only a few minutes after its application, as well as the ability to use in babies from 3 months on.

Like other anesthetic gels, Kalgel is used topically: a small amount of it is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the gums (no more than 6 times a day). When using this drug, you need to take into account that there is a small chance that your baby will develop an allergic reaction to its components - therefore, after using the product, you should watch the baby carefully.

On a note

On the basis of lidocaine, the anesthetic gel Kamistad is also popular, but it is important to bear in mind that it is used only for children over 12 years old (for example, for stomatitis, gingivitis). The fact is that the concentration of anesthetic in it is increased, and in infants it would cause too much numbness of the mouth and tongue, as well as increased salivation (there may be problems with swallowing this saliva).

As for the "cooling" gel Dentol Baby - its main active ingredient, which relieves pain, is benzocaine. It provides a quick analgesic effect, which is manifested within a couple of minutes after rubbing into the gums and can last up to 20 minutes.

Dental gum gel Dentol Baby

According to the instructions, Dentol Baby Gel can be used in infants from 4 months of age (no more than 4 times a day and no longer than 7 days in a row). As in the case of Kalgel, it is worth remembering about the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

In general, it can be said that a significant advantage of “cooling” gels based on anesthetics is a well-pronounced and rapidly advancing anesthetic effect. (in this respect, many anti-inflammatory and, especially, homeopathic medicines are much inferior). Meanwhile, many parents still avoid the use of gels with anesthetics, not wanting to "stuff the child with chemistry."


Anti-inflammatory drugs

Of the anti-inflammatory drugs used for pain relief during teething, the most used in infants today is Holisal gel. Its main active substance - choline salicylate - has a combined effect: local analgesic (relieves pain), anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.

When teething in children, Holisal gel is also often used.

Holisal also includes:

  • Tsetalkoniya chloride (provides bactericidal, antiviral and antimycotic action);
  • Gel ethanol-containing base, which helps to keep active substances on the mucous membrane for a long time, prolonging the overall effect.

The analgesic effect can last from 2 to 8 hours. With regard to age restrictions - the instruction notes only the need for careful use in children under 1 year.

The drug is used no more than three times a day.

On a note

Although the manual says that the pain can be alleviated within two or three minutes after applying the gel, in reality everything may not be so rosy. The effect does not come as fast as when using gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. In addition, the kid may not like the burning sensation that is felt for a while when Holisal hits the mucous membranes of the mouth (imagine that the baby’s gums will already be painful and inflamed).


Homeopathic remedies - gels, suppositories, pills, drops and syrups

From homeopathic remedies that facilitate teething, often use children's drops Dantinorm Baby, Baby gel doctor “First teeth”, gel Pansoral “First teeth”, and sometimes also Viburcol candles.The basis of these drugs are plant components (as a rule, extracts of certain plants).

Homeopathic remedy Dantinorm Bebi for cases of painful teething in children.

Homeopathic remedy Viburcol

It should be understood that when assessing the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines, there is often no difference at all between the placebo (dummy) and the “medicine” itself. This means that any positive effect of treatment is often caused by natural recovery from the disease, and not by the effect on the body of a particular remedy.

Simply put, it is not guaranteed that homeopathic remedies really ease pain when teeth are cut in a child. To some extent, the very fact of using any of these drugs can be considered as a distracting procedure (the child can calm down a little simply from what he watches for his feelings when using these remedies). It is also a way for parents to convince themselves that they are not just sitting with folded arms, but are doing something useful - they give the child harmless “medicines” based on herbs.


How effective and safe are the teethers?

Of non-drug means that facilitate teething in infants, often use the so-called teethers.In addition to performing its main function, biting them is a kind of preparation for a child for eating adult food and the process of chewing, and also helps in the proper formation of bite and jaw growth.

Such procedures contribute to the massage of the gums - the teether acts as a massager, due to which the blood flow to the gums increases and, as a result, the eruption of the tooth is facilitated.

Teethers do not immediately relieve pain, but really facilitate the process of teething.

On a note

The principle of operation of these devices lies in the fact that when a child has teeth cut, he constantly tries to bite something on the gums, and at this moment he is given a teether - the baby is chewing on it and thus massaging the gums. At the same time, due to the shape and material, the teether is completely safe, pleasant for the child, stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph from the inflamed gums with the subsequent easing of pain, and also accelerates the process of teething.

It is clear that to quickly relieve the gums of the baby with the help of such means will not work, however, in general, during the period of eruption, they can significantly alleviate the condition of the child.

Teethers vary in shape, size and material used for manufacturing.They can have various modifications: in the form of a toy, a rattle, a book or a special fingertip with a brush. You can also find cooling teethers filled with water (they are put in the refrigerator for a while, and then given to the baby), and even vibrating. There are many varieties, and the best option in each case can be selected individually, depending on the child's age, level of development and preferences.

Like other tools, teethers have their advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage is that when they are used, the gums are massaged and teething is really facilitated to a certain extent.

The disadvantage is the inability of teethers quickly and pronouncedly to remove the pain in the baby. It should also be borne in mind that cheap models may contain harmful substances that can cause allergic reactions and irritation of the gums.


Gum Massage

Another way to reduce pain while teething to some extent is to massage the gums. Its effectiveness is about the same as that of teethers, but the advantage isthat with proper implementation, you can be sure that the effort is applied to the zone that currently needs it most.

Massage gums in the baby

Usually for the first time massage is done before dinner, in order to track the reaction of the baby to the new procedure. In this case, the child should feel good and be disposed to communicate. If the baby has bad health, fever or problems with the chair, then it is better to postpone the massage of the gums.

On a note

Another contraindication for a massage is the difficulty of tooth eruption, which is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, it is usually recommended to avoid any additional mechanical effects on the gums.

In this case, you should refrain from massaging the gums.

If the condition of the child is normal, then the massage will be pleasant and useful for him.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly (with disinfectant);
  2. Trim the nails;
  3. If the massage will be carried out with the help of a special massaging device, it will first be disinfected (it is also possible to carry out the procedure using a special fingernail napkin, which is specially designed for such cases).

Massage is carried out from the edges of areas that bother the child to the area of ​​teething, but not affecting it. At the same time use such techniques: rubbing the gums, stroking, pressing and a combination of these actions.

At the end of the procedure, oral hygiene is performed (brushing the teeth and rinsing the mouth with water). It is recommended to teach the child to hygiene from the period of the newborn, so by the time the active teething begins, the child is already getting used to it.


Folk remedies to facilitate teething

As already noted above, often parents of babies resort to using various folk remedies, which presumably make it possible to reduce the painful sensations of the child in case of difficulty teething. Usually, such anesthesia methods are used because of their availability and popularity with older relatives (grandparents), who often act as authoritative consultants.

When using folk remedies you should be careful, as many of them are not always safe.

A classic example is to relieve the gums in a child, often trying diluted clove oil. It is believed that it can relieve inflammation in the gums and has an analgesic effect.There is nothing wrong with this (as with the use of homeopathic medicines), but it is only important to take into account that clove oil is never used in its pure form, as it can lead to burns of the mucous membranes.

Anesthetic effect attributed to breast milk is also widely known. So, it is known that if a child has teeth, it is enough for him to give a breast so that he calms down. In fact, of course, the actual anesthesia does not occur here - the child, when in contact with the mother’s breast, calms down reflexively, even if his gums continue to hurt. Nevertheless, the procedure is really effective, and it allows the baby and his parents to easily survive a difficult period.

On a note

The popular method of alleviating toothache by applying garlic to a diseased tooth can in no way be applied to a child. At best, this will lead to a chemical burn of the gums, and at worst, to necrosis of the pulp in the still impacted baby tooth with the subsequent development of pulpitis and (or) periodontitis.


Nutritional characteristics during teething

With the appearance of milk teeth, the correct selection of complementary foods becomes very important, so that it not only does not increase the pain in the gums of the baby, but also contributes to its calming down.

Proper selection of foods for the child helps to reduce pain in the gums.

It is useful during this period to give the child fibrous purees of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, carrots - which, when trying to chew, provide gum massage and pain relief. It is good, if such purees are not that cold, but at least slightly cool - it will not lead to a cold, but it will help to ease the pain.

It is advisable to feed the child himself before the milk, and if the entire ration of food consists only of complementary food, then after it feed the child with water to wash off the remnants of food - in them, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, bacteria can develop that can increase inflammation during eruption teeth.


Surgical Teething Diseases

The process of teething (nature and timing) is one of the indicators of the normal development of the baby. However, sometimes teething can be observed serious violations.

For example, retention - obstructed obstruction, refers to the pathologies of the development of a tooth and may be associated with diseases and injuries of the teeth and jaws.Depending on whether complete retention is observed in a child, or incomplete, different diagnoses are possible, sometimes connected with the general work of the whole organism.

Another pathology is dystopia, in which a fully erupted tooth is not located in the place where it should be (sometimes it generally goes beyond the limits of the dentition).

Supplemental teeth may also be observed - an example is shown in the photo below:

Over-complementary tooth in a child

Pathologies include serious violations of the timing of the appearance of milk teeth. So, there are the concepts of early, premature or late teething. Of these, the early is quite rare, and the belated - more often.

On a note

There are cases when a child can be born with milk teeth that have already been cut. Most often it is the central incisors.

Premature teething can be explained by the individual characteristics of the child, and such cases are less likely than others to be considered as pathology.

Belated eruption can be considered a disease if its timing is very delayed. Different reasons can lead to this: disturbances in mineral metabolism, heredity, diseases of the bone and cartilage base, digestive disorders, a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, etc.

Pediatric and surgical dentistry deals with the treatment of these diseases. Depending on the cause of the eruption disturbance, treatment methods are selected individually, and these can be both means aimed at improving the general condition of the baby’s body and surgical intervention.


Frequent mistakes of parents

Among the most common mistakes of parents in the period when the child is teething, we can note the following:

  1. The use of too large amounts of drugs (for example, drugs "Nurofen", "Panadol", as well as cooling gels, ointments), including too frequent use of drugs. This can lead to various side effects, often more severe than the eruption itself. It should be understood that teething in a child is a normal physiological process, and it is important to only help the baby a little, and not with excessive diligence to treat him for a non-existent disease.;Teething should not be considered as a serious illness - it is a normal physiological process.
  2. Insufficient care for the oral hygiene of the child (milk residues and feeding in the oral cavity are an excellent substrate for the development of microorganisms, which under favorable conditions can greatly aggravateinflammation in the gums);
  3. The use of antipyretics at low temperatures in the baby (up to 38 ° C).


When you need to see a doctor

In general, parents need to remember that the most effective and safe means of their child is prescribed by a doctor, as a professional with extensive experience. Moreover, in this case it is not at all necessary to consult with a pediatric dentist - the appointment of a pediatrician, who has already seen such situations many times, will also be quite effective.

In some cases, without the help of a doctor is not enough ...

Consult a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • If it is obvious that the methods used to alleviate the pain in a baby are not effective enough (it is possible that the problem may not be related to teething alone);
  • If the baby has a high temperature for a long time, against the background of painful teething;
  • If in the area of ​​eruption on the gums there are bluish colors of the swelling (these can be eruption cysts);
  • With the development of severe side effects from taking medications - rash, itching, redness, swelling.

In all these cases it is necessary for the doctor to examine the child and give further recommendations - attempts to cope with the problem on their own will be too risky to aggravate the situation.


If you have personal experience in applying these or other ways to alleviate pain during teething in a baby, share this information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.


First aid for teething babies


What is important for parents to know about the appearance of the first teeth in a child



There is 1 comment to write "How to help a child when he cuts teeth"
  1. Anna:

    I liked the article, clearly written, and not in medical language. We anesthetize the dentinox gel. And relieves, and cools, and pleasant to the taste.Daughter never capricious when using, even enjoys a sweet taste. Already 12 teeth so raised))

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