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Does Analgin help with toothache and is it dangerous to use it?

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Although Analgin does help relieve a not very strong toothache, however, this drug can hardly be considered a good choice ...

Analgin is in our country, perhaps one of the most well-known painkillers available over-the-counter. It was obtained in laboratories as early as 1920, and after a few years was actively used in medical practice, quickly gaining popularity among consumers around the world, primarily due to its fairly high efficiency and wide availability. For toothache, Analgin is used in Russia quite often today, despite the presence of significant flaws, which we will talk about later.

The essential feature of the action of Analgin as an anesthetic is not the absolute fullness of the effect achieved. Simply put, Analgin helps from a toothache, but almost never relieves it completely. For example, if the pain is strong enough, it will still be felt by the person, although not with the same sharpness as before taking the remedy.

With a very strong toothache in most cases, Analgin will be ineffective drug.

In this regard, Analgin is inferior to more modern analgesics. But the duration of its action is approximately the same as that of relatively powerful new drugs, for example, Ketans and Ketorol - about 5-6 hours.

As a result, the main area of ​​application of Analgin - help with not very strong pain. If the tooth hurts very much (acute pulpitis, periodontitis or others), then Analgin in such cases helps only to a small extent.

Still, the main disadvantage of Analgin - in contraindications to its use and the resulting side effects. In some countries of the world, it is even banned because it is potentially capable of causing deadly pathologies. Therefore, taking Analgin "out of habit," with the first hints of pain, as many older people often do today, is a very risky event.

The main drawback of the drug is dangerous side effects, because of which it is prohibited in many countries around the world.

Today we can say for sure that Analgin is not the best choice for relieving toothache.


“All my youth saw Analgin from a toothache and did not even worry. I have bad teeth since childhood, I went to the institute with two crowns and a bunch of fillings, but the main thing is all very sensitive.I was also surprised that many of my classmates go around with a bunch of holes open and don’t suffer much, and even the smallest caries starts to hurt me. And just that - I can not sleep right, such a strong toothache happened. Analgin also drank - and normal, tolerable, and if not fired heavily, it can completely pass. But now it turned out that I cannot do it with my kidneys at all. Another doctor said that it is bad for blood to constantly drink it ... ”

Irina Alexandrovna, Samara


Principle of action of Analgin

The action of Analgin is very similar to the action of so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Metamizole sodium - the main component of tablets Analgin - blocks the enzyme that provides the production of prostaglandins in the body.

The active ingredient of analgin - metamizole sodium (chemical formula)

On a note

Prostaglandins are biologically active substances that play a significant role in the development of pain syndromes and inflammatory processes.

As the concentration of prostaglandins decreases, the severity of the pain syndrome decreases.

In addition, the active ingredient Analgin interferes with the conduction of pain impulses along the nerve bundles and has a fairly well pronounced antipyretic effect.

As mentioned above, Analgin is not the most powerful analgesic, and with toothache it does not effectively help in all cases. In addition, the drug has practically no significant anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, if an inflammatory process develops in a tooth, in a periosteum, or in a gum, you should not even hope that taking Analgin tablets will be able to somehow slow or reduce it.

Metamizole sodium does not have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, so the therapeutic effect of it should not be expected.


Rules of use of the drug

Although in medical practice, Analgin can also be used intramuscularly, but to relieve toothache, the general population, of course, is accustomed to taking the drug only in the form of tablets.

According to the instructions for use, adults can drink 1 tablet of Analgin 3 times a day at approximately equal intervals. In case of toothache in children, the drug is given according to the age of the child:

  • From year to 14 years prescribed for half a tablet 2 times a day;
  • From 14 years old - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

The dosage of the drug is determined primarily by the age of the person.

Children under the age of Analgin should not be given at all. Although the temptation of many parents is, especially when the baby is teething, and he can cry from the pain for hours on end.

It is impossible to exceed the above dosages: when injected into the body of too large amounts of the drug, disorders of the digestive tract, heart rhythm disturbances, tinnitus, convulsions, acute agranulocytosis may occur. When these symptoms occur, the intake of activated charcoal, gastric lavage, intake of laxatives and heavy drinking are necessary.


“I knew that Analgin helps with toothache and headache, but somehow it wasn’t such that it was urgently needed. And then the tooth ached in the campaign, so much so that here it’s really possible to get off the route and bring the whole group. And from painkillers only Aspirin da Analgin. And nothing, Analgin helped. In the morning he drank a pill, she went hearty all day, in the evening she rinsed her mouth with warm water. It’s good that all this happened five days before the end of the campaign, I was in good order. ”

Oksana, Yekaterinburg


Side effects and contraindications to receive Analgin

A very dangerous side effect from taking Analgin is agranulocytosis - a sharp decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood and, as a result, the subsequent very high vulnerability of the organism to viral and bacterial infections. Agranulocytosis can occur with continuous long-term use of Analgin, but in exceptional cases it develops acutely even after taking one pill.

Some manifestations of agranulocytosis ...

On a note

According to statistics, death as a result of agranulocytosis occurs in 7% of cases. That is why Analgin is banned in many countries, but not in Russia. In the Russian Federation, they confined themselves to excluding Analgin from the list of medicines for benefit recipients.

Other side effects of the drug are:

  • Allergic reactions, including in very rare cases, angioedema and anaphylactic shock;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Anuria and other renal dysfunction.

Reduced blood pressure and kidney failure, if these pathologies are already present in humans, are contraindications for taking Analgin. In addition, even in emergency cases with acute toothache and the inability to use other drugs Analgin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. When violations of the liver, hepatitis;
  2. Anemia and leukopenia;
  3. During pregnancy;
  4. During lactation.
It is also useful to read: Using Nise Tablets for Tooth Pain Relief

In most of these cases, toothache is less of a nuisance than possible negative effects.And in general, the use of Analgin for toothache or any other is better to coordinate with your doctor, at least over the telephone.

Contraindications to receive Analgin


More modern analogs of Analgin

It is because of its ability to cause life-threatening agranulocytosis and because of the limited analgesic effect, today Analgin is considered to be a rather obsolete drug.

Its more modern counterparts are Ketans, Ketorol, Ketorolac, Nimesil, Dolak and some other means. Often they help to completely eliminate even very severe pain, and are not so dangerous to use. The main disadvantage of these drugs is prescription, which is why it is rather difficult to buy them without a doctor's prescription even with a pharmacy. In addition, the cost of these drugs is significantly higher than that of Analgin.

Anesthetic drug Ketanov (tablets)

Anesthetic drug Nimesil (powder)

As a result, the low price, wide availability and fame of Analgin is a guarantee that the people will use it as a remedy for toothache for a long time, and it is unlikely to quickly give way to the same Ketorol or Ketanov.

However, it must always be remembered that Analgin, like any other anesthetic drug, is just a way to ease the pain while waiting for a scheduled visit to the doctor.Under no circumstances should it be used to delay the reception at the dentist as much as possible - this will only lead to the further development of dental disease, worsening of their condition and ultimately to even more severe pain, as well as difficult and expensive treatment.

If you regularly suppress toothache with pills and do not go to the doctor’s office, in the future this can lead to very big problems ...


“It seems to me that drinking toothache with pills is a very bad practice. The pain is necessary for us to constantly remember about a certain disease. A tooth hurts - it means you need to go to the doctor, it hurts badly - it means that you cannot postpone even a day. Dentists for acute pain always take quickly, even with a clogged schedule. I have a mother-in-law indulged in Analgin, then she took Nise when her teeth hurt. Spoke, they say, hereditary. Then she could not stand it once, went to the dentist. So she immediately removed three teeth, about five fillings were placed and two prostheses. For three months she ran to the doctors, for all her savings in three years she went there. Why all? Because she endured pain and silence. I would go at once, I would put a filling - and the whole business ”.

Andrey, Krasnodar

If you have personal experience of using Analgin for relieving toothache, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page: did the drug help you, took you a long time,Yes, and just describe your history of "relationship" with Analgin.


About the various causes of toothache and methods of its elimination


How can you quickly relieve toothache at home without pills



To write "Does Analgin help with toothache and is it dangerous to use it?" 11 comments
  1. Anonymous:

    Is it possible to rinse a painful tooth from the vials of analginum?

  2. Tatyana:

    Hello, and it really helps me, but I don’t drink it, but on the tooth of the bed and even with severe pain. Only on the tooth, to swallow does not help at all.

  3. Dmitriy:

    About 20 years ago, when I first came to know a real toothache, only analgin was in the household, and even then in a small amount. Drink a pill - a little easier. But the trouble is, it soon ended, and we lived in a small village - what kind of a pharmacy there is, and even more, a dentist? She went to her grandmother (neighbor), brings another tablet 4 or 5, in a paper, slightly yellowed plate. There was no doubt that they were long overdue, and maybe even since the days of the USSR. But then I was not up to the expiration date, because from the pain I was ready to climb walls. So, I drank 1 of those pills, and half of the head on the part of the diseased tooth became like wood, and my jaw seemed numb. There was no pain at all, and touching the cheek with one hand was different. I then very carefully divided each of those tablets, first into half, and then completely into 4 parts.

    Those pieces acted, though not for long, but the fact remains. I never met a similar analgin.So it seems that the current analgin is not at all what it once was

  4. Lyudmila:

    I also had old analgin and no-shpa, and indeed, just miraculous, unlike modern tablets with the same name. I do not understand why they say that ketorol is safer than analgin, on the contrary, it is dangerous for the blood and especially for the stomach, some develop an ulcer from one injection ...

  5. Adilet:

    I just had a toothache, or rather, they put a seal on me, but if it was cold or if you eat something from the fridge, then right away, pipets, pain. Analgin put in the tooth and immediately immediately removed, and all sorts of other painkillers did not help.

  6. Natalia:

    Last night, a tooth ached, and the pain was so severe that it was not clear what kind of tooth ache. I drank first nemisil - did not help. Then Ketorol did not help either. The pain was terrible, I already cried. Drank another ketorol. No result. Beginning to google, as the pain can be removed, with water and soda began to rinse your mouth - for a while the pain was relieved, and again the pain resumed. Even a child's kamistad smeared his teeth and gums, numbness from him and the pain subsided slightly for a while. And so I was suffering from 2 am to 8 am. Then she found analgin, drank a pill and put a piece on the tooth again.Immediately the pain began to subside, and I fell asleep. Then in the afternoon I ate and again my teeth ached. She put a piece of analgin on the tooth - immediately the pain passes, but for a while, not for long. So all day and escape from pain. I'm going to the dentist tomorrow.

  7. Roma:

    My father died of analgin in the hospital - after the injection, blood pressure dropped to zero and pulmonary edema occurred. And the man died.

  8. Luda:

    And my tooth collapsed from a piece of analgin laid on a tooth, only roots were left randomly. And now everyone has become inflamed, I'm afraid to go to the doctor to pull out, because there’s nothing to grab onto ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Such roots are almost always removed without problems. If you are over 40 years old, then it’s already 100% that there will be no problems with disconnected roots. Their dentists-surgeons love, as they do not cause difficulties: neither with anesthesia, nor with the process of removal itself. We usually keep within 2-3 minutes, maximum - 5-7. So do not be afraid! It is better to remove the roots in a planned way, rather than in an emergency variant - in case of swelling or severe pain.

  9. Lyudmila:

    And 2 days ago my wisdom tooth was removed from me ... And he had my treatment and the canals were sealed.It was very difficult to delete, I cursed the day a hundred times when I decided to keep it (but, on the other hand, I’ve been with it for about 5 years, maybe more). But here's the problem: the tooth was removed, and from the side of this tooth on the next caries was, at least deep, and maybe worse. He is now in pain too ... I would gladly run to the doctor, but: 1. The wound has not yet healed properly. 2. Do not touch the cheeks properly (there is no strong edema, but it hurts, like a good bruise). 3. I cannot open my jaw normally (and there is a tooth at the bottom and a hole at the side from the back), and even the weekend is now. Here I am already the second day. Not to say that the pain is unbearable - while you can tolerate painkillers. But she is somehow wandering - and in the ear gives, and in the temple ... Especially fun at night ((

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