Website about dental diseases and their treatment

Extraction of the wisdom tooth located on the lower jaw

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Let's talk about the features of the removal of wisdom teeth located on the lower jaw, as well as the possible consequences of this surgical intervention ...

In the lower jaw, wisdom teeth usually begin to form at the age of 20-25 years, although occasionally they erupt at the age of 15 and after 40. Moreover, according to numerous studies, in 80% of cases, their eruption is associated with certain complications. Note the most common problems due to the appearance of wisdom teeth in the lower jaw, which most often provoke their removal:

  • complications of caries (periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, etc.);
  • violation of bite and displacement of adjacent teeth (formation of crowding);
  • difficult teething (pericoronitis);
  • the formation of cysts, tumors and various neoplasms near the roots;
  • violation of the structure and function of the temporomandibular joint;
  • chronic injury of the buccal mucosa due to improper inclination of the wisdom tooth, which can cause the development of a non-healing ulcer, which, in turn, can even turn into a malignant tumor.

The photo shows the lower wisdom tooth affected by deep caries, part of which is hidden under the gum.

It is interesting

In 8-10% of people, the eighth teeth are not formed at all, and women most often do not have lower wisdom teeth, and for men, upper teeth. In about 0.1% of all cases, a greater number of wise teeth (mostly six) develop, usually with two wisdom teeth on both sides at the same time on the upper jaw.

In order to prevent serious consequences, for example, with obstructed eruption of an 8 tooth, its wrong position in the jaw or severe carious destruction, it is important to timely consult a dentist-surgeon for timely help. Particularly often severe consequences are observed when a person ignores obvious problems associated with the lower wisdom teeth.

However, even directly during the removal of an 8 tooth from below, certain problems may also arise, leading to the development of complications immediately after its removal or some time after the procedure. We will talk further about all these important and interesting nuances ...


Difficulties that often arise when removing the lower wisdom tooth

The structure of the mandible has a number of features that, in the region of the lower eighth teeth, create a mass of obstacles to their simple removal.For example, if the upper eighth teeth can almost always be successfully and quickly removed from the beginning to the end with forceps, then in the lower teeth it is impossible to do this in 80-90% of cases.

In most cases, the eighth lower teeth are more difficult to remove than the eights in the upper jaw.

Due to the massiveness and density of the mandible bone, it is not possible to carry out the normal grip and rocking of the tooth (especially in case of difficulty in its eruption, when there can be only 20-30% of the coronal part on the surface). Even in the presence of a well-defined and not destroyed by caries crown, to shake the lower wisdom tooth, which is located in the thickness of the massive bone, is very, very problematic, especially when the roots have the most unpredictable number and location in the jaw.

The roots of wisdom teeth can have a very bizarre shape ...

A large number of curved roots creates certain difficulties in tooth extraction, so it is not always possible to simply pull it out with forceps.

Indeed, the twists and turns of the roots can be the most incredible. Often, the dentist has to deal with two or more roots bent at different angles, which make it difficult to extract even a tooth that has been well-loosened by a surgeon.

That is why before the removal procedure it is sometimes necessary to make a diagnostic X-ray image, which allows the dentist-surgeon to understand what he will have to deal with.This helps to avoid mistakes by the doctor, and also reduces the risk of possible postoperative complications.

On the radiograph, it is clearly seen exactly how the wisdom tooth is located in the jaw - this facilitates the work of the doctor and reduces the risk of possible errors.

On a note

When removing the lower wisdom tooth, the dental surgeon is often forced to resort to various tricks, and can use a variety of tools. It’s often not enough to get some forceps here, so don’t be surprised or scared if the doctor starts literally sawing your tooth with a drill into pieces, or takes up a chisel and starts knocking on it ...


Possible consequences of 8 tooth removal from below

Unfortunately, even after the lower wisdom tooth has already been removed, the consequences of the experienced surgical intervention can still be felt in the future - after all, a large wound surface with torn tissues around it often remains in the oral cavity. Typical problems that can be encountered in this case are severe bleeding from the hole, gradually increasing pain, swelling of the cheek and gums, inflammation and suppuration of the walls of the hole (alveolitis) and others.

This photo clearly shows that a wound of considerable size remains in the place of the removed wisdom tooth.

Many people know from their own experience how long the lower wisdom tooth is sometimes removed, and what palette of sensations after such an intervention is waiting for very soon.On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews that paint a rather scary picture of the removal procedure itself and no less terrible after it.


“I have a sad story. My wisdom tooth at the bottom left pushing everyone else, because of what they started to grow wrong. In the end, I decided to urgently delete it. And that was the worst thing I experienced in hospitals. I came to the clinic, they anesthetized, cut the gums, and then began to twist the tooth out of the jaw! But it failed. Therefore, it began to be crushed and gradually removed from the fragments. Awful.

For 30 minutes I was tortured for sure, then they began to sew. Then in the corridor I looked in the mirror - it was necessary to see. Absolutely twisted face, all swollen on one side, a bruise all over his cheek. And when the frost began to pass, everything began to ache, the constant taste of blood in the mouth.

I woke up and was terrified at night - my cheek became 3 times bigger, all purple. In the morning I ran to the same doctor, he also gasped. And only after 2 weeks I began to look like a person ... "

Evgenia, St. Petersburg

All this to some extent really takes place in dental clinics. In addition, no one is immune from the mistakes of the doctor and the associated consequences (sometimes during the procedure, the doctor, due to excessive effort, breaks the patient's lower jaw, tears the corners of the mouth, can dislocate the adjacent tooth (7), cut the cheek or gum with a broken instrument, etc.)

Among the unpleasant consequences of wisdom tooth extraction are various medical errors, including a fracture of the lower jaw or rupture of the corners of the patient’s mouth.

However, if there are obvious problems caused by the 8th tooth from the bottom, simply postponing its removal for an indefinite period of time and expecting that everything will somehow pass by itself is nonsense, which sometimes can even cause death. The lower chewing teeth generally have a specific position in the jaw: they are surrounded by well-supplied blood, there are spaces around their roots and under them directly bordering muscles, large vessels and nerves. The consequences associated with the care of the infection in these spaces can be very serious and dangerous, and can create risks to human life.

If the tooth should be removed according to orthodontic indications, then the delay with this often causes persistent malocclusion, as well as problems in the work of the mandible joint (all this may lead to a serious deterioration in the quality of life in the future, and even spoil a career).

Incorrectly growing wisdom teeth can significantly break the bite.

To pity the wisdom tooth, which creates a chronic injury to the cheek, means to approximate the development of a malignant tumor at the site of a non-healing ulcer (and this is confirmed by the corresponding statistics of the appearance of cancer in the maxillofacial region).

Therefore, no matter how frightened you are friends, relatives or even doctors - if there is a problem with the teeth of wisdom, then it must be solved quickly, not postponing it “for later”.


“Recently I signed up for the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, because my cheek was very swollen due to it. I came to the municipality, they sent me on an x-ray, well, as usual. She brought an x-ray to the doctor: he looked at him pointedly for a long time, then examined the tooth in his mouth. And imagine, you said that you urgently need to cut the tooth together with the gum, and then - sew the whole thing and go to the reception 5 or 6 times until it heals. And he immediately said that most likely everything would be bad and painful, scared me to death. So I rushed away from this almshouse ...

In general, nothing helped me there and did not at all reassure me. Therefore, I went to a normal private clinic, even if not with such low prices, but there I was normally pulled out by a wisdom tooth and given detailed advice on what to do after removal so that the blood does not flow and does not hurt much.So now I wanted to spit on these clinics, and then there is still something good together with the gum cut off. "

Marianna, Samara


Heavy bleeding from a wisdom tooth extraction hole.

Bleeding after wisdom tooth removal on the lower jaw occurs more often than when removing the lower 5, 6 or 7 teeth, since around the "eight" are abundantly blood supplying gum tissue, and the complexity of the removal procedure itself plays an important role when the surrounding tissues are severely injured. The blood may not stop for a very long time: in such cases, the gauze pad, which the dentist-surgeon leaves on the hole, is richly soaked with blood.

The long-term bleeding of the hole, the blood from which can not stop for several hours or even a day, is also among the unpleasant consequences of tooth extraction.

Such bleeding can last from several hours to days.

On a note

The hole may begin to bleed not immediately, but several hours after the extraction of the tooth (the so-called secondary bleeding). Let us explain this point in more detail.

Removing a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw requires good anesthesia. What kind of anesthetic should be used in this clinical case is decided by the doctor, and in order to achieve the longest anesthesia, adrenaline is usually added to the drug, which greatly narrows the blood vessels.That is why immediately after the removal of a tooth there can be almost no blood: the so-called “dry hole” effect occurs.

After 1-2 hours, the arterioles expand, and early secondary bleeding occurs. Late secondary bleeding (after a few days) may develop if a blood clot is destroyed, for example, as a result of an inflammatory process.

Bleeding after tooth extraction can also occur for common reasons:

  • in diseases associated with impaired blood clotting;
  • with the use of indirect anticoagulants, as well as overdose of direct-acting anticoagulants, for example, heparin;
  • with hypertension.

There are a number of factors contributing to long-term bleeding from the hole ...

Prolonged bleeding after the removal of a wisdom tooth (and any other) sometimes leads to serious consequences: deterioration of general well-being, weakness, dizziness, decrease in pressure, and even loss of consciousness. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor in time for consultation if the blood from the hole after a tooth extraction does not stop for a long time.

Homemade ways to stop bleeding from the hole do not always give a result.


Severe pain after removal of the eighth tooth

Postoperative pain during the first day is a normal phenomenon, especially if you remember how sometimes it is difficult for the procedure to remove wisdom teeth on the lower jaw. In practice, it looks like this: after just a couple of hours after undergoing the “freezing” of anesthesia, almost every person suffers from quite severe pain.

Be prepared for the fact that after the completion of the anesthetic, the entire side of the jaw, where the wisdom tooth was removed, can begin to hurt badly.

That is why in the recommendations of the dentist-surgeon almost the first item is taking pain medication. And the more the gums and bones are damaged, the more potent the anesthetic drug may be.

Most often, for the prevention of severe pain after tooth extraction, it is recommended to drink the first pill within 30 minutes after the procedure. For example, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesil;
  • Ketanov;
  • Nise;
  • Nurofen

or others

Nise Painkiller (Nise)

If the hole continues to hurt badly in the following days after the wisdom tooth has been removed and this pain is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms (for example, fever, impaired mouth opening, putrid breath from the mouth), you should immediately contact your dentist for help.


Paresthesia or the effects of a nerve injury in the jaw

One of the rare but very unpleasant consequences of wisdom tooth extraction on the lower jaw, paresthesia of a part of the face, chin, lip, cheek, or tongue may result in partial or complete loss of their sensitivity. This complication is associated with damage to the mandibular nerve, passing near the roots of the lower wisdom teeth: if during surgery the surgeon accidentally touches a nerve, then the person may then get the impression that anesthesia does not pass.

In rare cases, when removing the lower wisdom teeth, the mandibular nerve is damaged, which can lead to partial loss of sensitivity in various parts of the face, lips, chin ...

In other words, all those signs of anesthesia that the patient feels before the procedure of removing the lower wisdom tooth remain after, and sometimes last for several weeks or months - depending on the severity of the nerve damage. With a minor injury of the mandibular nerve, paresthesia disappears itself in 1-2 weeks, and physiotherapy treatment and taking special medications accelerate this process.

In more rare cases, paresthesia after tooth extraction may persist for months and even be permanent.



Simply put, alveolitis is the suppuration of the hole, which fully reflects the essence of the process. Occurrence alveolitis after tooth extraction - This is mainly the result of the actions of the dentist, which are associated not only with the high invasiveness of the operation, throwing the infectious contents of the carious tooth deep into the hole and leaving the “dry hole” without a normally formed blood clot, but also with insufficient presentation of information to the patient about postoperative care of the hole. In case of violation of the rules of care and hygiene, alveolitis can occur even with a normally performed removal of a wisdom tooth on the lower jaw.

A rather serious problem that sometimes occurs after the removal of teeth is alveolitis, an inflammation of the walls of the hole.

Inflammation of the hole is usually accompanied by pain, fever, difficulty chewing on the side of the removal, putrid odor from the mouth, as well as a slight swelling of the face. If the disease remains untreated or the treatment is incorrect, then limited osteomyelitis can develop at the site of the removed lower wisdom tooth, which causes impaired mouth opening and increased swelling of the gums and cheeks.

Complications of the alveolitis can also be life-threatening abscess, phlegmon and lymphadenitis. If you experience anxiety symptoms, you should consult a doctor as home remedies are almost always ineffective.


Summing up, it should be said that in spite of a certain difficulty in removing a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw and the attendant risks, it will be wrong to refuse surgery if there are indications. Help the doctor in such situations is really necessary.

If you happened to experience all the "charms" of the removal of the lower wisdom tooth on your own experience - be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page!


An interesting video about the teeth of wisdom and the problems to which they can lead ...


And this is, in fact, the removal of a wisdom tooth, partially hidden under the gum.



To the entry "Removal of a wisdom tooth located on the lower jaw" 227 comments
  1. Olga:

    As for me, it's easier to give birth than to endure such pain!

    • Marina:

      My friend, a surgeon, curing and removing his teeth, said once, seeing my tears and moans: “You need to give birth, then you will stop being afraid” - as I looked into the water, after a while I gave birth. During childbirth, I thought that it was better to immediately remove 10 teeth without anesthesia. But when again after a while I came to the dentist, I thought that it was better to give birth)) Something is somehow relative. Now, for the 4th day, I suffer severe pain in the lower jaw after removing 8, swelling is still small, but I am sitting on ketanol. After 2 days to the surgeon, I was shaking, he broke the root during the removal, picked it for half an hour, removing the fragments, the result was a crunch the same as if the root was broken. He said that the one in the roots of a healthy tooth was lost, now it seems that he broke in a healthy one, looking for that one.In general, terrified, I did not take a picture, the abscess was already once, when the upper one was removed from the same side. Under general anesthesia, they would cut them, they would have said two more days - and to the forefathers ... It was scary ((

      • Anastasia:

        What is it all over with you? Itself today eight from the bottom removed ... Hell's pain (

      • Alexandra:

        Marina, tell me, did you perform a tooth extraction operation under general anesthesia? And after that such consequences?

    • Nellie:

      I'm suffering for the 7th day after removing the bottom 8-ki. This is tin, I want to eat normally!

  2. Kristina:

    Here the tooth is removed, anesthesia is going away. I drank Ketorol, I read, it became scary ...

  3. Jeanne:

    24 hours ago, the lower one was removed, it was terribly painful to swallow, as with sore throat, severe edema.

  4. Anonymous:

    And 2 hours ago I had a wisdom tooth removed. There is a nymph with a small admixture of blood, drool full mouth, constantly spitting into the sink. And anesthesia has not yet passed. This is normal? The elder brother (he is studying to be a doctor, the intern is different) insists that everything will pass, that everything is going as it should. Is he right?

  5. Tatyana:

    The worst option: wisdom teeth on the lower jaw, lying horizontally, deep in the bone,crown abutting on the roots of adjacent teeth. This is just my case. Removed 1.5 hours. There was no pain either during or after the operation. Fearfully? Yes! Painfully? Not! Cheek swelling + bruise. It is unpleasant, but inevitable with a complex operation. The first day was painful to swallow. Everything passes? and this will pass)) The seams have healed, the swelling has subsided, problems with one tooth have been resolved. Stayed second.

    • Julia:

      Looks like my case. But since he was not ill, he was removed according to orthodontic reasons, more or less safely. It is only inconvenient to clean the hole (hole) left after the removal of the 8th submerged tooth. Each time after taking food, the remains are clogged in it and are hardly wiped out and rinsed out. The doctor says that this hole should be completely overgrown, only when it is not known))

    • Anonymous:

      Tatiana, tell me, how was the tooth loosened, or was it just taken out of the gum? Gums sewn up? Do not hurt? The neighboring tooth (against which the wisdom tooth rested) did not hurt?

      I have the same trouble as you have described.

      • Svetlana:

        A week ago, deleted 8-ku, resting on the root of 7-ki. Removal is difficult. I went to delete, knowing that sooner or later I still have to.The surgeon made an incision, drilled a drill with a hammer, pulled a hammer along the bit, pulled out a tooth, put stitches on it. 20 minutes, probably, everything lasted. I will not say that it is very scary, but unpleasant. Anesthesia is strong. Recommendations after: apply cold every 2 hours for 10 minutes, chlorhexidine baths after each meal, injections intramuscularly "moval" 1 time per day for 5 days (because she refused to drink the antibiotic), it is anti-inflammatory and analgesic. There was no severe pain after the end of the anesthesia, it was a little painful to swallow. There was no swelling of the cheek at all (the cold was given right after removal), well, if only very little and imperceptibly. The wound whines sometimes, especially when you go to bed (apparently, the blood rushes to your head; I find a comfortable position so as not to ache, and everything is fine). In principle, everything is good, there are discomfort where there is a wound, but without complications. Stitches removed after 10 days. The surgeon is good, I put implants on him 6-7 years ago. Good luck to you.

    • Anonymous:

      Hello! I have the same story, sprouted 8 in the jaw and in the direction of the root, crowning the next tooth ... (((The operation lasted 2 hours, the surgeon already wanted to break the jaw, because it is unclear why it sprouted right in it. And loosening was terrible difficult. For a long time the surgeon was tormented, and I was horrified when the hammers and screwdrivers went into action ... Horror.

      Today is day 6 after surgery. I was operated on with fibrin - it helps blood coagulate quickly, they close the cavity after surgery. After the operation, of course, it departed. Even his shoulders were sore, his collarbone, his hands were shaking, his face was swollen 2 times, his mouth could not be opened, it was painful to swallow. But, in principle, tolerated. I was prescribed droppers for two days and antibiotics for 5 days. Three more such teeth ... ((I don’t know if I dare.

      In general, I wanted to ask. Please tell me: I have 6 days, the swelling is asleep (a little left), it does not hurt to swallow, I already feel the strings. But the main thing that worries me is that I cannot fully open my mouth. My doctor told me on the 5th day that I need to develop the muscle now, otherwise it will atrophy and will have to stretch and tear it. I can not stand ... Tomorrow to go to remove the seams, but my mouth really does not open. Tell me, did you have it? Thank you in advance! I worry so much and I think that it is only 6 days, that it is too early to pull them, and it hurts ...

      • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

        Hello! I do not think that the rush in this matter will bring positive results. Gradually develop the lower jaw - that is the main task at the moment.About the forced expansion of the jaws: I have a different opinion on this issue, and I think that this will not happen.

        It seems to me that you need to master the basics of maxillofacial gymnastics in order to quickly arrive at a result. The principle can be found on the Internet (or in the literature on dentistry), but it is advisable to coordinate exercises with a dentist, you can even with another specialist.

        • Kseniya:

          I had a similar situation with a bad opening of the jaw ... It has been 2 months since I deleted it. I can only now feel that the mouth opens, as before.

    • Tatyana:

      Tatiana, the situation is one on one with yours, but I did not have pain on the first day. Swelling of the cheeks and bruise were. Today is the 4th day after removal, there is a slight swelling and a small yellow-green bruise. By the way, I also deleted 1.5 hours.

      Everything is not so scary, the main thing - good anesthesia and follow all instructions of the doctor.

    • Anonymous:

      Tell in detail what “no pain” means? I am a dental surgeon said that it is necessary to cut the jaw and tooth.

  6. Marseilles:

    Removed yesterday wisdom tooth. Forty minutes were removed in small fragments.The next day at lunchtime, the temperature rose to 38 degrees, and now it still does not subside.

  7. Svetlana:

    Just removed the eight right. The whole procedure took an hour. Tooth hollowed and got parts. Hope nothing is left. Now the pain is felt, a bruise with all the cheek.

  8. Anna:

    I, too, today tried to remove the horizontally lying figure eight, but they didn’t break up the rest; they sewed up the rest. And the second one didn’t even come out, in the gum lies horizontally and props up the neighbor, I'm afraid to imagine how to remove it, with the first tin ...

  9. Katya:

    I read and envy those who have done so well. I had surgery quickly, about 40 minutes. The problem was in the horizontally lying tooth on the right. He crowned against the neck of the 7th tooth. Tried to cut through the year 3. But the last time was simply unbearable to endure. I went to remove ... I got the gum on the side and on top of it, they dug it with a hammer, sawed the gum itself in order to save the 7th tooth. In the end, 10 days passed, antibiotics were dripping, antibiotics were drinking, 2 droppers a day, I was taking painkillers every night, my jaw ached terribly, I rinsed 10 times a day.The suture was removed, but the lateral incision heals very poorly. Nothing more painful and painful not experienced. Childbirth, for me, is less painful and painful.

    • Victoria:

      I agree with you completely. After removing the bottom 8, the pain does not go away for a month. They said they touched a nerve. Now prescribed physio and neuromultivitis to restore the nerve roots. Already 3 weeks on painkillers. I am terrified.

      • Yuliya:

        And I agree. The removal itself can still be experienced, but how long everything heals. I also had a nerve touched, almost 4 months have passed, my tongue becomes numb and burns constantly. Than just not been treated already ...

      • Anonymous:

        The same story ... It seems that the nerve was also damaged, it hurts terribly, it shoots at the top 8, then gives it to the ear, and the head is terribly nagging. Analgesics fly away in batches.

  10. Egor:

    At 13:30 the lower 8-ku was removed, now it is 22:30, blood is still visible in the saliva, I hope this is not a sign of complications. The pain is present, but everything is tolerable. I wish you all well to cope with the consequences of removal! Well, for some reason, nature has conceived such problems with 8-kami ...)

    • Eugene:

      A blood clot inside the cavity is by no means a bad thing and not a complication.The first few days after removal of this blood clot protects the cavity of the hole from bacteria. Do not remove it in any case, otherwise then a complication can occur. Later clot grows into the hole. Full overgrowth of the hole sometimes takes up to several months, depending on the age and rate of tissue regeneration in the patient.

  11. Alyona:

    I am a doctor myself. Passed through it. Removed all 4 wisdom teeth (2 in the upper jaw, 2 in the lower) due to improper bite on the recommendation of the orthodontist. Removal was performed under local anesthesia, and a small amount of general anesthesia was administered to relax. Passed removal in the operating room. The rehabilitation period was 7 days. In the first 3 days it is very difficult due to swelling, pain and excessive saliva flow. For the first time, the seams were classic, and the second time, by coincidence, I did before the New Year, because there were holidays and festive atmosphere, self-absorptive stitches were put to me. This is not as wonderful as it seemed to me. They dissolve for a long time, a month has already passed, and I still have unpleasant sensations in my mouth, annoying tips of thread (like a fishing line) that interfere with and are felt in the mouth.The procedure is really not an easy one. I was helped by the desire for a beautiful and healthy jaw, a smile. Thanks to the experience of the surgeon and his professionalism, there are no complications. In this matter, you need to be very careful, carefully select a doctor to remove teeth, because Negligence can lead to serious consequences.

  12. Alyona:

    And my advice for those who want to heal quickly is to rinse your mouth with furatsilina solution, chlorhydroxidine (0.05%). Rinse with salt and soda, potassium permanganate (diluted to a bright pink color; most importantly, do not overdo it, so that there is no irritation of the oral cavity). The most important thing is that the mouth should be clean; after eating, you should immediately brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with the above means in order to speed healing. I would be glad if someone helped with the advice.

    • Anonymous:

      As far as I know, you can not rinse your mouth for at least a week after removal so that the blood clot remains in place. So your advice is not the topic.

      • Glory:

        Right! Everywhere they write, and the doctor told me - in no case should wash out the blood clot. He is a protection against infections and a guarantee of healing.Such polzkalschiki then with a white coating on the wound go and do not heal for a long time. And the fact that it is uncomfortable and odor - you can endure, not every day the teeth are removed. And the other teeth in a few days without thorough cleaning will not deteriorate, caries is not a quick process.

        • Svetlana:

          You can not rinse, baths can be done. I put implants more than once and also removed my teeth. The surgeon has always recommended bath chlorhexidine (i.e. not to rinse, but hold in the mouth). I have always done this, my mouth is clean, even a plaque on my teeth does not form, although you do not clean your teeth for several days. All without complications always.

    • Anonymous:

      Who can help with this advice. Can not rinse!

      • Alina:

        The doctor told me that he stitched the wound tightly, so do not be afraid to rinse heavily.

  13. Victoria:

    Yesterday I removed 2 wisdom teeth, above and below, according to the recommendation of the orthodontist. By the evening, after the anesthesia had gone, pain appeared, but tolerable, but I drank the nurofen. Spat blood all evening and night. This morning, the pain is less, it pulls more than it hurts, I sit without anesthetic. The blood in the saliva is almost over. Only a slightly swollen cheek and mouth can not open wide.I take antibiotics on the recommendation of a doctor and rinse my mouth with Miramistin's solution. Many friends said that after the removal of the tooth is scary and painful, most likely, everything depends on the specific situation. Therefore, do not be afraid if someone has a very bad pain, it does not mean that you will have the same.

  14. Anonymous:

    ALYONA, it's scary to imagine which one of you is a doctor - you will advise here. Rinse your mouth in any case NOT! Oral baths can and should be done, i.e. take chlorhexidine, or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, or furatsilin in your mouth, and hold the extracted tooth on the side of the hole. And sedation, which was applied in your case, has no relation to general anesthesia - call things by their proper names.

    • Svetlana:

      Agree with you! And everyone advises to rinse! In no case, the dentist told me not to rinse or suck the clot out of the hole, since it is reborn in bone tissue. On the second day I had already forgotten that in general I had deleted my eight.

    • Anonymous:

      In the US, all surgeons advise rinsing from 24 hours after surgery, but carefully and for some reason only with saline solution (although there are plenty of rinses). And brush your teeth too.My daughter was removed all 4 wisdom teeth a month ago, under general anesthesia - the case is complicated, all the teeth are still in the bone and horizontally, the nerve is very close, on the one hand the nerve between the roots ... The swelling was big, the pain. Everything went through the week. The first 48 hours the ice was applied, slept reclining. Now the only problem - the sensitivity at one point in the chin has not yet returned. But we knew that she had a high risk of such a complication - in Russia, the surgeon in the “cool” center refused to remove it for that reason. But we decided, however, we decided to do at home, found a good center for maxillofacial surgery, according to the surgeon, everything went fine. Therefore, we hope that paresthesia will pass soon. But now there are no those maxillary headaches that tormented my daughter because of the teeth pressing on the nerve. All health!

      • Alexandra:

        Good day! Tell me, how long was the removal under general anesthesia?

        • Peter:

          Removal lasted 15-20 minutes. Lucky. Without stitches and bleeding. On the 3rd day a little more whines. Expecting the worst. But you need to delete. On the second day I ate dumplings. I rinse with rotocan.

  15. Anastasia:

    The day before yesterday I removed it in the upper jaw on the left - easily and quickly, without consequences. Today is the bottom. Long, anxious. The tooth has crumbled. The doctor wielded a drill.Pulled out. Cheek swollen, swallow hurts. I came home, pulled out a tampon, and on it a tiny splinter, now I worry horror as. Tomorrow see a doctor. Of the appointments - cold, antibiotics, anti-allergic. Anesthesia has not yet been drunk, probably, anesthesia is working for now.

  16. Tatyana:

    The night before yesterday, two wisdom teeth were removed, there is no particular pain. But the worst thing is that the temperature drives 39 and below 37.5 does not fall, and jumps like an abnormal one, I can’t sleep the second night. Of course, I was warned that the temperature could rise, but that so much.

  17. Veronica:

    I have an 8 tooth grown unnoticed by me. He began to interfere, then broke off a little. I went to the clinic, they said that it was necessary to delete, because they are not treated. Thank God everything went well.

  18. Gerda:

    It just so happened that in my 23 years old, I got out all 4 wisdom teeth, I don’t understand what it is for me ... The lower right tooth began to crumble, caries appeared, a hole. I went to the dentist: one doctor said that access is good, no need to remove, it can be cured. Since she started her mouth, treated other teeth, got to another dentist - she said, looking at my wise tooth, that access is also bad, there is no point in treating it, it is not needed, remove it.By this time, the hole had turned into a hole, in which everything that got into my mouth got stuck, and at night the whole jaw sometimes hurt.

    I decided not to pull so that there was a hole to the nerves and that (pah-pah) I could not reach the inflammation. Krepanulsya, gathered strength, signed up for removal. Yesterday removed the lower wisdom tooth on the right. In front of the office I almost fainted, sat shaking, because I read all the horrors on the Internet. History was going to my head, and that they would cut the gum, sew it up, crush the bone, and divide the tooth into 4 parts ...

    I went, smiling hysterically, into the office, sent for an x-ray. She came back to the office, asked for paid anesthesia - they put the “ultracain” on. It took about 6 minutes, they called me back, put me in a chair, the surgeon stood behind me, picked up some instrument that resembled a curly screwdriver, I felt not pain, but such pressure on the bone. I just wanted to squint my eyes, so he climbed into his mouth with his second hand and took out my huge whole wisdom tooth, with huge roots and a huge one, in which he was still in my mouth, everything was stuck)

    I was surprised, said: “Is that all?”, He said: “If I still need it, I can!”. In general, the tooth I removed it for 40 seconds, I was happy to go for a repeat x-ray.After they said that everything is fine, do not be ill, get well, gave a memo, told to buy Nimesil at the pharmacy and drink it upon arrival home. I bought Nimesil, drank it right away, took a piece of meat out of the freezer, put it to my cheek and sat waiting for the pain after removal, which was described so violently on the Internet. Anesthesia is gone, the pain did not appear. She slept at night on all sides of her face, woke up in the morning, went to the mirror: no pain, no swelling, now I'm going to eat))

    I don’t know, I don’t want to sin on the Internet with its hellish and intimidating stories - apparently everyone has everything individually. When I got up from the chair, I looked at my tooth in the bath, its roots were wide and plump, but even. Apparently, this is why everything went without any complications, and I think that the surgeon came across who knows his business.

    In general, what I am leading to: people, do not tighten up with the removal, do not be afraid in any case, for everyone everything goes individually. All articles that are written on the Internet, written in general terms, do not take it all on yourself. Make an x-ray and the surgeon will assess your whole situation, make it right. It is better to suffer a bit than to kill your stomach with painkillers in the expectation that the wisdom tooth by a miracle will stop hurting and disturb you, do not aggravate) Good and healthy smiles to everyone!

    • Anonymous:


    • Svetlana:

      Tell me, what city are you from? And in what clinic, which doctor was removed? I also want everything to go so well.

    • Anonymous:

      Gerd, of course everything is so, it’s just worth clarifying and clarifying: your tooth has already grown, so everything turned out so easily and quickly. But! If the tooth is still under the gum, or just started to erupt, it’s not so easy to get off 100% gum will be cut, and then another and pull out a long time (bottom exactly), so your encouraging comment can reassure only those whose teeth have already grown or almost grown. The rest can only wish courage and bravery! ))

    • Lyudmila:

      Totally agree with you. My story is almost like you had. The wisdom tooth from below did not hurt, but after breaking off a piece, she ran to the hospital for treatment. The doctor drilled him well and sent him for an x-ray. Then she said that it is better to remove it. Sent to the surgeon. The surgeon looked and said that the removal would be very difficult and long and that I would come on another day and in the morning. I was afraid to go for a week. Then I gathered and went. Asked at the reception to another and experienced surgeon. I came. Made at my request, import frozen.Sasad the female surgeon tried to shake him, then knocked three times with a chisel and pulled out in parts. No pain at all. It took about 30 minutes to remove. They put some medicine in my wound, prescribed antibiotics for five days in combination with anti-allergic and anesthetics. She left the hospital contentedly. For three days I still felt after an uncomfortable condition in my mouth. For two weeks I felt all my teeth - they ached. Now everything is fine.

      I forgot to say that after the removal I had an ice compress applied and therefore there was no swelling of the cheeks and bruise.

  19. Oksana:

    Today already removed 3 wisdom tooth. Everything goes well. I advise you to adhere to the rules: be sure to eat before a micro-operation (in an hour). After removal, be sure to apply a cold (swelling will be small). Do not drink or eat for 2 hours. In case of severe pain, drink painkillers. After 2-3 hours, eat. Only not solid, cold and hot food - it is impossible. I do not advise rinsing, it is possible to wash off the clot formed after removal. Avoid hot baths, drafts and hypothermia. Try to sleep and talk less. In no case do not attach hot! Try not to lie on the side where the removal was.Try to stop drinking and smoking! And be sure to go for a second appointment with a doctor. In general, with proper care, healing takes 2–3 days. Spend some time with yourself and everything will be fine!

  20. Andrew:

    The eighth and seventh teeth were removed in one fell swoop because of the uselessness and impossibility of their treatment. The doctor, a professional, a specialist, removed both teeth for two minutes, there was no pain, so there was an unpleasant sensation due to pressure on the shoulder and in the jaw, although the roots had frills. According to the recommendation, I ate three hours after removal, it was impossible to rinse. Four hours after removal, the gum (jaw) began to ache, Nise drank, the pain disappeared. Went to bed, slept through the night without problems, got up in the morning, does not hurt. Already the second day, the consequences of removal are discomfort in the area of ​​removal, the absence of two huge teeth. What will happen next, I do not know, wait. Hope I'm lucky!

  21. Anna:

    Removed 2 weeks ago, a wisdom tooth at the bottom, easy to remove, the tooth was with one long root, like a carrot. They inserted a turunda with medicine, three days later they pulled it out, said the doctor that everything is fine, to rinse with infusions of herbs.The first week was very painful, she lived on ketorol, she carried out all the recommendations of the doctor. For the second week, the blood just a bit was dripping and oozing, and the taste of blood in the mouth was felt. After 2 weeks I went to the doctor, they said it was necessary to come earlier, washed the hole, put the tooth in the tooth again, and after two days came up. The tooth hurts, antibiotics are not prescribed. How much more to endure, I do not know.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Anna! At first glance, it is clearly about the alveolitis, that is, purulent inflammation of the hole. This drug therapy seems to me not well-off. It is important to take pictures and determine whether there are any provoking factors: fragments of roots, sharp jaw edges, etc. If it turns out that everything is clean, then the principle of treatment should be changed: stop placing turunds with medicine, and make an accurate curettage of the hole, form a blood clot and (if indicated) stitches, reducing the wound “in size”.

      2 weeks of pain is definitely not the norm. My personal advice: go to another clinic and find out the true causes of the problem with healing. If the doctor’s tactics are still within the framework of the formation of a clot and without turunds, and the amount in the hole - it would be nice.

      I can not say that it would be great for the dentist to check the seventh tooth next to the wisdom tooth removed for the presence of a carious cavity and (or) inflammation of the “nerve”. Do not look for a link between the removal and the problem with the remaining tooth, it can be an independent cause of pain, although rarely in terms of coincidence.

  22. Tatyana:

    Removed 8-ku on the lower jaw bottom. Tortured for 15-20 minutes. It would be better to give birth again! 5 days have passed. There is no tumor and the temperature is normal, but the entire left side hurts, the pain gives to the temple, gland, ear and back of the head, as during migraine. Mouth can not fully open. The first two days were put in the hole a piece of bandage with yellow pieces of medicine.

    • Anonymous:

      Yesterday I removed the lower wisdom tooth on the left. Edema still subsides. It hurts to swallow and the temperature is 37. Is this normal?

      • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

        Hello! Edema, depending on the initial “size”, can go off for several days - this is normal. Sometimes it really hurts to swallow, it is quite typical for removal of the lower teeth. You also had to write that it hurts you to open your mouth, because in the area where the lower wisdom tooth is, such tissue features.

        Temperature 37 is a consequence of the local inflammatory process on the background of removal, the normal reaction of the body to the "wound". Especially since you, as I understood it, already had puffiness in the dentist’s chair.

        In general, in the course of healing of the holes after the removal of the lower wisdom teeth, absentee consultations are a risky undertaking, since it is better to examine everything carefully for the condition of the wound, surrounding tissues, jaw, lymph nodes, etc., up to a blood test. So the best thing is to get at least one live control consultation from your doctor - and you’re sure to sleep well.

  23. Helena:

    Everything that is written in this article is about me! I survived (almost), removed 1 wisdom tooth on the lower jaw - everything healed successfully, and then after 10 days on the other side 2 teeth immediately, on top and then on the bottom. Removal lasted for 1.5 hours ... It was a nightmare ((There was no large bruise, cheek was swollen, but not terribly, but the nerve was damaged and now I don’t feel half my tongue, chin, and lips. The pain in the chin area is terrible, but not constant I wait until it passes (2 weeks already. Saw painkillers and antibiotics.

    • Anonymous:

      Hello.Could you tell me if your tongue is numb? I also had a surgery a week ago, but I don’t feel half the tongue. Milgamma for 10 days was prescribed to prick. Only here I am very worried, but suddenly it will not pass at all. On the Internet, they write about it that it is scary to read that the numbness of the language has not passed over the years.

  24. Yana:

    A week after the removal of the lower left eighth tooth, I saw ibuprom, helped literally for 2 hours. I constantly heard the smell of pus, shot in the ear, ached under my jaw, thought it would never end. But after 2 weeks the pain stopped, the pus disappeared. And the migraine that tormented me for many years only slightly reminds me of myself. So all good luck and patience!

  25. Dmitriy:

    16 days ago removed the bottom 8-ku. Before that, the gum was ill there, as it seemed to me. On examination, the cervical caries was not immediately noticed at 8 and recommended to be removed. Removed the next day without any problems. The tooth came out well, had three roots, put a seam. However, five days after this, the pain was severe all over the jaw to the front lower ones, there was a taste of pus. Peel Analgin and Nise. Striped chlorhexidine.

    Came to the doctor.He removed the suture and said that everything was fine, but I mixed up the taste of pus and the pus itself with medicine (?). The next day, in the morning I spat out, as I now understand, a clot that fell out of the hole at night. In the next 4 days the pain increased and began to give to the temple, headache, there was a weakness. Came to the nearest doctor, not a surgeon. She diagnosed alveolitis, took a picture, said that the gum was clean, held curettage, put a bandage (?).

    The pain in the area of ​​the hole subsided, but pain began to appear under the cheek (lymph nodes?) And not strong pain in the gums to the front lower teeth. Also drew attention to tachycardia. At times around 4-5 in the chin, there is a feeling of chill, as at the beginning of anesthesia and after, when the frost comes off. The pain in the hole has stopped, painkillers no longer drink. Three days later the bandage fell out, it smelled of rotten teeth, there was a smell and taste of pus. All this time, weakness and tachycardia remained. Again came to the surgeon. He performed curettage again with the formation of a new clot. It became better, but the tachycardia was gone only the next day and the pressure jumped. I go in for sports, follow the pulse and pay attention to my condition, and pressure is something unexpected for me. I had to get my mother's tonometer!

    Temperature never for all time was not.Nothing swelled or swollen. Gums pink, normal. Today is the third day after the last curettage. For the first time normal health, energy. But here some kind of wandering on the lower gum, pains appear and disappear in the region of 4-2. There is also pain under the cheekbone in the region of 4 (lymph node?), A feeling of chill in the chin and lip there. I usually have these feelings at the beginning when they give an injection for the treatment of the lower 7-8, and when the anesthesia finishes. Bitter taste in the mouth anyway. Hope this is a smack of chlorhexidine. It bothers. The doctor says that this is not related to removal. And what is the reason?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Dmitry! “The sensation of chill” or numbness is the result of curettage, but the doctor’s fault is minimal. The fact is that in order to relieve the patient from the torment, sometimes a deep curettage of the wound is required: you never know, a granuloma has suddenly remained - it gave an inflammatory process. Deep curettage either caused minor damage to the mandibular nerve itself, or it is a hematoma effect that squeezed the nerve a little.

      After the dental implantation procedure in the lower jaw, experienced implantologists warnthat for some time, due to the penetration of blood through the bone marrow spaces, a temporary numbness of the jaw will occur due to compression of the nerve. It lasts an average of 1-2 weeks, sometimes more.
      Bitter taste is the result of drug treatment of the hole. The hole could "soak" drugs, and psychologically you are extremely listening to their condition.

      I think that you can consult with the district therapist about the general condition, and with the dentist about the hole, but in general terms: the dynamics are positive, and numbness and "taste" is a matter of time. I think that you yourself will not notice how your state will return to normal, and you will return to normal life (if you have not already returned). I wish you a speedy solution to all problems!

  26. Louise:

    Today removed the lower wisdom tooth on the right. It was not at all painful. But as the anesthesia went away, it was some kind of nightmare. Only now I felt that I had a broken cheek, my gum was stitched up next door and a hole ... I cannot eat or drink. I do not know what will happen next.

  27. Sergei:

    04.28.2016removed the bottom 8, which lay. The procedure took about an hour. They cut the gum, engaged the drill, took out parts. An antibiotic and rinsing with furatsilinom with salt and nimid were prescribed. For the next 2 days there was a temperature of 37.8, a cheek was swollen. The pain is such that you can climb on the wall, save ketanov and nimesil. Today, there was no temperature for 3 days, but the pain remained in the mouth and the taste of pus from the hole. I looked in the mirror - I don’t know why, but the gum on one side is white, even yellowish. The pain does not pass. There are still 2 Easter days ahead. I do not know what to do.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Sergey! I think that such a violent reaction was the result of a great injury: damage to the edges of the wound, great bone loss, leaving fragments and, possibly, a violation of the formation of a good blood clot. In the future, the body began to cope with this situation (especially with the help of medicines). The pain in the hole with such a removal may persist for a long time, but this is not a reason to think about the alveolitis. Alveolitis proceeds, nevertheless, almost always acutely, that is, there are many signs that allow him to diagnose.If you have an acute reaction, you should definitely contact the duty dentist-surgeon for the treatment of alveolitis. From your words, there are no such signs now. If you suspect something else (there is a distrust of the doctor: everything is deleted or not), you can immediately go to the dentist, but this will not be interpreted as an emergency, although the doctor is obliged to take you in any case. Health to you!

  28. Helena:

    Removed the horizontal bottom eight. Everything went without complications. But I recently noticed discomfort in the gums at the site of the extracted tooth. The gums reddened a little and felt to the touch like a corner of a bone that broke through the gum. What could it be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that we are talking about the sharp edge of the bone in the hole, or exostosis. In the removal process, a traumatic intervention occurs that affects the bone tissue. Sometimes after making a wound, mistakes are made related to leaving the sharp edges of the bone, therefore, as the gum heals, this bone begins to be felt. I think that it is advisable to contact your doctor in order to correct the “growth” under anesthesia.Otherwise, it will take a long time to endure an atypical healing hole. After all, bone tissue can “dissolve” for a long time - from 6 months to a year.

      • Helena:

        Thank. “Bone tissue can dissolve long enough ...” - is there a chance that it can go away by itself?

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello, Elena! Here you are so courageously hooked on the hope not to go to the doctor and once again not to bother him "for nothing." If a fragment of the alveoli was left, then often it is “removed” by itself, without the help of a doctor. True, until this last moment can interfere for a long time.

          If we are talking about a sharp bone that has not been polished, and the gum now simply does not cover it, then the likelihood that the gum will still tighten this imperfection is, by itself, there. Moreover, at the end of the dentition there are a lot of folds and a good thickness of tissues to solve this problem.

          It seems to me that you, Elena, want me, not seeing you in the dentist's chair, to be blessed to wait for the weather by the sea and hope for the best. I can say that the incredible cases of painless destruction of the teeth to the root and almost their independent loss is exactlyas many options as possible due to spilled edema from a sick tooth on the operating table. That is, rarely, but aptly. It's just that there is a small one, but the likelihood that if I tell you now that you don’t have to go anywhere and just wait until the gum covers something sharp in the hole, then in a couple of months I can be a charlatan in your face. Even the probability of this is only 1-5%.

  29. Anna:

    A week ago, removed the bottom eight. And now I suffer a week. Terrible pains in the gums and in the adjacent teeth. The mouth practically does not open. I drink painkillers, rinse with warm water and soda. Today, it seems, it became easier, at night I even slept. When this horror is over.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that it is worth contacting a dentist for advice (preferably to the treating person), since the torment may be associated with a violation of a blood clot. As a result, alveolitis or suppuration of the well formed, which causes pain. In any case, the doctor, based on the state of the wound, will adjust the prescription, and the healing process should already be more comfortable.

  30. Diana:

    Hello! I want to share my feelings after the removal of the 8th lower wisdom tooth ... Today is exactly a week after the removal, and I am getting worse and worse. The pains are hellish, I sit on painkillers, and there's little sense. Sore jaw, ear, throat. The chin, part of the cheek, and lower teeth became numb. He had a doctor after removal, said that these complications are connected with the fact that the nerve was touched during the removal, and the hole itself heals normally.

    The most interesting thing is that you still need to delete the upper right, but I think I will not soon decide on such torture ...

  31. Elmira:

    It seems when you read that everything is so easy and not so painful. The first wisdom tooth came out on top in 15 years, and then all the rest. The most interesting thing started when the last (fourth) came out, the first wisdom tooth began to crumble - it had to be removed. After 1.5 years - second from the top! After 2 years - lower right. Two injections, cut into grit scraps, day of hunger! Four days ago, I went to a doctor, because the pain became unbearable, which came to be on the May weekend. At first it seemed that his ear was inflamed. She began to heal, does not pass, and then sharply the whole jaw began to ache like hell.On the X-ray, we saw the inflammation of that ill-fated Eight on the left, we must urgently remove it! And it began. Two shots, the doctor started the operation, the tooth crumbles, the roots do not give in to forceps, the drill went! Drill a little, pull out the root a little, cut the gum and re-drill, and so 1.5 hours! All the nippers and forceps that were in the dentist’s office were in my mouth. One of the roots is embedded in the lower jaw and is shaped like a saxophone. How much effort he put in, I can’t say for sure, but as a result: a torn lip, a split tooth split on both sides, sprained jaw ligaments, gum debris and a numb lower jaw sensation because the nerve nerve is hurt. The result is deplorable, I tell you.

  32. Igor:

    05/14/2016 removed the bottom eight. Made a double anesthesia, as one did not take. At first they shook the tooth, but he did not climb out. I had to pull the forceps and he went out. The pain was not felt. The doctor said the day did not rinse your mouth, and then with a solution of soda and salt. Anesthesia began to withdraw after 8 hours. The jaw began to hurt. Drunk nayz, 12 hours lived quietly. Then again pain, temperature 37.5 C. It is impossible to sleep, drank the tempalgin and fell asleep.After 12 hours again, the pain, drank niz and calmly work. The hole in place of the tooth is white. When the pain goes away - I do not know. While I drink painkillers.

  33. Anastasia:

    I read here the comments ... Horror one. We need to go to the doctor tomorrow, remove the bottom 8-ku. Very afraid of complications.

  34. Dmitry:

    Good day. 05/26/16 removed the bottom 8, located in the bone rags. The surgeon somehow pulled him from the side, the operation lasted 1 hour, took the top of the tooth, but could not root, he said, everything will be in order. At the end of the operation, of course, it was sick, I saw on the face of the nurse that I had horror in my mouth there. Poured the medicine into the wound, stitched. For three days I no longer eat, only I drink tea, my cheek and lymph node are swollen, the temperature does not rise above 37.5. From myself I will say: before you go, choose a good surgeon! With the roots now the dilemma: if removed, then under general anesthesia, which I really do not want.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Dmitry! If the surgeon didn’t remove the roots as a result, then it can end badly. Take a picture of the hole to control the quality of tooth extraction and consult a professional oral and maxillofacial surgeon.I am sure that to complete this operation correctly is within the power of a good specialist. Since if your words “recorded correctly”, then neither leaving the roots, nor pain during the operation, nor excessive invasiveness of the intervention are not signs of professional work. I can say that anesthesia in your case is an extreme option. I do not think that you do not want to control the situation. And anesthesia will not give such an opportunity and is fraught with risks. Judging by you, you know how to soberly assess the situation, so you simply should find a surgeon who is popular in your area, and he does removal of any complexity. Just rely not on indiscriminate advertising, but on sound reviews: better than friends, relatives and close acquaintances.

  35. Anastasia:

    Hello! They removed the bottom 8-ku, lay sideways in the gum, resting on the 7-ku. The operation lasted about an hour, the roots crumbled - removed in parts. At the end of the stitches. They prescribed to drink the antibiotic Amoxiclav 2 times a day, anesthetize Nise 2 times a day and apply Solcoseryl paste after meals. Immediately on the first day, the cheek was swollen, but there was not much pain, it was mild, and the mouth did not open well.Not the blood, but after the first attempt to put Pasta Solcoseryl on the seams - it began to bleed, it was smeared with pasta, it seemed to stop. But she decided not to smear paste anymore, being afraid of damaging the seams. The next day, her cheek was swollen stronger, no blood, there was no pain - she began to ache a little only towards evening. On the third day, the swelling was even stronger (already on the neck went), and began to bleed a little during the day - whether the seams on the side, or from the hole, I do not understand, do not see the hole, it is sewn up, or the mouth doesn’t open. There is no pain inside, sometimes whining, but not for long. More stitches hurt - somehow they prick and prick (the threads are not self-absorbable, normal). I do not know how it will be tomorrow. Why can swelling and bleeding grow? It does not hurt in practice. Should I continue to use the paste Solcoseryl?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If a significant swelling develops, there are pains and suspicions of seam divergence, you should immediately contact your doctor and resolve all points at issue during the examination. As a rule, dentists-surgeons always warn after an atypical removal (especially) that any deviation from the normal healing process is an occasion to be examined by a doctor.

      That is why I do not have the right to cancel you Solcoseryl, but the correction of treatment in this context will be useful for the attending physician according to the results of examination and palpation of the edema. If the doctor cannot stop the consequences of a difficult removal even with an in-person consultation, then it may be necessary to urgently help the maxillofacial surgeon in another clinic, where they deal with the most complex operations and conduct “difficult” patients. I do not scare in advance, but I placed the accents to the maximum.

      • Anastasia:

        Thanks for the answer! He was at the doctor, he said that everything was normal, blood was not from the hole, but mucous. The edema began to disappear, a yellow bruise appeared on his cheek. It has become less bloody, but it bothers that the mouth opens a little, maybe because of the seams.

  36. Vasya:

    Removed the top eight. Formed a hole in the tooth. I thought to treat. Then he remembered that it was necessary to drill, remove the nerve, seal, take pictures. I thought, well, it nafig. Tooth - the most unnecessary, since the bottom is no longer the eight. And deleted. Quickly, without pain. Chick and no.

  37. Peter:

    Hello. Interested in the question: after removing the eight, as an operation,or medications taken (augmentin, nimid, loratadine) can change the blood and urine readings? The operation was on Wednesday, tests need to pass on Monday. And what can be done to quickly normalize the blood test? Thank.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Peter! The listed medications have side effects regarding changes in blood and urine values. As for the operation itself, in 5 days, with normal healing, the wells may return to normal. It is impossible to accelerate the normalization of analyzes taking drugs. However, these drugs may not always spoil the analysis. I think that you should consult with your doctor and correct the test: transfer them to 7-10 days later than the planned date.

  38. Karina:

    I read all kinds of reviews and was afraid like fire. When I came to the surgeon, he said that first the upper and then the lower. The removal of the top has gone away without any side effects. Yesterday, a wisdom tooth was removed in the lower jaw, the procedure is not pleasant (compared to the removal of the upper teeth), but you can live! 2 hours away from anesthesia, it was painful, but tolerable.The next morning my gums do not hurt, the only thing is that my throat hurts and gives a little to my ear. And so everything is very wonderful and not scary)

  39. Kristina:

    This morning has removed a wisdom tooth. The doctor said that the tooth is not light, polyurethinized, growing in the cheek. The pocket over the tooth periodically became inflamed - he sprinkled Miramistin. But after a hygienic cleaning of the teeth, the pocket became inflamed and took the throat and ear with it. I decided that I had enough of these symptoms. She shook in front of the office before removing before fainting)) She knew that I had a good doctor, according to reviews, but I still could not cope with the shaking. The dentist picked the tooth for a long time with a screwdriver, then with forceps, again with a screwdriver, forceps, and so approaches 7-8. I did not hear any crunch (I read that it was a frequent occurrence), but in the process my ear began to ache. And so, woo-ala, my goddess of dentistry pulled him out — he didn’t split, he was small, small. According to recommendations only nayz. I came home, immediately put the frozen stuffing to the cheek. After a couple of hours, the anesthesia began to drift away, I felt how everything was burning inside — the plant slammed — it felt better. The hole is rosy. There is no clot on the hole. I hope that everything will be all right.Very proud of myself now. Well, and his doctor, of course. Choose a good specialist and do not be afraid

  40. Andrew:

    I got the bottom wise tooth removed today - after 2 hours the temperature and chills rose. It lasted all 3 hours - I could not warm up, and then fell asleep, an hour and a half - and the temperature itself was asleep. At first I was scared, but it turned out that this was normal. Now I smile already.

  41. Nataliya:

    Removed the bottom 8-ku right 5 days ago. The tumor passed on the 3rd day. Does not hurt, does not bleed. I was at the doctor on examination - everything is normal. But today, the lips and the floor of the chin are numb. This is normal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that this is the result of a hematoma in the area of ​​tooth extraction, which has spread to the mandibular canal, in which the mandibular nerve passes. As a result, there was his compression and loss of sensitivity. In the event of serious damage to the nerve during surgery, numbness usually occurs almost immediately. Sometimes even with minor injuries, “anesthesia” does not go away after 3 hours, or after 6, or in 5-15 days ...

      Consult your doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

  42. Anonymous:

    Today is the 7th day, as I removed 8 - a difficult operation lasted 60 minutes, the gums were cut, the jaw was cut with a drill, and the tooth was twisted. Finished drinking antibiotics, the seams have not yet been removed. There is no temperature and there was no, the tumor has subsided, but the jaw is very sore at the bottom and the pain passes to the upper jaw and ear on the left side. Pain reliever drink 2-3 tablets per day, enough for 6-8 hours. When will the pain pass? This is creepy.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that alveolitis, as an inflammatory process in the hole, has not yet lost its strength, but there is no point in talking about something serious without first examining the wound surface and the state of healing of the hole. Be sure to consult your dentist for a full-time consultation, as the time-initiated medical therapy for alveolitis improves the condition and also prevents complications. Acute pain is normal on the 4-5 day after the extraction of the tooth should not be exactly. In general, painkillers are not accepted on the second day. In extreme cases, on the third day, almost all surgeon patients do without analgesics. That is why your case should be considered individually in a clinic with a doctor.

  43. Natalia:

    Good evening everyone! A year and a half ago, removed the top 2 wisdom teeth. Everything was ok. The moment of the lower teeth came, (06/26/2016) and here: the doctor looked at them and said, let's start with a lung. But the removal lasted about 20 minutes, 3 roots, two broken off, one quickly got, and the third for so long. Then a tampon, do not drink or eat for 3 hours, pain pills for 2 days, and then everything is fine. After anesthesia, however, you do not feel very well, but it is tolerable ...

    07/12/2016, those after 2 weeks, came to remove the 2nd tooth: an injection, everything was numb, after 5 minutes the tooth was already removed. So I was glad that everything is so wonderful, but no ... The first day was normal, painkillers. On the second day, in the evening, it began: the pain increased to the ear, swelling, heaviness, and during the night the whole jaw became numb and the pain appeared in the hole of the 1st tooth. Temperature 35.5, drink painkillers. In the morning I went to the doctor, treated the hole, put the medicine bottle, processed the laser ... But the pain does not go away. In the evening, swelling, swelling, there is impossible, the entire lower jaw hurts. Eat porridge from a small spoon, warm drink (neither cold nor hot is impossible). Tomorrow is Saturday, there are no doctors. At night I drank Loratadine, to relieve swelling in the throat, swallow not comfortable.

    But in general, somehow better.

    Everyone does not hurt and healthy all the teeth!

  44. Irina:

    How nice that all these comments I read after deleting! Otherwise, she would definitely not have decided. Yesterday removed the bottom eight. She was shaking like a cutsik out of fear. And in the end - freezing lasted more than the removal of a tooth and a cyst. No more than 2 minutes! No appointments. The freeze went away after 5.5 hours, no pain. But today, a little pain and discomfort in the lymph node from the extraction of the tooth. Why? Do I need to worry about this?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that this is a normal reaction of the immune system to a local inflammatory process on the background of a gum injury. However, you should go to the doctor and clarify, so as not to think. If your appointments were issued correct and effective, then further healing will go quite comfortably. Health to you!

  45. Svetlana:

    Pull two years. I waited for the tooth to cut through itself. Lower 8. The pain periodically appeared. The dentist said to wait. I was tormented and waited. Got to another doctor - he said, that's enough, you need to delete, it’s still growing crooked. Got out a little piece.Looked at the prices and upset. But decided not to wait anymore. The surgeon did not do an x-ray. Immediately prick, waited and began to vomit. In general, two hours lasted. And sawed, and cut, and pulled. As a result, of course, the doctor said that a complex tooth. Two roots intertwine, and one horizontally. Fortunately, it was not painful during the procedure. Have made a roentgen, dokolupali. Three stitches - and home. Prescribed Nimesil, an antibiotic and Ketanov. I could not swallow, my cheek was swollen. After a couple of hours I got sick very much. Saw pills. Now it doesn’t hurt so much, the swelling is almost gone. There is a bruise and a very slimy sore, seams are taken apart. But I am very glad that I did it, and I will not suffer. Do not be afraid. It is necessary to suffer a little and all. But then live in peace.

  46. Tatyana:

    And I could not remove the top 8-ku. The doctor picked up, could not grab the forceps, said: wait until he grows bigger. The tooth itself, it seems, hurts less, and the cheek is swollen, some kind of induration seems to be in it. By evening it becomes hot and sore. Tomorrow I'll go to another doctor. I'm afraid scary.

  47. Yuliya:

    Today, the lower wisdom tooth was removed, 40 minutes ... Anesthesia departed terribly. The doctor prescribed nimesil with severe pain.At first, the pain only slightly diminished, although it was possible to endure. Then calmed down. Here, I'm afraid of nightfall, how to survive. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, and until the pain goes away, go for dressings.

  48. Marina:

    And three days ago I deleted the bottom eight. There was caries, and she was leaning back on the seven of the seven, and there was an unhealing wound on her cheek. Afraid awfully after reading the reviews in the internet. The doctor said that the tooth is complex. I prepared for the worst. Here the injection, just sat, the doctor says, open your mouth, something there crunch and that's it. Seconds 30. I was even surprised. And this is a free clinic. And in the paid for this tooth 3500 was asked, they said, it is difficult and long, but we will remove it. And then 30 seconds and I'm happy.

  49. Tatyana:

    I have a wisdom tooth removed, upper left. The tooth erupted completely and began to grow in the cheek, in connection with this, the cheek from the pressure of the tooth swelled and ached terribly. Removal went well. The panic was terrible, but the doctor reacted so well to me that I quickly calmed down. Unfortunately, they did not give me any recommendations, they advised me not to eat only 2 hours after the removal. Today is the third day how the tooth is removed, nothing hurts, but on the side of the extracted tooth I do not chew yet.I have a question: can I brush my teeth after removing a wisdom tooth? I'm afraid to accidentally wash the clot from the hole. Thank!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Tatiana! The fact is that recommendations are for that they are recommendations that not 100% are ideally suited to every person. Often it happens that the hole heals quite naturally, and without fanaticism regarding the fulfillment of all appointments. Regarding the importance of hygiene after removal, this is undoubtedly one of the main components of the most comfortable healing of the hole after tooth extraction. After removal, it is important to “wiggle” the plaque on the adjacent teeth in order to reduce the risk of infection from bacterial plaque and the likelihood of bad breath from the mouth - in particular. To do this, a toothbrush with soft bristles is ideal for the first time (literally 5-7 days after removal). These toothbrushes can be found in the network of pharmacies, but if it is very difficult, you can buy a children's toothbrush for kids from 0 to 3 years. As far as I know, there is a mark - “soft bristle”. It is desirable to use the paste to a minimum. It is best to limit the use of such a brush only to the problem sector, and brush the rest of the teeth in a regular mode with an ordinary regular brush.The risk that you injure the gum with a soft bristled brush after removal is minimal, and with the proper level of manual skills you can ensure good hygiene of 6-7 teeth. It is especially important to remove plaque from the inner surface of the teeth. The main thing is to do everything correctly and be less afraid of doing something wrong. Good luck!

  50. Helena:

    Hello! I did not read the comments, I went to the “random”. The bottom 8 is on the left side. Recently, the gum began to bother, because the tooth grew in the cheek. The doctor examined, made an x-ray, according to the recommendations of the orthodontist was sent for removal ... Several times the doctor rolled the tooth, he left quickly and painlessly. According to the recommendations, it was necessary to rinse (what exactly and how they did not say) and drink antibiotics (but I have a baby, so the doctor canceled them). Literally right after the removal of the tooth, the throat ached terribly, when the anesthesia began to recede, terrible jerking pains appeared. She drank the ketans, woke up in the morning from the same pains. The cheek began to swell. During the day the pain increased. Rinse with chlorhexidine, chlorophyllipt, soda solution + salt + iodine. The action of Ketanov was just ending - it became unbearably painful (jerking pain).A day after removal, the temperature rose to 38 degrees. The next morning (2 days) went to the dentist. Cheek swollen very much. The doctor rinsed, put a bandage, tomorrow to go again ... I do not know how it will end, but the competence of the dentists of the municipal institution leaves much to be desired!

    P.S. I came this morning to the registry with complications, the girl said to wait for the evening until all those who had been recorded went through! If my spouse had not raised a scandal, perhaps, to the doctor, they would never have got into it ...

    Question: why do we need such clinics, where you pay for everything, and you maim? Removal was not difficult. Apparently, antibiotics are prescribed to all without discrimination!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Often I come across a negative attitude towards free medicine for the regular lack of proper quality, as well as the private road, where there are even worse cases. I am sure that in each of these systems there are professionals in their field who are ready to help at any moment, as well as quitters, “burnt out” specialists and even pests (specially maiming to leave home early - less people and less worries).

      This is what can shed light on the problem:

      1. Photograph the well after removal to check its quality (if there are any fragments or left roots);

      2. The drugs you were prescribed to understand the scale of the treatment.

      Personally, I do not like the fact that you “rinsed” the oral cavity in almost everyone: chlorophyllipt, chlorhexidine, soda, saline, etc. I don’t understand at all the point of rinsing out a blood clot - a biological defense against germs. Often, due to such actions, the effect of dry hole and alveolitis develops. I recommend that you contact your dentist for an independent opinion, since it is difficult to determine your diagnosis in absentia.

  51. Natalia:

    Yesterday deleted the bottom 8-ku. It was a complete hell ... I write and wash my tears. They removed it for more than an hour - they sawed up a tooth, hammered it with a hammer, broke it out with a piece of iron, so that the jaw didn’t fly out a little ... They sawed out a part of the bone, turned the jaw floor. The most terrible feeling - when he tried to break out a tooth, he crushed terribly easy. I prayed to God to help him remove altogether. It was terrible that the process would not end. But still they tore all 4 roots, spread out in different directions. Sewn up the gums with catgut.The edema is terrible, the gums have swelled so that the teeth have sunk simply, the pain is wild, it is impossible to swallow. I am very afraid for a clot, so as not to fall out, but I also do not see it on the surface. Temperatures, like, no. The doctor said that such operations are only planned, and I came on a call with such a tooth, and they had not met for a long time. This is a nightmare of some kind.

  52. Olga:

    Hello! Tell me, please, have a wisdom tooth removed (bottom 8). The tooth was complex, lay on the 7th tooth. Removed hard, sawed bone. After that, I was prescribed dressings every week. I have a bandage with medicine, they say that there is a very big hole there. I'm worried about the temperature, which has been holding for 2 weeks already - 37-37.5. Puffiness of a cheek is still hardly noticeable. The doctor says everything is fine, the wound is gradually tightened. But I have a question - can this hole last so long (month)? I go to dressings every week. Is this all right or not? Answer please do not know what to do.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After difficult removal, especially - with a great trauma, the wounds heal for a long time and with great difficulty. The hole is delayed from 2-3 months to 4.Fully formed gums for 6-8 months. It all depends on the correct tactics of the doctor during and after removal. I think that there was no other way for the dentist, therefore the doctor treats postoperative therapy with such care. You have a local inflammatory temperature, I think it will definitely pass. And do you still have some kind of somatic pathology that can provoke such a characteristic temperature?

      Ligation is the right measure in some cases, but it definitely prevents the wound from epithelializing faster. Perhaps the doctor simply worries about the sterility of an open wound without proper care with medication in the well. This prevents its healing, but definitely protects against alveolitis.
      In any case, there is an individual approach, and it is not possible for me to climb from behind the doctor’s back. I only focus on certain points.

  53. Elena the beautiful" )):

    Horizontally placed figure eight lower left. She lay at the level of the roots of the seven. Anesthesia three times. And I can not say that I did not feel anything. Felt and very much so! Heavy bleeding. Sawed, crushed, pulled ... 1.5 hours of hell.Was in a faint state. Sometimes it seemed that now either the jaw would crack or the cervical vertebrae. The sweat poured from both of us - from the surgeon and from me. There was a feeling that it would never end! Many thanks to the doctor for bringing the matter to the end, although he already had the impression that he could not cope. Then he said that he had never had such a complicated removal. You know, I believed him! )) When it was all over and I was able to open the stuck eyelashes, I saw that there was sweat in the boot covers ...)) They made dexamethasone to prevent undesirable consequences. The cheek, of course, is very swollen, the bruise spreads over the lower jaw. There is no strong pain, rather, aching, I drink nimesil. The most unpleasant thing is the feeling of numbness of the lower lip and chin and a torn corner of the mouth. Now on the laser every day)

  54. Nastya:

    Removed 8 from the bottom, it was difficult to remove, put drainage. But after a couple of days of examination, the doctor said that everything is fine with the wound, he even pulled out self-absorbing sutures ... But now this problem: the fact that teeth ache doesn’t really bother me, the point is that it seems to me that the doctor cut off too much gums and now I have it somehow collected looks.BUT I can't normally open my mouth too much. When I open it to the end, as I can, I see that the gum has stretched enough, and it hurts me further. But so it should not be. Question: is it all stretched again?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, it is almost always more or less painful to open the mouth widely. Many patients even in the first days after surgery experience pain even with a slight opening of the mouth. Therefore, what you describe is quite an ordinary situation. As for the gums, I can say this: the gums form naturally, and dentists do not interfere in this process. True, it always takes a long time - from 2-3 months to 6 months. Thanks for asking.

  55. Larisa:

    Good day to all. I read and understand that the extraction of wisdom teeth, especially the lower ones, which did not erupt from under the gums, regardless of which country, the torment is the same. I live in Germany, many will say: “But in Germany, medicine is at the height” ... I assure you, I have been suffering for 4 days after removing the lower eight, which was practically lying in the gum horizontally. Removed one and a half hours.Sawed, drilled, knocked out with a chisel, put stitches. All the "charms" can not tell. The worst began after the removal. When removing a damaged facial nerve, the sensitivity of the lower gums, lower lip, chin is lost. On the 1st day, pain, as with normal removal. Helped ibuprofen. Edema is average. The sensitivity of the lips, gums and chin is not restored. In the 2nd day, the pain is tolerable aching. I manage without painkillers, swelling in the same condition, sensitivity is also not completely restored. Day 3 ... All the same. Day 4: the temperature of 37.2 and congestion of both ears appeared to all the “charms”. Doctors shrug, and the dentist and ENT. They say it should all go. This is terrible ... Can not tell in words what a terrible state, when you do not hear, you do not feel half of your face, you can neither drink nor eat. I am taking antibiotics and vitamin B. There is no confusion. A panic condition begins that the sensitivity will not return. I do not know what to do. When will sensitivity to facial tissue return? And will it return at all? No answer.

    I will add, the 5th day. The congestion of the ears has disappeared (thank God), the temperature is normal.There was an unpleasant taste in the mouth, but there is no smell (usually happens with alveolitis), I observe further. The edema began to subside, there remains an unpleasant nagging pain in the lower row of teeth, a feeling of bursting, there is no sensitivity of the lower row of teeth and gums on the part of the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, and there is no sensitivity of the chin and lower lip. But there is an unpleasant aching and pulling pain in these areas, alternating with either cold, or heat, or tingling, or goosebumps. It is very disturbing. Doctors, tell me what to do and whether it will pass the torment? Thank.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Of course, no one knows the best situation for the doctors in the oral cavity, but according to the positive dynamics (the fact that it becomes a little better every day), it can be assumed that everything will be fine 10-14 days after removal. The idea is that with a complicated tooth extraction there may be a hematoma that squeezes the mandibular nerve, so the sensitivity disappears for a while. If there is a trauma of the nerve instruments, then the sensitivity is restored in months, often in a year.You can accelerate physiotherapy, as an option, but this requires consultation of the dentist. Another option is to offer you advice from 2-3 doctors and dentists in Germany. I am sure that a third-party independent opinion can shed light on further tactics. While there is a positive trend, of course, you can still wait up to 2 weeks, but with the development of complications and worsening of symptoms, see a doctor immediately (not necessarily the same). Thanks for asking.

      • Larisa:

        Thank you for the answer. But, apparently, there is a complication ... On the 6th and 7th day, some kind of discharge from the wound of yellow color, unpleasant smell and taste began. In addition, the lump that formed in the gums at the level of the remote 8-ki increased to the level up to the 6th tooth. The pain is taking place. Whine all the teeth on the removal side. The feeling that they have little space. Numbness gets bigger. No temperature, external swelling of the cheek either. Tonight I go to the surgeon ... Tell me, please, maybe they will be cut with anesthesia, but I'm afraid of another hit in the facial nerve with a prick. What to do?

        • Larisa:

          Was a doctor. He sees very good healing.The stitches were removed, the pain in the place of removal does not bother, the wound healed. It seems that everything is fine with the wound itself. But worries paresthesia. Constantly twitches and pricks his lip and chin. Lower teeth, from 1 to 7, ache and shoot in the area of ​​the roots. Dear doctor, tell me, is this normal? What can these symptoms say? Is it a worsening of paresthesia or vice versa?

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! The fact is that getting into the “nerve” during anesthesia is extremely difficult. For 10 years my colleagues have not had any such complications, but I heard about how a doctor in the neighboring region came across this, but everything worked out for a couple of months. This is me saying that, firstly, this is a rather rare complication, secondly, it’s not a fact that you have a nerve injury during anesthesia, maybe just a hematoma compression after a complex removal. So, in my personal opinion, the likelihood that you will make such a complication, let's say, again, is 0.00001%. Good luck to your treatment, do not be afraid of anything - this is the most important thing!

          • Larisa:

            Dear doctor, please give your assessment, as a specialist in this field, on the following changes: the ache in the teeth becomes a little less, tingling and twitching in the lip and chin become more painful and shooting periodically.Is it a process of recovery, or, on the contrary, an even greater complication, like the death of nerve endings? The doctor prescribed 8 injections of Medivitan, with a frequency of 2 times a week and after still having pierced the neurobion with 9 injections with a frequency of 2 times a week. How do you evaluate the doctor's prescriptions? Thank.

          • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

            Hello Larissa! I will quote data about paresthesia and removal of lower wisdom teeth from reliable sources, so as not to be unfounded: "Paresthesia is one of the types of sensitivity disorder, characterized by sensations of numbness, tingling, and crawling .... "One of the rare forms of paresthesia is the long-lasting numbness of the lip, tongue and / or chin, which is a consequence of the removal of a wisdom tooth."

            That is, I would like to say with these quotes that you have 100% paresthesia in the wisdom tooth extraction. Numbness with tingling is a classic manifestation of a problem, but an increase in symptoms may not always be a sign of aggravation. Perhaps at the moment you are especially attentive to listening to your body, so difficult to endure this complication psychologically, that you question everything, you do not set yourself up very positively, and it seems that, on the contrary, you expect the worst.

            I have no data for the fact that the “nerve will start to die off,” or there will be something similar. Your dentist has assigned you a group of vitamins B to speed up the slow process of regeneration and get you into the most positive mood. It is clear that waiting to recover is difficult. However, my information on this complication comes down to the fact that it is almost always a slow regeneration process. It should be borne in mind that it is certainly not known whether there is any damage to the nerve - perhaps it is his usual compression by hematoma.

            Why ordinary? For example, after the implants are implanted in the terminal part of the mandible, temporary paresthesia often develops from 1-3 weeks to 2-3 months. Implantologists warn about this: I can say that this is not the norm, but it is difficult to completely protect oneself from this, if only because the distance to the nerve is different for all people, it turns out to calculate the length of the implant, but to know for sure whether blood will move on the bone beams to squeeze nerve endings in the mandible canal, impossible. It seems to me that it is time you either let go of the situation and get used to the idea that treatment will significantly speed up the slow process of regeneration, or find “colleagues” in misfortune (suchI assure you, abound, in particular in the field of implantation) and try to find out from them the features of the treatment and calm down again a little. I sincerely tell you that I am experiencing your problem with you, but such an obsession with a problem that has a long duration (from 1–3 months to a year) simply “crushes” your psyche.

          • Larisa:

            Svyatoslav, thanks for the support. But I am just starting to get used to these new sensations and have adapted not to bite my lip. Of course, it is not easy, nevertheless, I do not give up hope that someday pain will become invisible. Thanks you.

  56. Anonymous:

    Hello! This, of course, needs such patience for such pain. I have already gone a week after removing the bottom 8 wisdom. And still feel the pain. 5 day on Nurofen fort, I can not without it. Began to whine near the teeth abruptly, pain is given in the ear and the left gland aches. I do not like this state at all. I worry that it was not worse.

  57. Maria:

    Hello! In 2012, the eight were removed in the upper jaw. The operation took a long time, but there was no pain under anesthesia. Healed all weeks two, three times went to the dressing + rinsed with a weak soda solution.

    In May of this year, he began to torment the wisdom tooth in the lower jaw.Grew horizontally under the gum. Remembering her torment of 4 years ago and having read a lot of "useful" information on the Internet, with tears went to the dentist for removal. I waited for a very long and painful operation, since the doctor at the very beginning said that the removal of the eight on the upper and lower jaw is heaven and earth.

    However, it was painful only at the beginning, when they put the injection. After the injection, there was no pain. I just felt that the doctor had made an incision on the gum, pressed and abruptly pulled out. Literally in half a minute my wisdom tooth showed me. Everything went very quickly and painlessly. Therefore, I think that everything is individual, and much depends on the specialist.

    • Larisa:

      Maria, you are just lucky with your teeth, that they were removed with one jerk. Perhaps that is why there are no complications with which people who have wise teeth are removed by drilling and gouging have to face. Doctors are not gods, but I am sure that they are doing everything possible so as not to harm. And if paresthesia occurs, as in my case, then you simply pray that these torments will pass ... It does not matter how long to wait, if only you have passed at least sometime. Therefore, rushing around in search of self-help.I wish you health!

  58. Larisa:

    Svyatoslav Gennadievich, I began to appear sensitive on the lip and feel the temperature (warm and cold) on my chin. Hooray!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      As I told you, sometimes you need to let go of the situation and just have patience with all the recommendations of the doctor. Good luck to you!

  59. Kseniya:

    Removed a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw. Removed under general anesthesia - literally feels like 2 minutes, in fact, about an hour. After the anesthesia, the “withdrawal” was just awful, during the day she couldn’t have something, she couldn’t drink a sip of water. Sensations as in toxicosis plus severe headache. As for the effects of the removal, the cheek is swollen, there is a slight pain in the gum area. I drank the ketans, it became a little easier. The presence of air bubbles under the scalp from the side of the extracted tooth is embarrassing - when you press it above the ear, a crunch sounds like a crust of snow.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You describe the subjective sensations that do not quite fit into the normal clinical data, according to which something can be suggested and advised.It is clear that the removal was difficult in the hospital, under anesthesia, which brought a number of problems in the form of “waste” described by you (most likely, because the drug was not the best, or the dosage was selected with inaccuracies, and , or not used drugs that improve the general condition after anesthesia). You can also make an assumption about the high degree of trauma of the removal and, possibly, the expansion of the jaws during the operation for more comfortable access to the tooth by the doctor (the price of the problem is the crunch of the temporomandibular joint).

      It should be borne in mind: all that I have said is only assumptions based on your subjective descriptions. The exact assessment of the situation can only be carried out directly in the dentist’s chair. Thanks for asking.

  60. Stanislav:

    Three days ago, the son was removed the lower right 8-ku. Removal lasted about an hour. As a result, the doctor said that there was one root that he could not pull out, but that's okay. I want to ask, what is the danger if there is only one root, distant from the seven?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! There are risks, since this root:

      1. May have inflammatory processes at the apex;

      2. May cause inflammation over time.

      “Rotten” root is a time bomb, so leaving it is fraught for the health of your son. I am sure that there is definitely a way out of this situation: consult another dentist with a snapshot of the root left to remove it. A highly professional doctor is required who can undertake such work. Thanks for asking.

  61. Helena:

    Hello! On Friday, a hood was incised in the lower left 8-ke. The doctor did not appoint anything. Everything was swollen: throat and cheek. On Monday came - he said that it should be so. Lincomycin dispensed 2 tablets twice a day and suprastin at night. To begin to rinse itself - rotokan and chlorhexidine. The temperature began to rise. Yesterday was again a doctor. Rinse. Take a picture. Said inflammation. It would be good to remove the tooth, but not in the general line, another time. The roots of the 8-ki touch the roots of the 7-ki, although the wisdom tooth is growing correctly. Sent home with a turnout in a week.

    The temperature is kept at 37-37.5. Edema and holds on. The throat is sore and swollen. Tomorrow antibiotics finish. What's next - I do not understand. I signed up for another surgeon tomorrow for removal.

    Can a doctor remove a tooth with such an inflammatory process? I can't even open my mouth ... Or does it make sense to save a wisdom tooth so that 7 won't get hurt?

    • Helena:

      Hello! The wisdom tooth was still removed yesterday. At the same time, the 7-ku was also touched and she is a bit mobile. I offered to remove it. But the doctor sewed up the gum around the 7th tooth and pulled off the wound on the 8th.

      The operation lasted 30 minutes. The doctor was nervous and sweaty (my mouth did not open completely). Appointed Tsiprolet A (5 days), Claritin, nise (3 days).

      Today is 2 day after removal. The temperature jumps from normal to 37.5. The tumor on the gum and throat is not gone yet. There are aching pains. And swallow hard. Tell me, please, why a strong drooling all this time? And is it normal that the throat does not go so long? (a week before removal and now).

      • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

        Hello! Increased salivation is most likely due to the fact that there is constant irritation not only of the wound after removal, but also of the oropharynx.As for the inflammatory process, which creates discomfort in the throat - it almost always accompanies the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, within 5-7 days, but this does not mean that we are talking about a disease. That is, inflammation on the background of injury and infectious alveolitis is not the same thing. If there are symptoms of alveolitis, it is not only painful to swallow or there is discomfort for the extracted tooth, but even the mouth is painful to open, the temperature is high, swelling of the cheek, submandibular region, severe pain that is often not relieved by painkillers, etc.

        Despite the fact that you do not have these symptoms at the moment, it still does not hurt to go to the dentist for in-person consultation.

  62. Alexey:

    Removed eight below. She grew thirty years in the cheek. But he hoped that he would level off. Removed in 10 minutes, without complications. Two days later, the inflammation began. Swelling, pus, and continuous pain. Prescribed antibiotics, pain medication. Today is the 5th day. The edema is gone, there is almost no purulent discharge, but the pain is unbearable. The seams are not imposed, the hole is huge. I flush the irrigator and put an antiseptic in the hole. It is necessary to remove one more from below, but, probably, earlier, than in half a year, I will not make up my mind.

  63. Galina:

    11/16/16 removed the 8-ku, lower jaw.Anesthesia got into the vessel, there was a strong sharp pain on the entire side of the face, the cheek turned white and it began to split in the eye. Removed a tooth quickly. On the 3rd day I feel a slight numbness on the side of the face where the tooth was removed, and it aches a little.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Yes, you correctly noticed about the complications associated with a needle hitting the lumen of the vessel where the anesthetic was injected. This happens infrequently, but this moment does not apply to emergency conditions. Simply, the anesthetic has a vasoconstrictor effect (it is exerted by adrenaline, which is part of the drug), which causes temporary pain, “whitening” of tissues and other not always pleasant sensations. About numbness - it's harder here. The fact is that this may be as a result of injury of the nerve trunk by closely bringing the needle to the site of the mandibular nerve exit from the mandibular opening during anesthesia, or compression of the same nerve trunk by hematoma after a complex removal, or (the worst option) - mandibular injury trunk tools (elevators, boron during cutting roots, etc.). Each of these categories defines a different duration of further existence withsuch a symptom. If numbness, as you write, is mild, then there is hope that there is nothing terrible. In general, only your doctor knows about the “strange” moments during the operation; perhaps he will be able to more fully shed light on the nature of your symptoms.

  64. Alexey:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! 8 days ago, a wisdom tooth was removed from the right side of the lower jaw. There was no pain, no swelling, there was no wound, the wound was well tightened, the clot was in place. Today I ate, and it seems that a piece of garlic got into the hole. It is impossible to rinse out, I will not climb there with a toothpick or needle. Tell me, please, it does not harm the healing of the hole? Just very worried! Thank.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Since the time has passed quite a lot after removal, you can rinse (for example, a decoction of chamomile or sage). I think this will help in this situation. If it does not help, contact your dentist for help. It makes no sense to leave something foreign in the wound, even with a certain bactericidal effect.

  65. Michael:

    11/19/2016 The lower 8 fell ill, it was Saturday, I had to wait for Monday (because I live in rural areas, the dentist does not work on weekends). 21.11. Came to the dentist.Having looked, the dentist said: we will treat the tooth. 2 minutes after working a drill, he said: the tooth opened, come 24.11. All this time I am on painkillers, from the 19th. From the unabated pain, the dentist visited the 23rd. He put the medicine in the hole of the tooth, saying that if the pain becomes stronger, you will have to remove it, but he (the dentist) does not want to remove it. 26.11. I went for 250 km to a private clinic, because I had difficulty opening my mouth and a tumor appeared under the lower jaw near the lymph node. As usual - snapshot, anesthesia, removed. 30 minutes passed from the entrance to the building. The recommendation is not to rinse and anesthetize. Today is 11/28. The tumor in the lymph node is slightly smaller than an egg and hard as a stone. Mouth does not open properly. Temperature 37.5, swallow painful, gives to the ear and hurt the entire right side of the face. Well, in the area of ​​the hole gum, of course, swollen. I went to the therapist, sent to the dentist, whom I had the first two visits. After the examination, he prescribed antibiotics, tsiprolet 2 times a day and suprastin at bedtime, nimesil and rinsing with a solution of soda (why rinse, everything is in order). The only thing that worries and worries is that the tumor under the jaw does not decrease.What is it and why - none of the doctors told me anything concrete. When will the improvements begin? Already 2 days have passed, and the tumor is only increasing.

    Update as of November 29, 2016: relief came today, pus from the hole went. From where it is - it is not clear, perhaps it was painful. But now there is no pain. Svyatoslav, I now need to visit a dentist? Maybe a napkin came out that I was put in the hole, and need to be cleaned?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Sorry for the late reply. I am glad that you have outlined the prospects for recovery, but you should definitely visit the dentist, since only an examination in the oral cavity gives an accurate picture of what is happening. With certain doubts, the dentist may prescribe an X-ray image of the hole to search for possible left tooth fragments, which often stimulate the purulent process.

      Since you were clearly "muddled" with the useless treatment of a deliberately purulent tooth, especially such a specific one as the lower wisdom tooth, a lot of precious time was lost. After removing such teeth, relief does not come immediately. A lot of things affect: the quality of the removal, and the proper assignment of the necessary recommendations, and the implementation of these prescriptions on your part.Naturally, it is not necessary to discount your body - the immune response of each person is individual.

      I am confused by a number of points in this jurisdiction of the extracted tooth: for example, why do we need some kind of “napkin inserted into the hole” and why we didn’t make a cut through the transition fold in the projection of the root tips of the wisdom tooth, considering that according to your description we are talking about periostitis. An additional outflow of purulent exudate would not hurt, in addition to "something with a clogged hole." Apparently, your body wants to be so healthy that the outflow of pus has independently found a loophole, which I am glad of (after all, a doctor could provide drainage). It is necessary to visit the doctor in order not to miss the important removal in the postoperative management of such a complex for many reasons.

  66. Pauline:

    Already removed 3 eights, there is one more 8 to be deleted, the lower one just. The first time came, shaking from horror (some of the top removed). 20 minutes I pulled out a tooth, came home, staggered, drank 1 tablet of Ketanov. The next day, a small temperature and podnyvalo, for the day, somewhere 2 tablets Ketanov. After that, only the inability to properly clean the teeth for several days interfered, cleaned only one side and in front and made baths.

    The second time is also the top 8.She came with acute pain, was dying, and it was also unclear - the top one was the 8th bit, or the bottom one. After anesthesia, when it turned out that the tooth was “guessed”, I was already so good-looking (as the pain had passed) that I did not notice the removal, the rehabilitation was exactly like the first time.

    In both cases, it was not necessary to stitch anything, just formed a clot and sent home.

    A week later, I went to remove the bottom opposite. The doctor made anesthesia, looked for a couple of minutes, picked it up and said: "Do not be surprised and do not twitch." And then - bam! - I got the impression that they pounded the sound on the head with the bell and that such a sound didn’t hurt, but I picked up the sound and didn’t notice the removal of the tooth again (then the doctor explained to me that it was she who split the tooth to remove it). Then, according to her, I would have to sew, but since I have prediabetes and problems with healing, she advises instead to lay a special thing. I agreed, I used to trust the doctors. In general, she laid a wound in a wound with a small fiber of different fibers (according to her, bark and weed - she listed them, but I do not remember them). And this time I didn’t have the temperature and pain after removal, I worked fine the same day, and the next day I felt great. Healed even faster top, but the taste of herbs in the mouth remained at least a week.

    I’m going to delete the remaining eight soon, and I can’t even google this thing I’ve laid. Is this a normal practice? Or was I just lucky that worked?

    In any case, I can say for sure that I am ready to remove as many teeth as I like, for me it is much easier than, for example, to treat pulpitis. It does not hurt, only 1 visit and rehabilitation is minimal. But I understand that such an approach will not lead to anything ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! As for the drugs from the “weed” put in the hole, unfortunately, I can’t help anything, because I personally don’t use this method.

  67. Anonymous:

    Hello, I was lucky, all 4 wisdom teeth ((True, one grew up almost as expected, and it was pulled out, and the other 3 grew up lying, respectively, did not cut through. And then, under general anesthesia, the doctor removed 3 huge teeth, immediately after surgery - it was cool. It was all: fever, huge swelling, sore throat, it took all days 10. The worst thing was that even the temperature jumped for a long time. Now pah-pah, but I am worried about an asymmetrical face. candy behind the cheek, for some reason inside, where the gum passes into the cheek, hard , i.e. something soft in the soft cheek.Maybe someone had and passed? It is unpleasant to look at yourself, on the plump and thin side.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If 2 weeks have passed, and there are no other symptoms, then it is most likely a question of bone deformation after a complex operation. During the removal, the dentist had to create access to the wisdom tooth and sawed it out (perhaps, as it was hollowed out of the jaw bone), so the result was a specific relief of the alveolar bone. It is best to try to consult with another dentist personally, so as not to think.

  68. Ulyana:

    Removed 8-ku. The edema was strong, could not speak after the operation. Sore throat. She took ketans and citrine, because there was suppuration in the hood.

    It took 10 days, on the other hand (on the right) the lower 8 was sick ((I don’t know if the doctor will take it, so it’s necessary to extract a tooth one by one on one jaw. And the right 3 day hurts and there is no strength to bear the pain.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Maxillofacial surgeons and dental surgeons often remove 2-3, or even four wisdom teeth in one step.Personally, I do not support this approach, but when there is a certain urgency and urgency - then why not. If we are talking about serious suppuration of the eighth tooth or about the lack of space in the dentition, I recommend urgently removing a tooth and not hoping for persuasion to cut the gingival “hood” (especially since this practice is extremely controversial and does not always bring success).

      Difficult teething wisdom often begins synchronously. You should not be afraid that the doctor will not undertake the removal. Thanks for asking.

  69. Helena:

    Hello. A wisdom tooth was removed from my son, lower right, 6.12.16. The doctor said that if she was ill, then drink a drink and rinse mouth with soda. 9.12 in the evening I began to complain that it was painful to open my mouth. 10-11 day off, you will not get to the doctor. On December 11, after lunch, the edema went below the cheek. On Monday morning, she and her son went to the dentist, she said that the hole had tightened and the inflammation had gone down, it was necessary to come earlier. Now only operate. Sent to the hospital, maxillofacial. They looked there and said that inflammation is 50 to 50, let's try to treat it like that. Assigned injections cef and tablets Trichopolus, said that it is necessary to make a vodka compress, provoke.If the edema goes further, then the next day for the operation, if it remains the same or wakes up easier, then after a day at the reception. Day and night was a high temperature, the morning the edema went down under the chin. Immediately put on the operation. The next evening we came to him, he was talking, his mouth was twisting. The doctor was not. In the morning we learned that the nerve had been damaged during the operation. Now there is a tube in the incision so that the residual pus comes out. After the tube is removed, they will appoint a physio. And whether lips will be restored on a place - any guarantees. Advise how to be and what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I cannot see firsthand what the condition of your son's maxillofacial region, and without any support for the actual situation, I cannot say how quickly the recovery will go (and whether it will go at all). The situation itself is difficult when it comes to some medical errors and delays in treatment. I advise you to trust the last team of doctors (who recommended making a vodka compress with a diagnostic purpose). If the nerve is not heavily damaged, then recovery may take from several weeks to several months. Physical procedures usually speed up the process.

      If you feel that your son is not getting better, there is negligence of staff or silencing the real facts, then you have the right to seek a fair punishment, and your son - to receive treatment at another state dental institution of a higher level. Health to your son, and you - great patience!

  70. Nikolai:

    They removed the 8th tooth from below, tried to find another root, which was no longer in the gum. Spread a gum in 30 minutes of searching. 2 weeks the place ached, but then healed. After 2 weeks began to swell cheek and tumor at the left temple. The pain is severe. I had to go to the reception, put the medicine, prescribed an antibiotic once a day, baths. Day after that, generally unbearable pain on the left, Nise (3 units at once) does not help, I had to drink an antibiotic a second early. A day later, it became better, but the tumor at the temple is bigger, on the left cheek too. I had another day to go to the reception. The medicine is now not put on the well, they said that it falls out. Is it possible damage, or blew the salivary gland on the left? Gave the direction to ultrasound with suspected parotid sialadenitis.Is this damage, or blew, or something else? On holidays, ultrasound did not work in medical centers.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The case is complicated. After assessing the state of the hole, I would assign a snapshot to determine the presence of not only the left fragments, but also to monitor the condition of the roots of the adjacent teeth. Confused that after 2 weeks there was a purulent complication. It does not look like alveolitis, since its symptoms appear on 2, maximum - 4 days. Perhaps, of course, this is a complication of the alveolitis, which proceeded in a latent form. Again, the strange spread of edema towards the temple. Be sure to check for the presence of problems of the seventh / eighth upper teeth on this side - sometimes patients come with so many neglected teeth that their successive removal due to purulent complications, even with a 2-3 week difference, is not surprising)

      According to the information you provided, I also cannot rule out in advance the possibility that the root of the eighth tooth was removed, considering it to be the cause of the problems, and maybe the seventh tooth was originally the culprit? examination in the dentist’s chair.Health to you!

  71. Martha:

    Yesterday they removed the bottom eight, and today the temperature has risen for some reason ...

  72. Svetlana:

    Hello! Sore left side of the head. I thought I had a cold, but then I realized that my tooth ached. I went to the doctor, took a CT scan ...

    I sit the second day in silent horror. I am 22, and I have formed four huge 8s, besides being under the bone and there pushing the roots of the adjacent teeth. The doctor said that the operation would be difficult, with the cutting of the jawbone, which would not allow just to pull out his teeth. Terribly afraid, but it will have to do. I want to go to maxillofacial surgery to do under general anesthesia. It is frightening that these horizontal teeth are just huge and with long roots, although in general I am of a small build, and the jaw and mouth cavity are generally small in size (as in a child).

    Tell me, please, how do doctors act when a tooth from the bottom is part of the lower jaw? Does the bone grow? How long will it grow?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! No matter how the tooth is in the jaw, it is still not welded to the bone tissue. However, it is not possible to classically remove it.The doctor works in the following way: he makes an incision on the gum, where the tooth is in the picture, exfoliates the gum, cuts the bone with cutters and (or) burs and frees the wrong wrong wisdom tooth. If there is a possibility, then it is hooked by an elevator, and it goes out all; if it is horizontal or upside down, it is sawn into several parts, after which each part is removed separately by elevators. On average, this operation takes about 20-40 minutes, a maximum of 1-2 hours, if a large number of teeth are removed. If you want to perform multiple wisdom teeth removal at one time, then anesthesia is preferable, and for 1-2 deletions, local anesthesia is better. After removal, most doctors fill the place where the tooth was located, with artificial bone (materials for restoring a new bone). Then suture and give a set of recommendations. Usually the hole initially heals within 2-3 months. The feeling of comfort comes much earlier: in 1-2 weeks it becomes more or less tolerable, often even earlier (it is different for everyone).

  73. Nikita:

    12/24/16 deleted the top right 8-ku. Strangely enough, it went smoothly - no bleeding, no hellish pain! Today (Jan. 14, 17), at lunch, the lower right 8-ku was removed, removed with a stick, on a break.But there is more blood than the first, but there is no pain yet. Let's see how it will be tomorrow. 8-ki, fortunately, all grew right.

  74. Helena:

    I had 38 and 48 teeth removed yesterday ... The 38 that had already forgotten about him, but 48 aches and a lump there. Is the bump appearance normal? On 48 one root broke off, but the doctor, it seems, pulled everything out. The bump is a consequence of "picking"?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you are faced with swelling of the gums after removal. In principle, this is a normal condition, when edema lasts no more than 3 days with moderately expressed remaining symptoms of inflammation (pain, temperature, dysfunction - that is, pain when swallowing, chewing, impaired mouth opening, etc.). If the symptoms are increasing every day, then an urgent need to see a doctor. The doctor usually takes a picture in such cases and checks the hole for the presence of roots, fragments and other foreign material. If there are any, this is the cause of all the symptoms, and if not, then all that remains is to eliminate the symptoms themselves. In any case, the competent implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor is the key to success.

      So a lump can be not only the result of “picking” (edema,arising immediately after a complicated removal), but also the result of an inflammatory reaction - protection of the body against the backdrop of a traumatic removal of the tooth.

  75. Lesya:

    Hello! During the treatment of the lower 6-ki in the picture, the doctor noticed a darkening behind the 8 tooth. Sent to the surgeon, he said that this is a periodontal cyst. Removed. In the hole put, as the surgeon said, drainage (2 centimeters bandage, iodine-saturated). Every 2 days I go to dressings. From the first day I am worried about severe pains of the upper jaw and teeth, pain gives to the temple and ear, headache, below also aching and severely pain 6 tooth, which is now treated (he sealed with calcium). Saving analgesics. Today is 5 days. There is a positive dynamic: I can open my mouth, talk normally, the general condition is normal, the temperature is normal. But the pain, especially in the upper jaw and bone, is exhausting. The surgeon says this is normal.

    Question: 1. Is this normal? 2. Is the doctor doing the right thing, changing the dressing for me (or what is it?), My hole goes a little on the cheek, a cyst is cut out there - maybe because of this, such treatment tactics? Just when it was removed at the top of 8, then they put a medicine in there that resolved itself. Thank!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I answer questions in order:

      1. Severe pain, continuing after 3-4 days after removal, is, generally speaking, not the norm. However, in your case, this moment is controlled by the attending physician, bandages are carried out and everything is done so that the complex postoperative period passes with maximum comfort, therefore there is no reason for particular concern. Despite this, the inflammatory process is still likely to be active - hence, severe pain.

      2. Tactics of the doctor can be correct if it does not harm. But to say for sure whether everything is good here, I can not (there needs to be an inspection in the chair). A pain symptom is an individual reaction, and it may confirm that the doctor is doing something wrong, but not in all clinical cases. As for the "bandage drainage" - this, according to a number of dentists-surgeons, is a somewhat outdated method that was relevant in the Soviet era, when there was no other option for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis. Once this, in principle, worked, and not bad.

      I am also confused by the treatment of the sixth lower tooth: in the treatment of periodontitis there can be a painful reaction, but not for long. If the tooth is not treated correctly, then the result can be pain, which often just gives away from the lower tooth to the upper jaw.It is useful to check the treatment of the 6-tooth canals with a snapshot and get advice in another clinic if you feel that the therapy is somehow going wrong (for example, the dynamics are too slow).

  76. Maria:

    Good evening! Yesterday the lower left eight was removed - I, apparently, went into the phase of active growth, and against the background of swollen gums, I began to bite my cheek, so I decided not to save the tooth. The removal went well, stitches were put, there is no severe pain, swelling too, but it is hard to open your mouth wide, brush your teeth and eat is a real problem. I try to carefully develop the jaw. Question: How long can the problem with the opening of the mouth?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Swelling after the removal of wisdom teeth is indeed often accompanied by difficulty opening the mouth - this is due to the anatomical location of the eighth teeth (the spread of edema captures the chewing muscles of the jaw). Usually there is an improvement within 3-4 days, and other symptoms (if they arise) also gradually disappear - this is the so-called positive dynamics.If this does not happen, and the mouth, on the contrary, opens worse and worse, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. There are also special exercises for developing the jaw. The best thing about their feasibility for your clinical case is to consult with your doctor.

  77. Adeline:

    Good evening! I deleted the left lower 8-ku today, the doctor did not take a picture, although at first he wanted, then for some reason changed his mind. After freezing, he began to press hard on my tooth, it seemed to me that now he would break my jaw. It was such a force that I already didn’t have enough air, and somehow twisted it, but all was unsuccessful. Then let's forceps - the tooth crumbles, it presses again ... About 20 minutes this horror lasted. In the end, he pulled it out. The most interesting thing started now after the separation of anesthesia - such pains began, and there is no urine to endure it. I drank nimesil, the pain has now subsided, I thought that the wrong tooth was removed. Although now I read that 8-ka all sore after removal. Let's hope for the best.

  78. Evgenia:

    Hello, two weeks ago, a wisdom tooth was pulled out, but it still hurts to swallow, and there is a small bump at the bottom of the chin. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Usually in two weeks the pain when swallowing completely disappears, and the origin of the bump in general raises a lot of questions. It may not be the last swelling, or the lymph node may have increased due to the inflammatory process - it is important to go to the dentist and see if there are any risks to the normal healing process of the hole. Self-treatment is undesirable, it is better to trust the professionals.

  79. Alma:

    I immediately removed 4 retained wisdom teeth. After 4 days, the edema disappeared, my head did not hurt, there was no temperature. Today is 8th day, but the mouth opens in half, is this normal? When should normally open? What should I do? Tell me please.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Considering that 4 wisdom teeth are removed at once, normal mouth opening will become possible within approximately 2 weeks, a maximum of 3 (this is if healing will occur without additional problems). The fact that the mouth has already begun to open more or less is a positive dynamic. Given that you do not have other troublesome symptoms, there is no point in contacting a dentist right now.

      There is a set of exercises to improve the opening of the mouth - therapeutic exercise for the maxillofacial area. It is easy to find these exercises, the only advice is to do exercises without tension, fanaticism and excessive zeal. What is needed is not speed, but quality. Thanks for asking.

  80. Catherine:

    I have the lower wisdom tooth removed today. He was ill for 1.6 years. Screamed, cut through and pressed on the next tooth. Once, a little gum was cut to me. But I woke up this morning, and I have a flux. As a result, everything is swelling, the surgeon arrived, deleted. The procedure is not pleasant. But the pain after anesthesia is incredibly strong. Already for 7 hours nothing has helped (neither nurofen, I do not know how to help myself at all). The doctor cut the gum badly, stitched me with several stitches, and it also really hurt me. People, do not pull up to pain, remove immediately.

  81. Aisha:

    Three days ago, she removed a wisdom tooth in the lower part of the jaw. Removal was difficult, but I just cut the gum and got a whole. I thought that they would break my jaw ... The next morning my mouth didn’t open well, but by evening everything had returned to normal (although the temperature was 37.3). The next day, the temperature subsided, and there was no pain, but the gum and cheek were swollen, the mouth opened 2 cm, not more. It's hard to eat porridge. Moments feel the taste of blood.So I am afraid that there will be problems with the jaw, as it painfully opens ((In the morning I will call the surgeon for sure. Who knows, is this normal? Should you worry and be afraid, because only three days have passed ?!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! See doctor is already because the tooth extraction was difficult and, especially since it was a wisdom tooth. Violation of the mouth opening on the background of local edema is almost normal, if not a series of "BUT", which the dentist-surgeon controls after this operation. After establishing the exact cause of this problem, it is especially important to begin to develop the jaw in the correct pattern: without excessive efforts, smoothly, gradually (without fanaticism).

      The only thing I can say without inspection: according to statistics, almost every second patient, that is, very often, has a violation of the opening of the mouth after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth. This symptom often lasts from 2-3 days to a week. The exceptions are traumatic removal of complex wisdom teeth, especially in the hospital, where this period is objectively delayed up to 2-3 weeks.

      Health to you!

  82. Elsa:

    Tell me, please, is the removal of the lower eight the day before yesterday connected with a tumor of the left lymph node in the throat?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It may well be connected, since the lymph nodes are often involved in various pathological processes of an inflammatory nature. After a tooth is removed, a wound occurs, and in response to it, the immune system takes certain actions. This body struggle often leads to lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node. Sometimes this process is enhanced with the involvement of another infection in the area of ​​removal - with alveolitis, as an option. That is why you should contact your doctor, or the maxillofacial surgeon for help, so as not to miss the complications. Thanks for asking.

  83. Saadi:

    5 days ago I removed my mind tooth ... I still can not eat like a normal person. I can not open my mouth more than a centimeter. And I do not know how long it will continue ...

    The fact is that during the removal the surgeon used a tool that looked like a screwdriver and hammered with a hammer. I now think that the mouth does not open not because of the tooth, but because of damage to the jaw.I do not know what to do. Although the surgeon is a man with 29 years of experience.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The procedure for removing teeth with a chisel and a hammer is quite dangerous and traumatic, often in the area of ​​the removal there is a pronounced swelling of soft tissues. It is he who provokes the contracture of the chewing muscles with impaired mouth opening. In case of severe tissue damage, the jaw may not open well for up to 1-2 months. That is why it is so important to start developing it in time. In order for this to happen correctly, you should contact your maxillofacial surgeon and get recommendations on a set of exercises for TMJ. The sooner you start these special exercises, the greater the chance that your mouth will open in the next 1-2 weeks.

  84. Irina K.:

    Yesterday I removed the bottom 8-ku. They made an injection in two places, waited for the action of freezing and then with one jerk in 2 seconds the doctor pulled out a tooth. He grew up with me exactly, did not differ from the neighboring 7 and 6. The dentist advised to remove, because his treatment will cost 5-8 thousand, and in fact, it is not needed and you can do without it.I did not dare for a long time, but then he began to ache, to collapse, and even a small piece broke off. As a result, came and deleted.

    The frost passed after 5 hours, and before that the floor of the face was numb and the tongue was wooden. All this time there is a strong salivation, I spit in the napkins, waiting for it to stop. The doctor did not give me any appointments, I asked myself what to do. He says you can't rinse for 2 days, and from the 3rd day you can rinse with sage or chamomile. Podbalivaet, of course, so far, even a little in the ear gives or in the tonsils. I think this is the norm. I saw my tooth after removal - it turns out he has a very long root, I was so surprised.

    Appealed to the clinic under the policy, paid only 260 rubles. for an injection Ultracain Forte.

  85. Alexey A.:

    Lymph node inflamed right under the jaw. Without pain. After 3 days, there was pain. And her teeth seemed to squeeze. The therapist sent to the dentist - the tooth is not visible. Take a picture. It lies in the gum and props other teeth.

    They appointed an operation for the early morning, immediately warning that it would be difficult. The operation lasted 1 hour and 50 minutes. They took intermediate pictures. Sawed the tooth completely. 2 roots looked in different directions.We made two additional injections of anesthesia during the operation. At the end they got both roots and sewed. It is the evening of the second day. There is practically no pain at rest. When you try to chew something while it hurts, but I think it is quite logical. The cheek is swollen, the mouth does not open more than 2 cm.

    I drink augmentin, suprastin and nise when I have pain. Rinse out with chlorhexidine. I had a doctor today - he said that everything is fine there, there is no suppuration.

    What I want to say: according to the doctor, there’s no point in dragging with such teeth. Since sooner or later they will know about themselves. From myself I can say that yesterday was not the best day of my life. These are extremely unpleasant feelings, when they are trying to stretch a tooth, they make great efforts to this, but it does not go. When in the mouth for a long time wielding a small file. Well, when anesthesia releases. Take care of your teeth!

  86. Anonymous:

    Oh, this is a nightmare, but it can and survive, than to suffer during the life with him. And anyway, sooner or later, it’s necessary to delete, and what the consequences of a sick wisdom tooth will be by that time - nobody knows ... In November 2016, I had to remove the 8th tooth to the left. Feelings are generally not pleasant.And someone in the comments said that when you give birth, then you will understand ... Well, I don’t know, I don’t know. The process of childbirth is also, of course, painful, but somehow it is arranged in the body of a woman in such a way that you do not remember these sensations. Most likely, somewhere in the central nervous system.

  87. Helena:

    Hello! Three weeks ago there was a difficult removal of the lower eight, side cut. Gradually, there was an improvement, and today again the cheek and chin are numb. Temperature and edema no. The side incision is partially sewn up, food is ingested. Worry, or is it a normal healing process?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Consult your dentist, as nerve compression is probably connected with hematoma or edema. Numbness is precisely due to this squeezing. It is better to conduct an examination and diagnosis: most likely, physiotherapy treatment will be needed to speed up the process of reducing edema, which means improving the situation with paresthesia (numbness). Paresthesia will take place only after reducing the degree of compression of the mandibular nerve. You should not panic, but you will have to come to the doctor in order to normalize the condition as soon as possible and to prevent deterioration.

  88. Helena:

    Thanks for the article and such clear, detailed and friendly answers. Health to you!

  89. Ulyana:

    Good afternoon, on April 7, the lower 8 was removed. I sit on painkillers and on antibiotics, but today (April 10) a temperature of 37 appeared. A hole of an incomprehensible color ... A white-yellow-gray color. As I understand it, this is not very good and you need to run to the doctor, right?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Well, although it is not necessary to run very quickly, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor, since the terms and symptoms may well be the beginning alveolitis, with which it is better to fight before the onset of serious festering manifestations in the hole and surrounding tissues. The physician should examine the wound for the presence of tooth fragments, the presence or absence of a blood clot, and plaque on the gum near the hole.

      The situation makes an X-ray of the hole in order to search for foreign bodies (roots of the tooth and their parts). Only after the diagnosis and determination of the cause of the problem, treatment is carried out. His move depends on what the doctor finds. If the roots of the tooth are found in the hole, they are removed with anesthesia. If it is an alveolitis against the background of a violation of the recommendations or mistakes of a doctor, then a curettage of the wound (with anesthesia) is carried out, a new blood clot is formed and preparations for home treatment are prescribed.

  90. Marina:

    I read all the comments and can not understand anything! When I was 20 years old, that is, 20 years ago, three 8-ki were deleted, and all of them, in the usual polyclinic, at Vosstaniya, in St. Petersburg. Well, yes, well, scary, well, a drill and a chisel, but my day is aching and that's it! Now they put me in the hulk, they promise feeding from a tube for a week, detachment of the cheek muscles and other horrors. I do not understand, the world has changed?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Without examining the details of your clinical situation, I have only a few guesses:

      1. You have such an arrangement and orientation in the jaw of this impacted tooth, that it is impossible to solve the issue otherwise, as soon as at the level of the brain cancer;

      2. Or, in the clinic where you had your teeth removed earlier, there was an excellent level of preparation and, in a sense, a “healthy shit” if you ventured to remove complex teeth not at the level of the same body;

      3. It is possible that you were advised of such a removal option from a commercial point of view - suppose that this kind of intervention may be beneficial for the clinic to generate increased income from a complex operation.

      But I understand your logic (and even indignation) perfectly.A simple example: a person underwent surgery underwent surgery to correct nasal septum and mucous membranes, but he normally breathed for only about a year. After the torment, he went to the clinic, where the laser makes mucous membrane correction in one day without anesthesia (under the application), and has been breathing normally through the nose for more than 5 years. And such cases typed wagon and a small truck.

      But the world has changed.

  91. Ivan:

    And I still have to delete it. Damn, as evil holidays go, still endure three days.

  92. Irina:

    Hello! Today we took a picture of the bottom 8, the crown came out and it hurts. Roots at an angle of 90 degrees in different directions. They said to go to the hospital. I'm afraid to death! What awaits me, tell me?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you are waiting for surgery: the removal of a complex wisdom tooth under general anesthesia. Obviously, doctors are reinsured, focusing on inpatient treatment, since there are appropriate indications. With the high professionalism of the doctors, everything will be done neatly and safely for health. Every year, such operations are done in huge quantities (up to a million a year worldwide), so this is not uncommon and not out of the ordinary.So do not be afraid and just trust the doctors.

  93. Nina:

    Hello. I cut off the hood today. In the evening flew turundul what to do.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I recommend contacting your doctor for treatment correction and follow-up examination, because without additional information about the clinical situation, it is not known how significant the benefits are from the statement of the turunda and, accordingly, what is the potential harm from its loss.

  94. Inna:

    Good all the time of day! Today is my 11th day, as the bottom eight was removed. I went to the doctor on the fourth day of pain - it turned out that it was growing, covered with a gum, respectively, was removed with a recut of the periosteal flap. The tooth was sawn by bifurcation, absorbable sutures were applied, the operation took 30-40 minutes (according to the doctor, not the most difficult). The pain, while the anesthesia was withdrawing, was hoo, saw painkillers. The temperature did not rise, the swelling on the cheek side lasted 2 days. And all would be nothing, but the pain (exactly the same, because of which I went to the doctor) persists to this day. The intensity is a little less, however, I sit on painkillers (2 tablets per day).I did not read the comments, I thought that before the week pain was normal, because on day 8 I went to the doctor. He cleaned the hole, as I understand it, laid the medicine, said, most likely, the pain will now pass. But alas. Tomorrow I go to him again. In general, this is a comment for those who have pain for a long time - you are not alone. Well, if you tell me how to do better now, I will be very grateful. I can unsubscribe from the result of the new campaign to the doctor ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I am not a supporter of putting “drugs” in the hole, because sometimes they do not bring relief, but act like a foreign body. It is much more beneficial for a well to have a well-formed blood clot, as this is the best biological dressing. On the other hand, I do not know whether you have a “clean” wound: are there any fragments of carious tooth, bone fragments dangling on the gum, root tips left in the hole, granulomas, cysts, etc.
      Sometimes the hole is sore because of the sharp edges of the bone, which are not corrected during difficult removal. Sticking over the gum, at the level of the gum or the sharp edges of the walls of the well under the gum often interfere with the normal course of healing.Hence the pain, sometimes strong. So the causes of pain can be many.

      Since there is no snapshot and accurate data for a qualitatively performed operation, it is difficult to assess the situation and advise anything. In the extreme case, if there is an opportunity to consult another clinic, then it is better to do this - in your situation, an independent expert's examination will only benefit.

  95. Helena:

    Hello! Three months ago, I removed the bottom eight (drilling a bone, incision, stitches). The sensitivity of the face and lips was restored, and the teeth - not completely. It seems that the seventh and sixth teeth have shifted towards the tongue and the tongue is in the way. Behind the seventh tooth, under the gumline, a certain angle of the bone appeared. Please tell me what it can be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! There is no way to do without inspection, but I can say beforehand that the angle of the bone can be an exostosis - the growth of the bone against the background of a traumatic tooth extraction. Most often, exostoses are required to be removed. Or it may be trite protruding wall of the alveoli, which the surgeon did not notice and did not correct, but it was already significantly prolonged by the gum.Since you are talking about loss of sensitivity of the face and teeth, then there is a traumatic manipulation (not necessarily due to the fault of the doctor - often the clinical situation dictates its own rules).

      I recommend that you consult a doctor, assess whether the current situation is a threat and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.

  96. Love:

    For a long time (about 10 years) lower eights are trying to cut through. Signed up for removal. May 24 was a long (about an hour) and difficult removal of the right eight. The tooth was located straight, but “rested” in the jaw, therefore, as the doctor said, it was not destined to be born. The root was expanded from below and rested against the 7th tooth. They put lidocaine, cut it, broke off the jaw (pierced the cheek deeply, but not through), used a chisel and a hammer. The tooth was extracted entirely, laid a lump of some sort with the medicine Vitaon. On the third day she was able to swallow saliva without pain. After 10 days, the jaw opened without pain, then the threads (lump with medicine) climbed. There was no temperature at all.

    Today, June 15, the gum has not fully grown together - it seems that the jaw is bare, there is discomfort.Also, under the mucous cheeks, the edges of the bone of the removed eight are felt, pressing on the 7th tooth. Probably, the dentition began to move. The picture is this: the back of the 7th tooth is partially gum, closer to the cheek is visible bone, the 7th tooth is pressed by the cheek, inside is the bone edge, and below this place (at the “foot” of the 7th tooth) there is a scar on the mucosa in the form of an incision that passes to the place where the bone is bare. How to be in this situation?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Since the removal was associated with significant grass of soft tissues and bone, after it, the doctor was required to correct the walls of the alveoli (so that there were no sharp edges), gum plasty, coupled with suturing, which would minimize the lumen. Often, they also place artificial bone in the hole to speed up its regeneration, also stitching.

      If you did not have this, then closer to 100% that is why the wound heals, "open to all winds."

      Consultation of the maxillofacial surgeon will be useful in your situation - it is possible that correction of the alveoli and the edges of the gum with wound closure will be required. If you leave it as it is, the minimum that will be is a long-lasting natural restoration of the comb in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth (from 6 months to a year after removal).

  97. Anonymous:

    Hello, good people.I have a problem here. A month ago, I removed a wise tooth at the bottom. After removal, I had a gap or whatever they call it, between the seventh and the extracted tooth. The remnants of food penetrate into this gap, if not cool. Although I clean and rinse after eating ... And an unpleasant smell comes out of this gap, it just stinks ... What should I do? How to be? Please advise.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After complex and (or) non-professional deletions, the well heals according to the defect formed by the doctor, and sometimes it gives the patient a lot of discomfort. In your case, the hole from the bottom is almost formed in such a period (month). As an option - you can use the irrigator, put it on the minimum mode and clean the gaps with a water jet of warm water. Then the bad smell will stop, and the gaps between the teeth will be cleaned. Subsequently, you can increase the water pressure to regulate an adequate level of hygiene.

  98. Fanis:

    Hello. Yesterday the lower wisdom tooth was removed. After removal, there was still bad feeling, chills, weakness. Increased temperature holds the second day.I had two shots of ultracain, plus I have allergic rhinitis. What to do???

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It is possible that in addition to the body's response to tooth extraction, symptoms of allergic rhinitis are also imposed. I think that the problem should be solved not only with a dentist, but also with an ENT specialist or an allergist-immunologist. In extreme cases, if there are no specialists, then a local therapist will do. I do not recommend prescribing self-medication. The main thing is to understand cause and effect relationships, so that in any case it is useful for you to consult with your doctor.

  99. Nastya:

    Hello. Yesterday, a wisdom tooth (8-ku) was removed using a drill - sawing. By evening, the submandibular node on the left began to grow, today it has become more and sore. The hole itself does not hurt. It is difficult to open your mouth. This is normal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Impaired mouth opening in the first days after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth and an enlarged submandibular lymph node are often observable symptoms that are largely related to the trauma of the intervention.You should not panic, it is only important to correctly follow the recommendations of the doctor to prevent complications (alveolitis, for example). If you have any concerns, then you can go for a follow-up inspection on a routine basis on day 3 after removal to make sure that the well heals normally. In general, observe your state over time - if there is deterioration, then go to the doctor right away. If every day it will get better, then you should not worry.

  100. Anonymous:

    Hello! They removed the eight to the left (yesterday, 08/03/17): they filed a bone, discharged antibiotics. How necessary are they, if today, 08/04/17, the edema is barely noticeable, and there is no serious discomfort inside, and the pain is not too strong, after a pill the quickness passes quickly? And most importantly, I have already deleted 2 eights, both complex, especially the lower right, but everything healed confidently without any antibiotics.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The tactics of the dentist in those other cases is individual: the specialist assesses the need for the use of antibiotics, based on many criteria. The most important of these are trauma during an operation to remove a tooth and the presence of purulent processes on the roots.Only the attending physician or a dentist in another clinic has the right to cancel antibiotics, but only after examining the patient and collecting anamnesis. In absentia to cancel your drug, no doctor has the right.

      Be that as it may, any patient has the right to take or not to take a particular drug, although often because of an unauthorized decision there are risks of complications. Yes, you have had a positive experience of not taking antibiotics after removing wisdom teeth, but there is no guarantee that in this case, ignoring the use of antibiotics will also go smoothly.

  101. Ilya:

    Hello! Removed the bottom eight with lidocaine, hollowed. It was pretty painful. The doctor said: everything was deleted. The fifth day I fall asleep with ketorol. Begin to give in the next sitting teeth, and even on the top. Today I carefully examined the hole with a mirror and clearly saw the round end of the root. The doctor thought that he had enough? And what should I do next? Thank!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Further tactics are as follows:

      1. Go to another clinic, in which your friends and acquaintances are confident and find a good dentist-surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon;

      2Take a picture of the hole with the left root (there may also be parts of the crown, granulomas, cysts);

      3. After diagnosis, curettage of the well and removal of everything foreign that was left in it;

      4. According to the indications to conduct suturing and hemostasis;

      5. Get an appointment from a doctor and perform them;

      6. To come to inspect the wells with serious symptoms (high fever, severe pain, swelling, etc.), as well as routine check-ups to analyze the dynamics of healing.

      I do not recommend reassuring myself with thoughts that the root of the tooth left in the hole will somehow “resolve” itself or come out without interference. It is better to solve the problem at the current stage than to wait for complications in the future.

  102. Tatyana, 33 years old:

    Hello! Today, the tooth was removed, the eight ... Wild pain! Spread the gum to nothing. They tormented for an hour and a half, the four of them were picking! Filled the tooth with a dental hammer. Now the swelling is terrible, it hurts to swallow. I am still terrified, I did not expect such stress and pain! After the removal, there was such a hole - I can't even call it a hole. Now I do not know what to do in order to somehow alleviate my suffering ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Follow the recommendations of the dentist (taking analgesics, antibacterial agents, antihistamines), and also have patience. If there were no appointments, I recommend that you immediately contact your doctor or another clinic so that, taking into account the examination and collection of anamnesis, you should be prescribed a competent home treatment to relieve your condition. I’m not sure that it makes sense to go to the clinic where you deleted to get correct advice, because removal with a hammer is an outdated method that has been replaced with a tooth root for tooth root separation.

      Do not wait until tomorrow, but solve the problem as soon as possible.

  103. Oksana:

    Hello. I read the comments, and it becomes even worse for me, but the wisdom tooth is to be removed, which lies in the gum. I'm afraid to imagine how I will get it. Tell me even how long the severe swelling and pain go? Just yesterday, I was cut off the hood and carefully picked it up, I sit on a ketorol, for the pain is hellish and gives to the ear. What will happen when you have to get a tooth ... I'm just terrified and afraid to go to the doctor.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The duration of edema and pain after a complex removal of the impacted wisdom tooth is different in each case and depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the organism. Most often, unpleasant symptoms accompany a person for 3-10 days, but sometimes the swelling lasts longer. Too much fear is not exactly worth it, because the patient’s fear often interferes with the attending physician, and without removing a tooth just by excision of the hood, it is often impossible to solve the problem (there are serious risks of purulent process in the jaw bone near the wisdom tooth).

      I recommend to promptly ask the attending physician about analgesics, which operate for a long time (up to 24 hours). They help to make the postoperative period as comfortable as possible.

  104. Alexey, 38 years old:

    Hello. Yesterday removed the lower wisdom tooth. This was my last "wise." Both upper removed without any problems. The lower one was deleted about 15 years ago, when it was just beginning to erupt (it was removed 40 minutes with a chisel, etc., the next day there were severe pains, but this is all in the past). Yesterday the doctor managed 20 minutes.But at removal, apparently, the nerve touched, at the same time the pricking in the field of a chin was given. Today I woke up, I thought that anesthesia had not passed. That area, in which the nerve passed its impulses yesterday, was numb. I read this article and calmed down a bit. Is this a normal situation at all? I don’t feel big problems in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, but there is a slight discomfort in the numb jaw area - my teeth ache a little in this place. I hope that all this will pass soon.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! A slight numbness (paresthesia) may be due to a hematoma in the region of the mandibular nerve. Since the tooth extraction (judging by your description, it lasted only 20 minutes) was not difficult, the probability of a mechanical injury to the nerve fibers with a tool is small. I think that this is the usual compression of a hematoma that passes the trunk. Most likely, you will feel relief within 1-2 weeks. Good that you are positive.

      However, if there is no improvement in 2 weeks, then I recommend to consult a doctor for advice. You may need to conduct physiotherapy.

  105. Irina:

    On August 31, a wisdom tooth was removed on my lower jaw. It grew horizontally, did not even cut through, so the surgeon had to open the gum, pull it out, then sew it up. The first 3 days I sat on ketanov, 2-3 tablets per day. On the 3rd day I went to the reception, the doctor said that everything was fine, after a week to come to remove the stitches. And on this day, in the evening, hellish pains in the temple began, when swallowing, in the ear, under the chin, and a pulsation appeared in the gum. All these symptoms were previously, but tolerable ... And now, the anesthetic does not help. Today is the fourth day after removal, and it is the most painful. Tears flow from the pain ... I do not know what to expect tomorrow.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Most likely, you are faced with alveolitis. I recommend not to wait a week, as the doctor said, and urgently contact him now to treat the well with anesthesia and correct the recommendations. Otherwise, you risk not getting relief, and your torment will continue (most likely, they will even increase).

  106. Anastasia:

    Today removed wisdom tooth, bottom left. The removal process itself was insensitive (although the doctor cut the gum, and drilled a tooth three times, and pulled it out for a long time, then sewed it up). The tooth rested against the next tooth and could not grow itself.

    Anesthesia went through five hours after surgery, I drank anesthetic and antibiotic. It has now been 7 hours, and his cheek hurts wildly and constantly swells up like a hamster on one side. I can't open my mouth, but everything else is fine.

    So do not be afraid to pull out a tooth. This is what happens after that - much more painful 🙁

  107. Olya:

    Removed all 4 eights under sedation a week ago. 8 stitches, but heals slowly. However, 6 days of pain - accept Ketorol.

  108. Kirill:

    And tell me, please, my left lower eight grows with a hat in the direction of the seven (already close), it does not hurt. One root is crocheted. The doctor said that you need to saw off the hat, and then cut the roots. How painful is it (based on practice)?

    • Hello, Kirill! Such teeth are indeed often removed by cutting the crown and root parts. The removal itself is usually painless, because the level of modern anesthetics is very high. However, it often happens that after the operation, patients feel intense pain, and it is difficult to predict such things in advance (that is, there may be no pain).

      Depending on the complexity of the removal and the characteristics of your body, the intensity of pain in the postoperative period will also depend. In any case, you will be assigned painkillers that will help you comfortably move this period.

  109. Nadia:

    I have 2 lower "eight" are strictly horizontally. I learned about it when the gum on the left was inflamed and swollen. The dental clinic did mucous excision and prescribed antibiotics in order to relieve inflammation. It is mandatory for me to remove my left tooth (although they refused to do this in the budget clinic). I turned to a private place, where instead of reassuring, I was told that a jaw fracture during an operation is possible, nerve damage, which can lead to consequences even for a lifetime. I understand that these are possible consequences - I have already read a lot about the “wisdom” teeth removal, however, I hoped that this was unlikely. Now I'm afraid to go to this doctor. Is it normal that the doctor, as it were, in advance disclaims responsibility, saying “this may be, and I must warn you”? Is a doctor really unable to avoid such things and is it reallyIs this really my problem because of the poorly positioned teeth? Well, about the nerves agree, she saw in the picture that the roots are located right next to them and it is difficult not to hurt them. It seems that the roots of the teeth already hurt them, but with a broken jaw - is it too much?

    • Hello, Nadia. The doctor does not disclaim responsibility, but warns of possible consequences, since the removal of wisdom teeth is a complicated procedure, and the patient should be aware of postoperative events in advance. As for the fracture of parts of the jaw during removal, this is almost never the case, it happens very rarely.

      So do not worry much, pick yourself a dental surgeon with experience, and everything will be fine.

  110. Olga:

    The first of November removed the tooth-wisdom. Although, it must be said, they first cut, and then the tooth was pulled out - the tooth flew 1.5 meters. Sewed up, put drainage, discharged an additional rinse and pills, sent home. So, she was saved from severe pain after anesthesia by taping her cheek and chin. Heals for a long time, the pain gives in the ear and throat, swallow pain. Gel Kinesis (from maral blood plasma) and periodic taping helped from edema. Well, at least the mouth opens, the wound is clean. The stitches will be removed 10.11.Lymphatic drainage method helps a lot.

  111. Olga:

    Good evening. I removed the lower wisdom tooth from the left side after I was terribly sick all night in late July. Removal was not very difficult (no antibiotics were prescribed). The doctor said that he deleted everything completely (brought a review picture). After removal, there was swelling of the cheek during the day (doing cold compresses). The next day there was a fever and chills (for several days), the swelling was not the next day. The place of the extracted tooth bothered me, my jaw also ached.

    During the first month after the gum tightened, a burgundy furrow appeared and pain was occasionally present. I came to the reception again, assigned a picture - everything was normal. The doctor offered to clean, but I refused due to the fact that I had to fly to rest (the pain in my jaw persisted, but not strong, I did not drink pills). It took 1.5 months, I returned from rest, the pain was rare, then completely disappeared.

    But after another couple of weeks a sharp bit appeared - I, apparently, pressed it and it came out. A very decent fragment, or a piece of bone (the top is sharp, and the bottom is on one side in notches, and in a section like a tubular bone).Went to the doctor who deleted - he said that everything is normal, it could be a septum or a sharp edge. I washed and let go (yes, I still insisted on the picture). Made a panoramic shot. I consulted already with 5 surgeons, 4 of whom say that everything is normal, and 1 does not exclude osteomyelitis (I do not like something in the picture, although the drawing on the bone is clear). Said drink antibiotic Amoxiclav, 10 days.

    At the moment, the gum is pink, not inflamed, but there are walking pains. Sometimes the gums are pained and everything goes away (I use metrogil gel), and sometimes pain in the lower jaw, but I do not take painkillers. I forgot to say: a couple of times there were pains reacting to the hot - I went to the therapist, she said that root 7 is visible. I assigned X-ray 6, 7, 8 teeth (in the overview picture 7 there is deep caries, 6 with granuloma). But I did not go to treat yet. I want to hear your opinion. Thank you in advance! All health! Everyone has everything individually.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that a fragment of bone was initially left after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth - this almost never leads to a serious complication, but sometimes creates some temporary inconveniences for the patient.

      Hot pains more often indicate that in any tooth there is either pulpitis or periodontal changes, which your attending physician is talking about (6th tooth with a granuloma). Less commonly, pain from hot can be a sign of caries - in this case, when viewed in the mouth and checking a particular tooth for a cold pain reaction, it can also take place. In any case, it is necessary to treat the identified problem teeth. But to touch the hole (to produce curettage) after such a time is hardly advisable.

  112. Alex:

    I lie in the ward and slowly ohr * nebayu after deleting 8 (bottom left). It feels like the floor of the jaw has been torn off. In general, the devil is not so bad) Dare, who needs it, everything will be Zer Gut! 🙂

  113. Sergei:

    Today, in a free clinic, he removed a wisdom tooth (lower right). As a doctor so quickly took out a tooth, for 30 seconds, it remains to be guessed. But I know for sure that she is a master in this. Because I did everything slowly. The main thing is to help the doctor, that is, relax, open your mouth until the end and try to help her when she catches him.

  114. Yuliya:

    After what time can I remove the second wisdom tooth in the lower jaw? ) The first removal was 15.02.2018.

    • Hello Yulia. To remove the second wisdom tooth, it is enough to wait until the stage of epithelization begins - it will take 7-10 days to wait. Even if after this time there is still a dimple, but it will be filled with a pink gum and you can chew on this side painlessly, then you can sign up for the next removal.

  115. Alexander:

    Today, the daughters removed the bottom eight. After 2.5 hours came out in tears. The torment is not over, because not all have been removed. Is it really permissible?

    • Hello, Alexander. A tooth extraction operation can sometimes take a considerable amount of time, and does not always go smoothly. The difficulty lies, as a rule, in the fact that the tooth is almost completely in the bone and may lie on the mandibular canal, inside which the nerve passes. If this nerve is damaged, then some parts of the face may remain insensitive for a long time (less often - forever) - as if anesthesia has not departed. Therefore, dentists-surgeons, acting responsibly and realistically aware of their capabilities (their experience, for example, as well as the presence or absence of this or that equipment) sometimes do not complete the operation.

      But in any case, there should be adequate pain relief.I recommend to contact an experienced maxillofacial surgeon to clarify the situation.

  116. Irina:

    Hello! My son had a difficult removal of eight 10 days ago. 2 days ago, the temperature rose to 39, which in a day fell to normal. Now about seven swelled and aching pain. Why?

    • Hello! Most likely, the tooth hole was inflamed. You urgently need to see a doctor so that he can inspect the hole, otherwise an abscess may form on the gum. Inflammation 8 days after the extraction of the tooth could have happened for various reasons, but, most likely, the contents of the oral cavity got into the well, which led to a complication. Now it is important to take the necessary measures in time, referring to a dentist-surgeon to prevent further deterioration of the situation.

  117. Anastasia:

    I got sick lower eight. Naturally, pus. I do not know how he lay with me, it seems, was visible from the outside. Delete - it was something! Injection acted weakly, as a result of digging. I already thought I would never get him out. Said to sleep immediately, when I come home, it will be painful.But after what I endured, I no longer saw the pain after! We broke the teeth, but not much. Healed for a week.

  118. Galina:

    And I'm not 8-ku, but the retentive 5-ku was deleted, as well as rotten 6-ku and 4-ku (3 days ago). 5-ka very deeply sat and rested in 4-ku. More than an hour and sawed, and drilled, and the elevator shook. Two anesthesia. As a result, I could not get up from the chair, the pressure jumped, they called an ambulance. Of the benefits: no swelling, the pain was only on the first day. Of the minuses: numb part of the lips and chin.

  119. Veronica:

    Today I deleted 8-ku on the lower jaw. I did not experience more pain. I was shivering, clutching at the chair with my hands - I was shaking with the chair for a couple 🙂 The doctor often changed the instruments (I closed my eyes not to see these pieces of iron). It was a crunch, pain, moans! After the tooth was removed, the pain subsided immediately. Shivering did not pass for two hours, I guess. I am satisfied with the result so far - no swelling, no bruises, only a sore throat and a sick mouth. Have registered to drink an antibiotic. The operation was done free of charge at the local clinic. Doctor Umnichka - master of his craft!

  120. Natalia:

    Good day to all! It happened to remove 8-ku on the lower jaw (flew to the sea ...) I live in the city of Vladimir.We have an amazing dentist. Anesthesia, waiting, then removal ... Pained, but passed without complications. Thanks to the doctor!

  121. Nina:

    The main thing - do not pull, and immediately contact a specialist. For three days a tooth ached, a flux was formed. Went to a paid removal. Removed quickly and painlessly, but accumulated a lot of pus. Bottom line - put in the hospital, cut the lower part of the cheek from the outside. I'm afraid to go to the mirror!

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