Website about dental diseases and their treatment

Alveolitis as a complication after tooth extraction (when the hole festered)

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Let's talk about alveolitis - an unpleasant complication that often occurs after the removal of teeth and is manifested by inflammation and suppuration of the hole, which reduces its healing rate.

Sometimes after tooth extraction, after about 1-3 days, inflammation and suppuration of the hole (alveolitis) begins - a rather dangerous complication, which is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Alveolitis can occur after the removal of any tooth, disrupting the normal healing process of the hole and often creating a serious threat to human health in general.

If, after the removal of a tooth, it is not possible to treat the alveolitis-affected hole in time, then there are risks of severe complications. For example, with the further development of a purulent-necrotic process, limited osteomyelitis can form in the wound, which creates prerequisites for the development of life-threatening abscesses and jaw phlegmon. The rapid spread of infection in the deep spaces of the lower jaw can provoke blood infection (sepsis), in which a person sometimes dies in a matter of days.

The photo below shows an example of odontogenic phlegmon:

Phlegmon - acute extensive (diffuse) inflammation of adipose tissue.

That is why it is so important to recognize the problem in time. If after you have pulled out a tooth, the hole for some reason has festered, then you should not wait when everything resolves itself - you need to use all possible means to relieve this complication.

And then we will consider in detail the main causes of inflammation of the tooth hole, which home remedies can be used to treat alveolitis, and in which cases the help of a dentist is indispensable for solving the problem.

Alveolitis can also be treated at home, but in most cases it will still require a visit to the dentist.

It is interesting

According to statistics, alveolitis most often develops after removal of the molars of the lower jaw (molars), including wisdom teeth. The fact is that the structure of the lower jaw, as compared to the upper one, has a number of important features that create inconveniences in the work of the dentist-surgeon: it is more difficult to extract complex roots (for example, curved ones) from the “thick” bone and, moreover, the infection quickly goes to deep spaces with the development of purulent inflammation.

Therefore, objectively there is a greater chance that after removal of large molars of the lower jaw, alveolitis will occur. In this regard, wisdom teeth are particularly problematic.


What does a well look like after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, bleeding from the hole usually occurs immediately (but sometimes the adrenaline from the anesthetic narrows the vessels so much that at first the hole is almost “dry” and bleeding develops only later when the patient is already at home). Normally, the blood stops for 3-30 minutes, forming a blood clot in the hole that protects the wound from adverse external influences.

The photo below shows what the hole looks like immediately after the removal of a wisdom tooth that was previously hidden under the gum:

Retinal wisdom tooth (hidden under the gingival hood)

And this is how a fresh hole looks like after the removal of a wisdom tooth

The blood clot that has formed after the extraction of a tooth changes its color from burgundy to lighter with a yellowish tinge in a couple of days. The color in this case is determined by the natural physiological processes: the red component from the erythrocytes (hemoglobin) is gradually washed out by the liquid from the oral cavity, but the so-called fibrin skeleton is preserved, which serves as the structural basis of the thrombus that prevents bleeding from the hole of the extracted tooth.

If the healing of tissues passes without complications, then a normal well in 1-2 days should look something like the one shown in the photo:

The photo shows the appearance of the hole 2 days after tooth extraction.

Despite the characteristic color, do not confuse a normal thrombus with pus and fear that a change in color from burgundy to lighter is already a sign of alveolitis. Moreover, you do not need to climb into the wound, as this can seriously harm the normal healing of the hole.

The process of normal healing (overgrowth) of the hole after tooth extraction should proceed smoothly. The wound heals on the principle of secondary tension, in other words - there is a gradual convergence of its edges. The main healing factor is the growth of granulation tissue, which is soon replaced by young bone tissue.

The photo shows what the hole looks like after tooth extraction after 3 weeks:

The appearance of the hole after 3 weeks from the moment of tooth extraction - the gum has practically healed.

If the process is not complicated by alveolitis, then usually on about 7 days after tooth extraction, granulation tissue almost completely replaces the blood clot, and young bone is actively formed. How long the hole will be overgrown after tooth extraction, in order for a smooth gum to fully form, depends on the nature of the intervention. The rougher the removal and the more damaged the surrounding tissue, the longer the wound will heal.

According to statistics, normal healing should end in 2-3 weeks, but this does not mean that nothing happens in the hole. The complete formation of bone tissue under the gum usually completes only after 2-3 months, and then there is no trace of the former hole in which it was previously sick.

Photo of a fully healed gum (after 2 months):

Fully healed gum - appearance two months after tooth extraction.


The main causes of inflammation of the hole and gums

Let's imagine a bad tooth, on the roots of which there are foci of inflammation. Such foci are usually isolated by the body in the so-called granulomas (cysts) - simply speaking, these are sacs filled with infection and pus.

A schematic example of a cyst on the tooth root

And this photo shows a real extracted tooth with cysts on the roots.

When the tooth is removed, the bacteria partly remain in the hole - in this case they speak about the primary infection of the wound. Even if the dentist-surgeon removed all the roots of the tooth with or without granulomas (cysts), the infection that provoked inflammation in the tissues surrounding the root cannot be completely eliminated, although it can and should be controlled. Whether it provokes alveolitis, depends, among other things, on human immunity.

There are also risks of secondary infection of the wound, that is, when the infection gets from the outside, which can also lead to alveolitis.

For example, alveolitis after tooth extraction may develop in the following cases:

  • In the absence of a normal blood clot in the hole. When the effect of a dry hole occurs immediately or after a tooth is removed, the result is an empty wound that is not filled with a protective blood clot and is open to any infections in the mouth.If a protective blood clot does not form in the dental hole, then the probability of developing alveolitis increases dramatically.
  • When pushing during a tooth extraction procedure deep into the well of infected objects: tartar, carious tooth walls, bone fragments, etc.
  • With poor care of the hole by the patient. Moreover, the development of alveolitis can be triggered not only by the refusal to follow the doctor’s recommendations, but also the unauthorized use of methods that are not acceptable in this clinical situation (for example, intensive mouth rinsing, leading to leaching of the protective blood clot from the hole).

Against the background of reduced immunity, a number of comorbidities and in elderly people, the risks for the development of alveolitis, even with a simple tooth extraction, are elevated.


Alveolitis symptoms

So, after a tooth is pulled out, the hole, especially if it is dry (without a blood clot), can fester already on day 2 after the procedure.In this case, at first there is no acute pain, and there is only a weak aching pain, aggravated during the meal.

At the same time the remains of food and saliva are often determined. The edges of the gums at the site of the extracted tooth are red, when you touch them there is pain. The general condition of a person is satisfactory, there is no temperature.

At the initial stage of alveolitis there is no acute pain, however, weak aching pain already appears.

With the further spread of purulent infection, more characteristic symptoms of alveolitis develop:

  • severe persistent pain at the site of the extracted tooth;
  • the spread (irradiation) of pain to neighboring areas - from the maxillofacial area to the head area;
  • increase in body temperature to relatively high values ​​(up to 38) and the appearance of associated chills, body aches and deterioration of general well-being;
  • the appearance of putrid odor from the mouth as a result of suppuration of the hole;
  • the absence of a blood clot in the wound (dry hole);
  • the presence of a dirty gray plaque on the surface of the healing gums (sometimes there is a black hole);
  • enlarged submandibular lymph nodes;
  • One of the most important and characteristic signs of suppuration of the hole at the site of the extracted tooth is the appearance of purulent exudate from the wound, especially when the gum is pressed.

With severe wound inflammation, the temperature may rise and a feeling of chills and general weakness may appear.


“On Wednesday I went to the removal of the lower molar, since there was only one stump left from it, which was no longer suitable for a crown. Removal was quick and almost without pain, was assigned to rinse your mouth and sent for treatment at home.

Already on Thursday, in a place where there used to be a tooth, severe pain began and the gums swelled. Another horrible bad breath appeared. In the end, I came to the doctor who pulled my tooth the day before. She looked and advised me to “fasten” and put a hot water bottle with ice on my swollen cheek. After a couple of days, the swelling slept, but the gum did not hurt less. I drank several times a day Nurofen. But the pain never stopped, so I went back to that aunt.

They took a picture of me and said that everything is fine, but there are sharp bones from the place where my tooth used to be. So they decided to remove. It was very painful when they were picking at my gums again and removing these “bones”, then putting gauze, making me bite and sending me home.

After a couple of hours, hellish throbbing pains began, so I decided to go to the next private clinic, where they explained everything to me. It turns out that I had a bad tooth removed, a lot of lumps from the destroyed tooth and bones from the jaw remained, so it all mixed with infection and gave pus.With an injection, I cleaned all this away with absolutely no pain, put a gauze napkin with ointment on top and gave recommendations. On the same day, I felt better, so more about that doctor who removed the tooth I didn’t have with my foot. ”

Christina, Yekaterinburg


What can be done at home for emergency treatment of a festering hole

If after removing a tooth, the hole began to fester or other alveolitis symptoms described above appeared, and it is not possible to get a doctor for a consultation in the near future, you can try to relieve the condition yourself at home.

If it is difficult to get to a doctor, then the symptoms of alveolitis can be alleviated at home, especially if you are in time for treatment.

However, it is important to keep in mind that not all seemingly effective methods are harmless. Some lotions and rinses only exacerbate the situation, creating prerequisites for an even greater progression of inflammation.

For example, most caring friends can advise you soda solution and 3% hydrogen peroxide for rinsing - it would seem, time-tested folk remedies to relieve inflammation. But most doctors are unequivocally opposed to such a mockery of the body,after all, soda and peroxide, despite their antiseptic effect, can also flush out a protective blood clot, leaving the empty black hole in the future defenseless against infection.

When alveolitis is not recommended to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, as well as soda.

Natural antiseptics — for example, chamomile and sage decoctions, which are quite suitable for home use, can become relatively safe and effective treatments for alveolitis. But here there are important nuances:

  • it is impossible to rinse the mouth intensively so as not to wash the blood clot. It is enough just to take water in your mouth and hold the solution at the sore spot for 2-3 minutes.
  • During the procedure, it is impossible to suck the remnants of a decaying blood clot from the wound, even if it smells bad and looks black. And even more so it is impossible to pick out a clot with a toothpick or a cotton swab.
  • It is important to arrange such antiseptic rinses as often as possible (10-12 times for an hour, until there is a clear improvement).

After prior consultation with a doctor (at least by phone), analgesics can be used, such as Pentalgin, Ketorol, Ketanov, Naiz, Baralgin, or others.However, you need to understand that these drugs only relieve pain, but do not cure alveolitis and related inflammatory processes.

Now let's assume that you still managed to stop the symptoms of alveolitis on your own - the acute pain disappeared, the suppuration of the hole seemed to have subsided, the swelling of the gums and cheeks subsided. What to do next?

Even if the dental hole after self-treatment has ceased to fester, you should still consult a dentist for advice.

First of all, it is not worthwhile to be greatly deceived and relaxed, hoping that the hole will not fester anymore. Often, in such cases, the process is only transferred from the acute to the chronic form. Therefore, as soon as it becomes possible to get an appointment with a dentist, this must be done in order to prevent the occurrence of further exacerbations.


Professional treatment of alveolitis: what can you expect in the dentist's office

When patients visit a dentist-surgeon about the inflammation of the hole after the tooth extraction procedure, the doctor usually sees the following picture in the oral cavity: a blood clot in the hole is either completely absent, or there are disintegrating residues; with pressure on the gums can be pus with an unpleasant odor. This is usually enough to diagnose alveolitis and proceed with its immediate treatment.

Treatment of alveolitis after tooth extraction consists of several stages:

  1. First, a good anesthesia is done;
  2. Curettage (cleaning) of the extracted tooth is performed - its scraping with careful mechanical treatment of necrotic tissues with simultaneous washing of the wound with antiseptic solutions from food residues, saliva, disintegrated clot, etc .;
  3. Then the refreshment of the well is carried out with a scalpel;During the treatment of alveolitis, the doctor usually refreshes the wound, thereby ensuring the formation of a protective blood clot in it.
  4. According to the indications, sutures are put on the hole, a gauze napkin is installed with or without the preparation;
  5. Recommendations for the care of wounds are given and antiseptic rinses and medications for topical administration in the form of gels or ointments are prescribed.

Stitches are put on the tooth hole.

Installation of any drugs in the well itself is an outdated technique, but for public institutions it is currently one of the most effective in the treatment of alveolitis, although it is not without certain drawbacks.

The following drugs can be used as antiseptics for further home treatment of alveolitis (as agreed with the doctor):

  • Corsodil;
  • Hexicon;
  • Stomatidine;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Eludril.

For application to the gum, Metrogil Dent gel and Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste are sometimes used.


I snatched the remnants of the tooth 6 days ago. At first they made injections throughout the gum, and then with a forceps for a long time they could not pick up the root, as it constantly crumbled. But, thank God, pulled out.

Already at home, when the frost passed, it became so terrible to hurt that I had to swallow painkillers. Literally a day later, it seemed that a smell arose from the mouth, and the hole began to hurt even more. I had to not go to work, I decided to be treated at home with gargles with chamomile. At first, it became easier, but closer to evening, the gums began to pulsate, and the body began to ache. And the temperature is 37.8 ° C. For two days I stayed behind, but the temperature and pain in the gums, where there used to be a tooth, did not pass. Terribly I didn’t want to go again to the secondhand, but there was no way to go, all the more it seemed that the cheek began to swell. I was just scared that I would die ahead of time, so I went for a checkup.

The doctor said that I had alveolitis, but a little more and it would be much worse. She cleaned the wound from the pus and prescribed medications for the treatment of gums. At the moment, the gum has not yet fully healed, but the temperature and pain are gone, and the swelling becomes less every day. So if you want to have more grandchildren, it is better not to delay as I am.

Nadezhda, 45 years old, Moscow

Sometimes a special medicine is put into the hole for better healing.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are sometimes used to treat alveolitis after tooth extraction:

  • Microwave therapy;
  • Treatment with helium-neon laser;
  • UFO;
  • Fluctuarization.


Prevention of alveolitis

So that after the tooth is pulled out, the hole does not fester, you should carefully consider the recommendations of the doctor for the care of the wound. Do not use those funds that have not been assigned.

To prevent alveolitis, you should properly care for the hole immediately after tooth extraction, without neglecting the advice of a doctor.

If you have any doubts about the competence of the doctor and the correctness of the recommendations, you can seek advice from other clinics. No one forbids getting professional advice even in three medical institutions, especially since these consultations are almost always free.

In order for the healing process of the hole to go through normally, one should not pick a wound, scrape the gum without permission, squeeze out a blood clot, suck it out and damage it. It is especially important for at least several days not to chew food on the side of the jaw where the tooth was removed, so that the blood clot is kept intact.

If the doctor has stitched a hole after a tooth has been removed, then the suture cannot be injured, since the wound edges can disperse and the hole will become an object for secondary infection.It goes without saying that with any hands (neither clean nor dirty) you can not check the wound for soreness or clean it from plaque of any color.

Implementation of these simple rules will allow not to appear again at the surgeon’s appointment and will make the process healing of the hole after tooth extraction comfortable and safe for your health.


Interesting video: what is important to know about alveolitis and how to treat it


What to do after tooth extraction to prevent complications



To write "Alveolitis as a complication after tooth extraction (when the hole festered)" 299 comments
  1. Hope:

    After removing the wisdom tooth, the doctor put a piece of gauze soaked in medicine in the hole and told him to walk with him for 4 days. This is normal? And will it harm the healing of the wound?

    • Dmitriy:

      Gauze is removed after 15-25 minutes after removal.

      • Anonymous:

        I had 3 teeth removed from a surgeon, then gauze with propolis was applied for 4 days. When removed from the dentist (without stitching), the gauze pad was removed after 20 minutes.

    • Anonymous:

      And I put the medicine because of the dry hole. By the way, how many have healed after removal?

    • true:

      I was removed the lower wisdom tooth, a week later they also put gauze with medicine. But I change it every day, the doctor said that three days would be enough. He said it was an antibiotic, because for a week I could not get off Ketorol.

    • Irina:

      The presence of gauze - it is normal when you need to remove inflammation. Then the doctor will remove the gauze and the wound will heal quickly and without complications.

  2. Oleg:

    After the removal of a wisdom tooth in the hole, a white dense deposit, after removal, 3 weeks have passed. No pain, swelling of the gums is gone. White bloom does not go so long - is this normal?

    • Lena:

      Oleg, I also have this white bloom after three weeks, and something white flows out (I don’t know what it is.

  3. Helena:

    Friday night, tooth 7 was removed from the bottom right. The tooth was loose and there was a cyst at the root of the tooth. The fact is that the second day the gum hurts and I can not normally open my mouth, it reduces. No antibiotics were prescribed to me, since I am in position. What should I do, can I rinse something?

    • Kira:

      Of course, you can rinse: Miramistin, chlorhexidine, soda and iodine, with salt, only so that the water is warm, and, if it hurts too much, paracetamol is possible. I have the same problem, I’m in position, the tooth was removed two days ago, and the jaw and the hole itself hurt unbearably, it even hurts to speak ... I worry, as if there was no inflammation.

  4. Natalia:

    25.11 I had a tooth removed (lower 5 on the right side). After 3 days, the gum began to ache as a tooth aches during nerve inflammation. From the pain helped only fanigan. She also made trays of sage decoction. I thought that the pain will pass, but it was not there.I had to go to the dentist, I was diagnosed with alveolitis. I cleaned the hole, put iodoform drainage. At home, it was prescribed to take the antibiotic azithromycin for 3 days, drip lincomycin with lidocaine into the well throughout the day (dial 2 cubic meters of lincomycin and cubic lidocaine into the syringe, bend the syringe needle in half and drip into the well during the day). The doctor also advised me to apply a swab with Levomekol ointment on the well. And do the bath chlorhexidine. I hope that the gum will heal without further problems.

    • Anonymous:

      Natalia, hello. I have the same. Yesterday they did an autopsy of the hole, cleaned it, set a drainage. Today was at the dentist, he said everything is fine and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will remove the drainage. Did you heal for a long time?

  5. Zahar:

    November 27, removed the tooth, eight, lower left. The operation was difficult, after removal the wound does not heal. I went to the doctor for a checkup, he cleaned the hole and put a sponge with medicine. Three days passed, there is pain. Today I went again and again cleaned the hole and put a sponge on it ... Said to rinse with chamomile, nothing more ... I was already tired, honestly, what would anyone say, please?

    • Anonymous:

      Zahar, how is the tooth? I have the same story.I feel you need to go to the doctor, to be treated. It does not pass. The tooth was removed on March 15, and today is April 1.

  6. Anastasia:

    A week ago, I removed a tooth, 6 from the bottom right. The removal was hard: the roots were knocked out to me. For three days, the gum ached, and there it became all gray. I went to the doctor, she cleaned the hole, it was painful. She put the medicine, said to go with him for 3 days. After 3 days came, she removed the medicine, said ointment to thrust solcoseryl in there. The doctor says nothing, I have a black hole and a smell from there. I decided to rinse with chamomile. I do not know what to do, the gum and whining (How does it all heal, if the ointment constantly goes there? ..

  7. Natalia:

    A week ago, they removed the tooth on the right, put a paid injection. The gum is slightly swollen and sore, aching. I drank 2 packs of Ketonal tablets, I’m caressing, and the hole aches like that.

  8. Denis:

    The lower right wisdom tooth was removed, 6 days have passed, a sore throat on that side and an ear, a white coating on all sides of that side. Pus, probably from the bottom as well. Himself on watch in the protection, soda analgin and paracetamol. I can not swallow, the mouth does not open almost. How to be? Soda can often rinse?

    • Anonymous:

      Maybe you have a dry hole. I have it now. Be sure to see a doctor. Every day, washed and propolis is applied. Should help, the pain is gone.

    • Anonymous:

      It was the same. I went to the doctor - they cut the gums, a lot of pus came out, and it became easier.

  9. Liza:

    Honestly, after these comments, I’m afraid I’m going to pull out a tooth. My back tooth is rotten, because of it it has an unpleasant smell, although I clean it. There used to be a bigger tooth, now it is crumbling. First you need to pull out a tooth? Or do something before that? Tell me please.

    • Anonymous:

      The sooner get rid of it, the better! And if you follow all the doctor's prescriptions, it will go without complications.

    • Eugene:

      Do not be afraid 🙂 All the rules will be, yesterday I removed 2 teeth: 6 and 4, and today 8. Two wounds almost dragged out, however, I drank the tablets a day before the surgeon, and tomorrow I will have more pain, for blood clotting. A white clot has already appeared on today's one, like cotton wool (the doctor said, whites are white leukocytes, and it is better not to pull them off). True, I gobbled up this clot now 🙂 And there was blood in the hole. So all the rules 🙂

    • Yana:

      Make the removal.Removed under anesthesia, today did - it does not hurt at all!

  10. Inna:

    How long does a dry well heal? The gum, at least, will be tightened, but a big hole is about, 1 month has passed, but there are no changes.

    • Anonymous:

      Dry hole does not heal itself, it is necessary to the dentist.

  11. Galina:

    Urgently! Is there a doctor on the site right now, can someone answer my question?

    • Konstantin:

      Doctors come here periodically, constantly not sitting here. Answers to questions, but, of course, not this minute)

    • Anonymous:

      Yes there is. I am doctor.

  12. Tanya:

    I had a tooth removed at the top, a four, the operation was difficult. 2 weeks terribly everything hurt, did not sleep and did not eat. Already better, no pain much. But I'm worried about the build-up of meat from the hole. I hurt him, he is soft, like silicone. What could it be? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Tanya. Due to the difficult removal, the healing of the hole was slow. The epithelium around the gums began to grow and "tighten." It does not always look like a person. I observed this problem more than once (especially in older patients).The gums really grows erratically, filling the emptiness in the hole, as God puts on the soul. In the end, after about a couple of weeks the wound is made out more or less beautifully: the edges become smooth and, accordingly, the gum itself looks exactly. It can take its final form (especially after difficult and traumatic deletions) not earlier than in 3-4 months (up to six months).

    • Dima:

      1 month ago removed 6-ka. Now from the hole has grown, like you - to the touch SOFT, like silicone, and in shape like a TEA. There is no pain. But I don’t like the look of this hole.

    • Anonymous:

      Refer to the doctor, most likely, this gelatinous sponge swelled and grew, only the doctor should cut it off.

  13. Ulyana:

    I also had a wisdom tooth removed on March 29th. The pain is hellish. I went to the reception again, the doctor took a picture, everything is normal. He said inflammation of the hole, prescribed an antibiotic and ketorol. Today I drink 3 days, the pain goes away only for a while. Weakness, dizziness, nausea. No temperature. How much more to drink antibiotics?

  14. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello, Ulyana! An antibiotic is usually taken from 5 to 7 days, but it can also take a longer time in difficult situations.The duration of the reception is monitored by the attending physician.

    It is strange that the doctor, having made the correct diagnosis “inflammation of the hole” or “alveolitis,” limited himself to only prescriptions, but did not curet the hole with the formation of a fresh clot. This is done under local anesthesia and almost always leads to success in the coming days. In my practice, apart from curettage, I apply a gauze bandage with an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointment over the wound for 10-15 minutes. It is local therapy + general recommendations that give quick results. I am afraid that without attention to your hole, you can just wait for a positive result for a long time, which can be dangerous.

  15. Sveta:

    I'm on the 29th tore a tooth out. And the hole still hurts and there is something white in it. Now and the next tooth when pressing hurts. What is it?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Sveta! The wording “the hole still hurts” is a loose concept. Since you did not describe the nature of the pain, I dare to assume that the pain is limited to eating. It is clear that the harder it was to remove, the slower the wound healing process.

      The fact that 10 days have already passed, and the wound is felt is not an indication of the problem.“Something white” in a wound is a vague definition. Of course, the suggestion is that the “white” is much better than the dirty gray, black, dark brown, and even with a putrid odor. If you suspect that it is purulent exudate, then the symptoms would be brighter. Presumably what you have now - fit into the norm.

      Neighboring teeth after removal in varying degrees, hurt almost all "when pressed." The proximity of the wound affects the surrounding tissues around the teeth located near the hole. This will take place with the healing of the hole and its adaptation.

  16. Irina:

    Tell me, please, I was pulled out of the bottom eight on April 11, for the last week I've been drinking the niz because the pain does not go away, the cheek is swollen, there are white blotches. I went to the doctor again on April 15, looked ... Said that this is the norm with a difficult removal and that it can hurt for up to 2 weeks. And it scares me ... I can live only with a niche. Tell me, is this the norm? Or should see another doctor?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Irina! Swelling and severe pain for more than a week is not the norm. Critical the first day after removal, but not more.

      Be sure to have more humane ways than "chemistry" to eliminate the symptoms of a violation in the healing of the hole. I think that nevertheless it is worthwhile to appear to another doctor to explain the situation and (or) to hold events. Each doctor approaches these problems individually. It may be sufficient to re-treat the well under anesthesia with the elimination of residual crushed bone, parts of the tooth, granulomas, etc. Sometimes just refreshing the wound with the formation of a full blood clot is enough that nothing else hurts.

      The question of the introduction into the wound or wound of drugs (sponges, ointments, gels, etc.) remains open - each doctor decides individually as they gain experience of successful work.

  17. Irina:

    Thank you very much for the answer, today I could not stand it, I went again to the same doctor, because another doctor is not working today. Again he said that this is the norm, the pains, he says, can last for up to 2-3 weeks, the well podzatyanulsya, and the white blotches - this is dead skin. Prescribed to apply diluted proposol to the well. But having left him, she again drank Ketorol. At night, I wake up from the ever-nagging pain that does not give rest.Tomorrow I'll go to another doctor ... (((

  18. Irina:

    Another doctor also said that externally there is no inflammation. There is no clot in the hole either ... And it is deep ((If the pain does not subside before the weekend, be sure to show it again - take a picture and write out an antibiotic ... But, it seems, the pain has become more tolerable. Every day counts.

    Tell me, and you can do sports? 1.5 weeks have passed ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello again, Irina! I hope for your speedy recovery. It is a pity that the doctor did not begin to form a new clot for you. But on the other hand, many patients do not like to be picked again in the wound, even if it is “frozen”.

      Since the work was not done and it took a week and a half, the sport is not contraindicated in moderate volume. It is usually forbidden to engage in physical labor in the first 2-3 days after the extraction of the tooth in order to avoid bleeding. In your case, I would like the blood itself to go: you would have clamped a sterile napkin for 10 minutes, forming a good clot. It is he who almost always removes all the bad symptoms (especially pain).

      But closer to 100%, run, do not run, wring out, do not wring out, and the blood will not go, as the wound from the bottom is already covered with a new young cloth.So do your health! Maybe thinking less will be about the bad!

  19. Oksana:

    Hello. I removed the bottom eight eight weeks ago (not traumatic and rather quickly, although the tooth was sawn to reduce the load on the jaw, was large). The doctor warned that there will be more pain than when removing the previous eight (deleted two months ago), because the roots were slightly bent and touched the nerve. Three days after the ingestion of food, the hole suppurated (it was not possible to get to the doctor). When I came to the reception, they did the washing and set the alvozhil, first it helped, the pain went away immediately, but after a couple of days, the aching pain returned, sometimes pulsing, piercing the jaw (it did not give to the temple and ear). There was no temperature, the pain increased in the evening, the swelling was quite small. The gums were red and swollen, the doctor put on the alveolitis and after a week curettage of the hole, prescribed a broad-spectrum antibiotic. I put a sponge with some medicine first, rinsed every other day, put a iodoform gauze pad, repeated it two days later. And, it seems, there everything heals normally, but dull aching pains in the well regularly appear (the 6th day after curettage).I'm already just paranoid and I'm afraid that this is again some kind of complication. Tell me, is it normal and how often does it happen? And when is it worth sounding the alarm?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Oksana! Well, essentially the question: a number of dentists are sure that alveolitis is a consequence of poor preparation of a wound by a doctor. That is, if all the conditions during the work were met (accuracy, sterility, rapprochement of the wound edges, a good clot, etc.), then alveolitis almost does not arise.

      Of course, no one is immune from mistakes, so the alveolitis can be considered as the result of a mutual violation of the regimes. You could also “help” the well to come to this state, but do not despair. Work on the treatment of alveolitis doctor held. The acute stage has passed, and residual effects persist, but temporarily.

      The incidence of alveolitis in the patients of each doctor is different. The more mistakes the doctor makes (and does not follow the recommendations of the patient), the higher the statistics. I think that it is “alarming” that stands when a putrid smell appears from the hole, the temperature rises and (or) edemas form.

      Unfortunately, without examining the hole, you can not say anything positive or negative. That is why it is so important to solve any doubtful questions together with your doctor. In case of no confidence in him, no one forbids holding a consultation with another specialist. I think that you will make the right decision. Recover!

  20. Oleg:

    Hello. He pulled out the last tooth in the row. No more pains. Today, while brushing your teeth, the blood plug spilled out, which is formed after removal. The hole remained open. Is this a dry hole now and it’s worth going to the dentist, or will it drag itself, as it should?

    I forgot to clarify that the blot was rinsed out on the seventh day after removal.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Oleg! Loss of a blood clot may or may not cause dry hole symptoms. In order not to read the tea leaves, even though it is already 7 days of removal, it is better to go to your doctor and clarify all the nuances. A competent doctor will find the right solution. Personally, I would re-form a fresh clot under local anesthesia and sleep peacefully, as the biological bandage is in place.Tactics of doctors on the same issue can be different, so you should listen to a colleague's opinion and follow his principles of assistance in this situation.

  21. Irina:

    And this is me again)) Today I was again at the dentist, as my ear began to ache, with lumbago. The dentist sent to Laura, because, he says, most likely, he blew it. Lohr looked and said that it was neuralgia - from the tooth ... I recommended to beat Xefocan or Flamadex. Nerves are running out ((The dentist said to come after the weekend, if he doesn’t get any better - they will make a new clot under anesthesia. It seems to me that I will die soon ... I am tired, my strength is gone ((

  22. Helena:

    Hello! On April 20, the lower right 6 was removed. The removal is difficult; on the inside of the gum, a bone of 3 to 5 mm is exposed. The doctor said that the bone would interfere for a while and put in a medicine. The pain is not strong, rather, aching, feeling of slight swelling, increased lymph node under the jaw. I rinse the solution of furatsilina and irrigate the wound with Miramistin, but still on day 3 there was an unpleasant smell from the hole.The doctor did not give any recommendations, on the contrary, she said that on day 1 of the removal she shouldn’t rinse her mouth, she did not prescribe antibiotics. First of all, I am worried about how long the bone will be bare, and in general, whether the tissue will grow on it, it is too “terrible” sight + can I get rid of the smell at home using drugs and an antibiotic?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Elena! With all due respect to my colleague, I do not agree with her tactics. First, the bone can not be left, not covered by the gum - this is the way to pain and a high risk of developing alveolitis. Secondly, the doctor is obliged to make recommendations, especially after a complex removal.

      The fact that you have taken the path of self-treatment is understandable, but risky (the irritating effect of many drugs does not allow them to be used after removal).

      About the protruding edge of the bone: it can simply turn into an exostosis, which will have to be ground off. Whether you like it or not, it’s best to go to another dental surgeon with experience in this area. It is possible to sand the exostoses of the bone, align the edges, remove the fragments (I am sure they are), clean the wound again and, if necessary, stitches, bringing the wound edges together.It is necessary that the wound is not gaping - the entrance gate for food, infection, and so on.

      Then the hole will heal comfortably and without pain (with minimal discomfort and in a matter of days). Stay healthy!

    • Arthur:

      Well, how did your situation develop? Himself in the same condition, removed 6-ku, hurt for 2 days, then stopped, but visible bone. And so, on the 7th day, I constantly touched this bone with my tongue, in the evening I started to hurt, it has been hurting for 3 days already, pulsating pain.

  23. Anonymous:

    Hello. Three days ago I had the seventh tooth removed from above, it was with pus and I still do not have a blood clot! This is bad?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In fact, a blood clot formed after the removal of a tooth is the norm, however, often, even without a clot, healing takes place without serious complications. The main thing is that there are no characteristic symptoms: fever, edema, sharp pain, etc. In any case, a visit to the dentist should be necessary to eliminate future problems with the hole. If you do not yet have the opportunity to consult a doctor, you should clearly follow the recommendations assigned to them.Be healthy!

  24. Nataliya:

    I removed the tooth, it took 5 days, it hurts terribly and swelling. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Information is not enough to complete the picture, but a common cause of pain (3-5 days after removal especially) is alveolitis ("suppuration of the hole"). Since I was not present at removal, they can only speak in absentia and approximately. Rough and traumatic interventions with poor wound revision often result in repeated severe pain, edema, fever, etc. a few days after tooth extraction. Sometimes, the patient himself, while ignoring the doctor’s recommendations, also depends a lot: will there be alveolitis or not. Indeed, with alveolitis, the hole may hurt even more than the pain before the extraction. Pain and other symptoms in more than 50-60% of cases will not cease until the situation in the dentist-surgeon's chair is analyzed, which must inspect the well and conduct a competent treatment of it under anesthesia. Often, these problems are solved with your own doctor, but you can contact another dentist if you have any doubts on your part.

  25. Love:

    I removed a tooth, two weeks have passed, tooth 6. A tumor near the tooth (such a feeling that the pus has not ripened) has not subsided. The doctor said that with time will pass. Now I look - the entire lower gum is red. And where the tooth was, swelling is increasing. I know that I need to see a doctor and better to another. But where are you going to find them at the weekend? What first aid can I give myself?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! There is a service of duty dentists at hospitals, regional centers, etc. Dentistry is especially popular now 24 hours, where they provide constant help: I ​​mean the private sector. It is expensive, but when it comes to serious risks to life and health - acceptable. Independently, you can only do harm, especially since we live in the 21st century. I have no right to prescribe anything seditious to you, since it will not be within the framework of scientific medicine.

  26. Lyudmila:

    After the next removal, the well always hurts me, it is already an infection. The doctor prescribed the treatment for me: rifampicin (antibiotic) tablets and ointment methyluracil. Pile the hole with this pill and apply ointment on the wound - that's how I treat my holes. But consult with your doctors.

  27. Yuliya:

    Hello! Removed molar with cyst 12.05. I was embarrassed that the doctor did not take pictures either before or after the operation. He didn’t clean the hole, didn’t give appointments, just let go in peace. All these days, there is swelling of the cheeks, swelling of the gums, the hole is suspiciously gray, and in addition now I noticed something like stomatitis in the place of the extracted tooth, on the side. I very much suspect that this is inflammation. I will go to the doctor only on Monday. Tell me, please, what to rinse and what is it all about? To know for sure.

  28. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello! You list the signs of incipient alveolitis (gray hole, edema), so I recommend that you urgently consult a dentist. Self-treatment is not recommended, as it is possible to aggravate the inflammatory process. Naturally, no one offers you tolerance, so an alternative option for Monday is to contact the on-call dentist or private 24-hour dentistry. Fortunately, in public clinics there are similar services, especially where hospitals for maxillofacial patients are attached.

  29. Gulnura:

    Hello.05/11/16, I deleted 8-ku on the lower jaw on the right. It's been 6 days. On top of the hole formed a white oblong plaque, allegedly stomatitis. In the hole too. Recommendations for care performed, strongly not rinsed, so as not to wash out the clot. Although now I do not watch it in the hole. The very right side whines, gives to the temple. I will go to the doctor only tomorrow afternoon (((The gums on the next tooth are swollen.

    On the day of tooth extraction, the doctor prescribed antibiotic Tsiprolet, 500 mg, furatsilin bath. Removal was difficult. I drank antibiotics, it is strange that the hole is still inflamed ... (

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that there is a suspicion of alveolitis, although it is worth checking the adjacent teeth for the presence of caries. Unfortunately, an antibiotic is not a panacea. If this were the case, it would have been mercilessly exploited for the prevention of alveolitis. In general, the antibiotic goes more to fight the infection in case of serious purulent complications here and now: the tooth was removed during the "flux" - it was prescribed.

      With time, a blood clot may not be seen, as it gradually regenerates into tissue and is already deep. It is reasonable to diagnose the condition of the attending physician.I wish you to get answers to your questions and correct the treatment!

  30. Yuliya:

    Hello! Thanks for the answer. Today was a doctor who carried out the removal - said that everything is fine. My complaint about stomatitis from the side (I thought it was a fistula) said that it was the body’s response to the operation and that there was no pus there. The hole and its color quite satisfied him. But I am worried about the smell from the hole, not to say that it is strong, but there is. There is almost no pain, only if you touch the "stomatitis", the gums are swollen, but the swelling does not increase, even subsides. I think to go to another specialist, see what he says.

  31. Tanya:

    I was pulled out 8 above, pulled out quickly, they said that there were no fragments. Gave recommendations. Do not rinse, do not climb hands and tongue, do not eat for two hours. I observed it, but in the evening I applied solcoseryl with dental paste. Now I’m thinking, what if it was impossible to do it, and I’m worried 🙂

    The question is still like this - I came to the polyclinic under the policy, since there was no money for a private paid doctor. She took with her 1000 for paid anesthesia. I waited in line, in front of me, people paid 700 rubles to the cashier for paid anesthesia. And everything, I went in, I said: I would have to make a good anesthesia. The doctor looked and said - if with imported drugs, then 3000, to the cashier. Or ours - for free.I was a little confused, I called my husband to transfer money to the card, and paid. I look at the check. Two types of anesthesia: 300 and 400 rubles. This is just 700, like all, and 2300 - indicated the removal of a complex tooth. I can not understand what paid the very removal could be different from the free for the policy, I was the first time at the tooth. I asked on the chair, the doctor did not quite clearly answer - said imported drugs, the hole will be smaller after removal. I say, and the free procedure is different? In addition to anesthesia toll. He somehow did not clearly let me know. I did not understand, in short. My tooth was damaged by caries on top. 8 top right. Completely crawled out, but a piece broke off and hurt the cheek with a sharp corner, as it grew sideways. Removal was quick, the root is white-white, clean.
    Here, I think, for what there was a payment, to understand. Free removal by other tools or what?

    And could I use dental paste to harm myself?

    By the way, I did not take pictures. Neither before nor after. Cold did not give.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Tanya! As for the ointment: it definitely cannot hurt. Its biologically compatible composition even protects the well from aggression on the part of oral factors: physical, chemical, etc. Dental paste - definitely not the enemy of your health.

      Are the prices of procedures an enemy of the wallet for the patient? Firstly, “two types of anesthesia” - it sounds interesting from the point of view that it is possible to apply different anesthetics only as a last resort, as this gives complications. Therefore, the doctor almost 100% works with one person 1 anesthetic drug. Another thing is that the number of carpules can be from 1-2 to 3-4 per patient.

      About the complex removal of the wisdom tooth. Yes, wisdom teeth are now a certain item of income for dentists. There are such items in the price list. Since everything was done to you through the cashier, it’s about the fact that the doctor doesn’t get his own percentage (I don’t remember, but about 15-20% of everything). No one, except the dentist, understands the features of billing on the price list at the cashier. Especially few understand this cashiers and accountants. The main thing is that it should be within reason. Although my colleague once for a long time wrote to the grandmothers for treating a three-channel tooth to the cashier 2-3 thousand rubles, and for the same treatment for aunts and uncles - about 7-8 thousand. The point is that for one treatment you can count some points, but some are ignored. To control this process is impossible absolutely.

      Given the crisis, the survival of free medicine is now based on these paradoxes. We do not remember now, on what grounds is the traffic police officer working so actively on the roads - in the name of a high goal? But accuracy in treating clients should not be veiled by money. This is a personal opinion.

  32. Hope:

    6 days ago removed the upper wisdom tooth. She came with a pain in the face floor. Made injections, 4 cubes of lidocaine. After removal, the doctor asked to firmly hold the bandage tampon, then put another tampon and told her to pull it out at home. After the freeze went away, the pain was wild. Drank ketonal. In the morning the pain was less, but a slight swelling of the cheek appeared. On the third day, the swelling became more and the pain was continuous, and on the fourth day I came to the dentist with swelling and severe pain. The mouth almost did not open. After examining the surgeon, he told me that everything was fine, that the well was good, that you could rinse. I rinsed at home slowly, gathered soda-salt solution behind my cheek and spat it out. The pain did not go away, swelling, too. On day 5, a yellow bruise appeared on his cheek. All this time I was sitting on ketonal. On day 6, that is, today, I went to the doctor.After inspection, she said that the hole was empty, it was necessary to clean it. I took an injection of ultracain and scraped the hole, while I could not open my mouth normally and there was severe pain in my cheek. After cleansing, she put a tourniquet on me and told me not to pull it out, they said, it was overgrown. Assigned tsiprolet and nurofen. When I came home, I immediately drank anesthetic, but so far it did not work, I literally fought hysterically from pain. An hour later, the pain was relieved, swelling and numbness in the cheek, pain when trying to smile or open the mouth, and also under the lower jaw when pressed. I drink from a straw. Now there is no pain, but the temperature has risen 38. Is this normal? Or it is better to call an ambulance and to the hospital.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You have all the signs of active alveolitis. I think that the hole is still not given in the divine form. It is important to take a picture of the hole in order to make sure that there are no fragments of the carious tissues of the tooth or (very bad) not removed root tips. If everything is normal, then it is necessary to determine in the oral cavity: whether there is a complete blood clot in the wound or not.

      And about the temperature: as far as I know, everything above 38 degrees allows you to call an ambulance, since you have this symptom of “suppuration” of the hole - a local inflammatory process with the transition to the surrounding tissues.It is possible that it is best to contact a professional maxillofacial surgeon to help you urgently. Moreover, the previous specialist seems to have exhausted his abilities in solving your problems.

  33. Vanya:

    And I took an ear stick and pulled some white content out of the hole. And then took washed with peroxide. And now there seems to be a dry hole. Tell me what to do in this case? (I did not know that this can not be done).

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think you have removed a blood clot or inflammatory exudate. Now you have the effect of a dry well. For the safety of healing, I recommend to contact a dentist-surgeon for the formation of a full blood clot, as a biological dressing. In the future, I do not recommend self-treatment.

  34. Yuliya:

    9 days ago I removed the bottom eight, there was a manipulation with a bone, 2 sutures were put. The stitches were quickly tightened and resolved, but pain did not pass, it turned out that inflammation started in the wound from the 7th tooth. I went to the doctor, he cleaned the wound and put the medicine in there with gauze, and said to come to him in 2 days.There is practically no pain now, if you do not disturb that place. Is it normal that there is gauze? And suddenly, when it is removed, something will fall into this place again, what then to do? Is there a risk that 7 will suffer from inflammation? Temperature is not, in general, I feel good. And another doctor prescribed antibiotics - digital.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! All doctor's appointments are adequate to the situation. I think you have been put iodoform turunda in the hole for the treatment of alveolitis. The technique of “laying a gauze in a wound” is not modern, but not the worst. Just the doctor this "gauze" will have to extract, as it is not absorbed. 7 tooth, more than confident, nothing threatens in this situation.

      I am sure that they did not register you with Cifrofan, but Cifran, an antibiotic that is often prescribed in oral surgery. If you are cleaned with gauze, the doctor will maximize the comfort of healing. The doctor must bring the edges of the wound together, reducing the risks of food ingress.

  35. Lyra Erman:

    Hello, tell me, please, how to act in this situation. I had a tooth removed 5 days ago, a dental surgeon put in a shot, tried to pull out a tooth for a long time, becausepractically nothing remained of him, he rotted from within a couple of months ago and fell off. As a result, he crumbled all over, the doctor said to spit out blood and fragments of a tooth, then he told me how to rinse and sent him home. When he stopped bleeding (the day after removal), I began to rinse my mouth with furatsilinom, as ordered. After 2 days, I noticed that something was wrong, there was a smell of rot from my mouth, the gum was covered with white and gray, and in the depths it was also covered with a black rotten coating. I apply balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky (I don’t know if it is possible) to suck up all the rot and keep rinsing my mouth. Will it be possible to reach the clinic, it does not work, because I live not in the city. Thanks in advance for your reply, I really appreciate your help.

    What about the pain: the pain was aching, but not severe, 1 day for 2-3 days after removal. And so it does not hurt, if not touch.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It goes without saying that you have alveolitis "in conditions that are comfortable for him." About liniment - I'm not sure that it can solve the problem. You should contact your dentist-surgeon to form an anesthesia of a full-fledged new blood clot.Only a biological dressing helps to better cope with inflammation. Not removed fragments can be identified, since it is often they who feed the alveolitis. Consult a doctor! Health to you!

  36. Olga:

    Almost a year ago, a tooth was extracted - the "five" of the lower jaw. A few days later, due to severe pain, they cleaned the hole, after which the medicine was put in there. After the next visit to the doctor and examination, it was said that everything is in order, the doctor did something with the hole, and said that he no longer needed to come, everything was healing normally. A few days later in the mirror I noticed a piece of gauze sticking out of the hole, but I could not go to the doctor right away with it, and a day later the hole from above was practically drawn out. I wanted to get this piece of gauze out of it myself, but I could not, except for one thread. When I visited the doctor, naturally, no one believed me that gauze could remain in the hole, which was already practically prolonged. Almost a year has passed, this place I constantly feel, periodically quite whining, as if there is still a bad tooth. There was a slight swelling of the cheeks in this place, not pronounced. What should I do with all this now?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Olga! I think that it is necessary to urgently turn to a dentist-surgeon: explain the situation to him in all details, take a picture of the healed hole and draw conclusions based on it. If the doctor sees a lesion of bone tissue or other problems, it will be necessary to revise the wound under anesthesia. Almost always such operations do not cause damage: everything is done carefully and quickly. The main thing is to accurately determine the source of edema and aching pain. In general, Olga, look for a qualified dentist and do not delay with this problem.

  37. Olga:

    Thank you very much, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich, this is exactly what I myself was going to do, the only thing holding me back is the fear that “the gauze left in the hole” will be considered “crazy nonsense,” with the appropriate attitude to my story about it. But I not only saw this piece of gauze, but even picked up the needle, only I did not dare to get it myself, and then it was too late - the edges of the hole were pulled together and it was not visible. And the doctor did not believe that this could be. So I do not know where to look for a doctor who will believe “by the word” and will take this situation seriously.I live in Nizhny Novgorod.

  38. Svetlana:

    A tooth was removed from the lower jaw, on the second day a seal was formed on the neck, and it was painful to swallow something. Went to the reception, they say that there is no pus, only blood, made a new clot. Tell me, please, should it be so? And I already had my gums cut 2 times, they first wrote cyfran, on the third day they added cephalexin, they were told to drink both. What to do? Help.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that the appointment is quite appropriate: the dentist has made every effort for the prospect of comfortable healing. Although two antibiotics at the same time - this is a loading dose. I hope that you support treatment with dysbacteriosis drugs that can cause antibiotics.

  39. Marina:

    Hello! Tell me, please, 5 days ago you deleted the bottom right 8, everything went without complications, but the pain still does not go away, is this normal? The doctor did not register anything, neither rinsing, nor antibiotics.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Marina! In general, recommendations related to antibiotics are not always a necessary attribute of tooth extraction.This is especially true of rinses, which are opposed even by many leading maxillofacial surgeons and implantologists in Russia and other countries.

      I don’t know if I will say something new for you, but each person’s pain threshold is individual. It seems to me that in order to understand how to help you only with a given existing symptom, a doctor should talk to you and find out some more points. How sensitive are you? Have there been similar protracted cases of pain before? When the pain appears: when chewing, or the hole aches constantly? In order to diagnose alveolitis, more compelling reasons and specific questioning + detailed examination of the well are required. Contact your dentist, or specify more information on your case.

  40. Alina M.:

    Good afternoon, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! Please answer my questions. On June 15, the front 1 tooth was removed (top right). After the withdrawal of anesthesia, a terrible pain began, which has been going on for a week already ((Gums swollen, terrible throbbing pain! On June 20 she went to the dentist, explained everything. X-rayed and said that there were materials from a 25-year-old filling left ... , Diazoline and niz.The pain after this procedure has become even stronger, it helps only KETANOV for 2-3 hours. Gums swollen even more! But at the same time the doctor says that this is normal, it happens. I have a terrible weakness, I have no strength anymore, I have a headache, it is difficult to swallow. From the hole when pressed, pus flows out. What to do, who to contact?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you have alveolitis - an infectious inflammatory process of the hole after tooth extraction. Several important signs confirm this (pain, suppuration, unsatisfactory condition). I think that a fever also has a place to be. However, I can not understand why it is difficult for you to swallow, if the front tooth was removed? Thanks to this controversial moment, it is important for me to focus on finding a problem with the lower distant teeth.
      As for the problem wells. I recommend several steps: take a picture of the hole after cleaning the material (so that it is the “freshest”), then go to another dentist-surgeon for in-person consultation. The doctor will most likely curet the hole and form a complete blood clot. Judging by your symptoms, turning back to the old doctor is not entirely good: I thinkthat the doctor does not see ways out of this problem by the means that he has.

  41. Augustine:

    I removed the 6th lower tooth on June 22, the tooth was complex, the roots sat deep. The doctor removed the cysts, prescribed tsiprolet: 5 days, 2 tablets each, and rinsing (iodine, salt, soda on the second day). After 2 hours after removal, the anesthesia subsided and the lower jaw ached, where the tooth was removed. I barely fell asleep at 3 in the morning. A dull aching pain, and the wound was bleeding slightly. On the second day, the pain was insignificant, nothing really bothered me, only a slightly strained sensation, but this is understandable why. The hole is covered with white bloom. On the third day, I was worried about swelling of the cheeks and the pain increased slightly compared to the 2nd day. Could this mean that I have the beginning of the inflammatory process in the hole? Or after a complex removal is the norm? I do not see pus, only fibrous plaque, and there is no rotten smell from the mouth.

  42. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello! I think that there is nothing terrible, but it is worth monitoring the situation during the day. If the condition worsens: an increase in edema, temperature, severe pain, putrid breath, then you should consult a dentist on Monday to check the hole.In general, professional doctors never refuse to monitor the condition of the patient and the hole after removal. Get well soon!

  43. Mila:

    Goodnight! A week ago, I removed the wisdom tooth from below. In the first three days the whole jaw hurt, at night I woke up from pain, and the whole jaw hurt, my throat was sore. Now the picture is this: a hole in the gum, leaving the cheek, inside the hole it is not clear that the food is easily clogged, it is difficult to rinse. The pain remained slight on the adjacent teeth. And it seems that there is a smell. How to be? Thank!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Good night, Mila! I think you should go to the dentist and treat the wound. This is usually done with weak antiseptic solutions without anesthesia. Curettage wounds with anesthesia may not be necessary. In any case, wash the wound and adjust home treatment with a doctor is worth it. Health to you!

      • Mila:

        Svyatoslav G., good night! Thanks for the answer. I went to the dentist, tissue necrosis began, a blood clot turns out to be destroyed ((Food clogged and rotted, no matter how terrible it sounds. They cleaned with an antiseptic and told to rinse at home with 3% hydrogen peroxide and a solution of water and salt; .After the treatment of the “tooth hole-mink,” the smell disappeared and the pain disappeared. The doctor said that the bone tissue itself will start growing from the inside without a blood clot and now it is important to stop the infection. I worry, after three weeks I fly to another country, I am on vacation in Russia, and where I live, doctors do not like to prescribe drugs and are sure that all the sores can be cured with water ((Can the “dental hole” be covered with bone tissue without a blood clot (without new manipulations)? Thank you very much! Regards, Mila.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Thank you for evaluating my work, Mila! The first time I hear that water can be treated with water, without drugs: does such a country really exist? It’s just that there are certain “sects” or groups of people according to their interests in Russia that promote the treatment of various diseases (from pulpitis to oncology) not only with water, but also with pig urine, conspiracy, yoga, etc.

          And in essence: a well without a clot heals worse and longer, but with a certain purity of it, it unhindered and epithelialized from the bottom and walls of the well. As for the bone tissue: for now you are in a hurry: the restoration of the comb continues up to 5-6 months, but it will no longer be a “dental hole” in the shortest possible time.From my personal observations: in 2-3 weeks, a maximum of 1-2 months after the extraction of a tooth, the hole becomes like a contracted line, so that you can understand it more clearly. Soon you will have a month since the moment of tooth extraction, so I am sure that you will have everything the way most people do.

          • Mila:

            Svyatoslav G., good night! Thanks for your reply. We live in Denmark, get a prescription for medicine - this is from the realm of fantasy! And we are used to being treated with water alone. 🙂 At a pharmacy, you can only buy antipyretic drugs without a prescription.

  44. Anastasia:

    Hello! A month ago, removed the top eight. It hurt for almost a week, and today I felt a taste of blood in my mouth. There is no blood as such, I think it is pus. In general, I occasionally have secretions from the well. The hole is clean, pink, no bloom. What is it, please tell me?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In fact, over the course of a month, the hole should have healed to one degree or another. I think that it is necessary to carry out its detailed diagnosis: take a picture of the hole and consult a dentist. If there are fragments, root, granuloma and something like that, everything is as clear as day.
      If the hole is clean from this point of view, the next one with the extracted tooth should be examined, as it can provoke an infectious process. In your case it is extremely difficult to say now, everything is atypical, so it’s all the same to decide to an independent expert doctor right at an on-site reception. For the Internet, this is too difficult.

  45. Daria:

    Hello! Tell me how to be in this case. At about June 30, the lower second to last tooth on the right side began to ache slightly. If I am not mistaken, dentists call it 47) Every day the pain became stronger. 03.07 went for removal, put two painkiller injections, during the removal the tooth crumbled into several large parts. Immediately after, a self-absorbing sponge soaked in with an antibiotic was laid and a gauze tampon was prescribed to rinse with a soda-saline solution and Cyfran antibiotic. Half an hour later, the tampon was removed (it was covered in blood and fragments of the tooth). The next day, there was a strong swelling of the cheek, chin and lymph node, the mouth could not open. Starting from the 5th day, I go for examinations every day, do peroxide washing, sometimes smear some white ointment, and today they put in the wound, in my suspicion, oak bark fibers. By the way, on the 5th day they appointed another rinsing with furatsilinom and smeared with holisal.Three days later, the swelling disappeared, the mouth could open 1 cm. After the end of antibiotics, apparently, deterioration started, again I can not open my mouth at all. The edema is still not fully awake, and the lymph node is inflamed, everything around hurts and is transmitted to the upper jaw, and the ear and head still hurt. At the same time, the doctor says that everything is fine, the wound heals well, and I still go for check-ups every other day or even every day. Should I go to another dentistry, or is everything really normal and should it be?

    I also forgot to say: when the tooth was removed, they said it was an abscess, there was pus under the tooth and the lymph node was inflamed a little.

    And now it hurts to swallow.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think it is worth taking a control shot of the hole to identify fragments and (or) roots. You still have alveolitis - inflammation of the hole. I have no other explanation for these symptoms. In any case, you decide: to go to the same doctor or change it. However, the direction to the picture of the hole just need to get a doctor, so as not to "think", with subsequent analysis of it from the dentist. It goes without saying that your treating doctor will have a biased analysis.

      • Daria:

        Hello! I went to the city dentistry, made a panoramic shot of the jaw. As it turned out, in private dentistry I was left undeleted by one root. The root was removed on the 13th, the alveolitis, they said, no, the wound is clean. It hurts a lot less, but the mouth still does not open. The doctor said that he would begin to open when the wound healed completely. How long does it take for the wound to heal completely? I will soon start to panic because I can’t eat normally, I lose weight ((

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! It takes 5-6 months to completely heal the well, but don't be afraid. This refers to the restoration of the bone structure and the design of the crest of the alveolar process. I think that you are not asking when the hole will be finalized, but you want to know when the opening of the mouth will improve. Unfortunately, this is an individual aspect: most people (if the doctor has done everything right) start to open their mouth normally after the removal of a wisdom tooth approximately 7-10 days after the removal. Sometimes you have to wait a little longer because of the herbally removed root or roots.It all depends on many factors, but it seems to me that everything will be all right in the near future. Recover!

  46. Alexandra:

    Hello, 11 days ago from above with a wisdom tooth removed. It was difficult to remove, because the crumble and the root sat firmly. At first there was the aching pain of day 4, then it passed, but yesterday I felt a taste of pus in my mouth and a terrible smell. What could it be?

    • Anonymous:

      I have the same thing to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Maybe alveolitis, even though the classical timeframe for its appearance is 3-4 days after the extraction of the tooth. In fact, I would like to check this hole by X-ray for the presence of possibly left roots, fragments, etc., and then plan a treatment. If the roots or fragments are found, then without their extraction, the well will not heal further. In the event that the alveolitis was provoked by the infection along with food, it is important to wash the wound with antiseptics and / or make it curetised under anesthesia with the formation of a full blood clot. Without this, the wound will hardly heal further.

  47. Katya:

    Good evening! The wisdom tooth was removed on the 20th, in the evening of the same day a cheek was swollen, after 2 days a bruise appeared, but the edema did not sleep. The hole doesn’t bother much, but I can’t see it, only the seams are visible, with brown pressure when pressed. Could it be pus? Or do you immediately recognize it by its yellow color and smell?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that it is worth referring to your doctor, as you can skip alveolitis and its complications. According to the symptoms, it is difficult to judge whether this is normal or not. If there is swelling and suspicious "discharge" - then it is unlikely to fall under the concept of the norm, although I do not know your initial clinical situation, as well as the features of the removal.

  48. Natalia:

    Hello. July 20th there was a difficult removal of the roots of the 6-ki in the upper jaw. Put 2 seams. On day 2 checked. A clot was. Swelling gums holding up. There was a whitish bloom. Now it is not, in the hole is empty, the bottom looks dark red. How long should a blood clot last? I smear gums near the hole of “metrogil-dent”, rinse with soda-saline solution. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? The hole does not hurt, the feeling of pulsation is gone.Gums swollen, pressing sensitively. What to do next?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that the clot "germinates" tissues, which is the norm in this situation. The most important thing is that you have no symptoms that could diagnose problems after tooth extraction. The gums do not immediately recover, so a small local edema is not a formidable (dangerous) symptom. Only the attending physician can correct the tactics of home treatment, since only he knows the features of your body, the removal performed, etc. God forbid, there will be an allergy or some other side effect from the recommended over the Internet only on the basis of your description of the drug: any doctor will not forgive yourself for this. Thanks for asking.

  49. Valentine:

    Removed 8-ku (bottom) on Sunday. Clot not formed or damaged. At the reception went on Tuesday, because the tooth podnyal, swelled a little and the empty hole frightened me. The surgeon washed and put a turunda with a medicine in the hole. The pain immediately subsided. Question: how will the well heal, if something is inserted there?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The dentist, most likely, put an anti-inflammatory drug in the well, which itself is absorbed. This is done in order to eliminate the infectious component in the hole and speed up its healing. Trust your doctor and follow his recommendations. Health to you!

  50. Anna:

    July 19, removed the bottom 8. The tooth was healed, not sick. The removal was difficult, they were digging for 20 minutes, after anesthesia it was terribly painful. 22.07 addressed again, they said that it was normal, they appointed UHF and quartz. All this time I accept NAYZ, it takes 10 hours and again everything hurts: the jaw, the head and the ear. 25.07 I go to the doctor again - they do curettage (they say that the hole is good, and nothing bad was found in it). And prescribe tsiprolet, promise relief. Another 2 days pass, it hurts very much. Forces no longer exist when this is over? I think I was not lucky with the doctor ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that not all drugs are suitable for you. Each dental surgeon has his own tactics for treating alveolitis. There are many ways, most of them are well proven.I am sure that relief will come, but it is best to try to form a blood clot and adjust the treatment in another clinic if you yourself doubt the competence of the doctor. I am not judging your doctor with my hand, since I did not stand behind his back during the removal. I can only wish you health!

  51. Anonymous:

    Hello, terribly afraid of dentists. In general, I went to the doctor, I do not know what the diagnosis is, but half of the tooth is not there, but in the picture, they say, to remove 100 удаление. Oh yeah, they still say some kind of rotting, emptiness, in one word. They scare me that it may swell and much like that. Tell me, what can it be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Anonymous! People call your diagnosis very simply - “root”. Among dentists, this may be called differently, depending on the clinical situation. Most often treated as an exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. It can designate cysts, granulomas and cystogranulomas. If you doubt the competence of doctors, then you should consult another 2-3 clinics. If there is more than 1 opinion for removal of roots, then it is better to do it urgently, since they can provoke a flux at any time. It is possible to play Russian roulette, but it is not necessary: ​​it is dangerous for health. Thanks for asking.

  52. Yuliya:

    Hello! Tuesday removed the top 6-ku. After that 3 days there was a kind of aching pain. On Friday I went for a consultation. They put some means into the hole and said that if it didn’t work today, then tomorrow they would come to clean the hole. Discharged drink nimesil. It does not hurt anymore. Today is Saturday. At lunchtime, the place of removal again zarylo. She drank nimesil, everything was quiet. Slight pain when pressing on the cheek, mouth taste of this medicine. The doctor will only work on Monday evening. What should I do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In absentia treatment, doctors do not prescribe. It is better to contact the doctor on duty if you have an emergency. In general, pain when chewing after tooth extraction can be up to 1-2 weeks, as the gum gets irritated when eating. About the taste of medicine: it is also not fatal. I think that the tactics of your doctor is quite adequate. Try to get advice in a planned manner.

  53. Tatyana:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! I read all the questions and answers, did not find a similar situation. On August 1, I had two teeth, 1 and 4 upper, removed, and immediately after removal I put on a prosthesis. When the anesthesia was released, severe pain began, without painkillers. The pain is acute, weakness.Before that, a month ago, I had three upper teeth removed at once: 3, 5, 8. I also immediately put on a prosthesis. Discharged antibiotics. The pain was also very strong, the whole week. But all is well. And this time, antibiotics were not prescribed to me. I used to be removed, but never had such pain. Tell me, please, can a prosthesis be the cause of this pain? There are no teeth above. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The prosthesis may cause pain if it does not fit or is attached to the mucous membrane incorrectly. Pain is a subjective thing: it’s difficult to assess your general condition today. Antibiotics may not affect the causes of pain, but can prevent serious consequences associated with complications after tooth extraction.

      I can not say that the extracted tooth is removed. If earlier some deletions were transferred well, then this does not mean that once again the wells will not begin to ache for several days.

      Contact your doctor for treatment correction.

  54. Eldar:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich. Today removed the bottom 8-ku.At first they said that it would be necessary to file the mandible bone to extract a tooth (the surgeon examined 2 pictures - panoramic and small, 2 teeth), but during the extraction process he said that he would go the other way and removed with forceps, first digging with another tool. He said that I have a plastic bone, and she straightened when removed. When removing, a slight crunch of bone pieces was heard. Slightly cleaned the well of inflamed tissue, put a tampon in it, and prescribed amoxicillin with metronidazole and a gargle (bath) with chlorhexidine. I took Pentalgin, the bottom of the tongue from the side of the extracted tooth is sore and it hurts because of this to swallow. The hole itself does not bother, but it is empty, the blood was flowing for 4 or 5 hours, not much. What can you advise about the empty hole and was there a “plastic bone” in your practice? Thank you in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I am almost sure that the doctor had in view of the plasticity of the bone only its compliance. That is, initially there was an assumption that the inter-root septa and the walls of the alveoli would not give the opportunity to perform the operation without cutting, but the skill of the doctor and the possibilities of the elevators with the forceps did a good job. As for the empty hole: you need to look here.It makes sense to visit your doctor, check the general condition of the hole and, if necessary, adjust the treatment. I think that not everything is so critical with you, but it’s still worth a visit to the doctor. This is important because it will prevent a possible negative effect of the “dry hole” and eliminate the risks of wound suppuration. Thanks for the question!

  55. Alice:

    4 days have passed since the removal of the tooth and many small white dots appeared at the site of gum inflammation. The next day they turned into red spots. On the same day, the sharp edge of the gum appeared in the evening, and these specks surrounded it evenly. Do not bother. What is it and how to get rid of? Is this kind of abnormal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think you are seeing a whitish bloom after removal. Usually it is a shade of light yellow, but it is also closer to white. I have no other explanation, since I did not hear about the stomatitis, but the fact that it doesn’t cause a gray-gray inflammation of the hole does not fall under your description.

      As always, I will say my catchphrase: "You need to look here." How do you describe all this? The case is quite interesting, but I don’t think that the doctor to whom you are going to consult will find something new.However, I cannot but advise exactly this and do it in order to carry out the usual control of the healing of the hole in the dentist’s chair. This is an ordinary situation, so feel free to consult a doctor here is unnecessary. Thanks for asking.

  56. Inna:

    Good afternoon, I really need your advice. I came to the doctor on Wednesday with acute pain, my gums were inflamed over the lower wisdom tooth, food got under the hood and rotted out. There was a terrible raging pain. The doctor numbed me, said that there was a strong abscess, he opened it, cleaned it and said that it is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth. The tooth was removed 30 minutes, did not want to go out, loosened, hooked, but not sawed. It came out without splinters, but the gum was cut. After removal, the doctor put two stitches on the gum. Gave recommendations and let go home. I didn’t want to stop bleeding. I called the clinic, they said to come. That same evening I went, a bandage with a styptic solution was applied to me, but I still spit blood all night and the next morning. And around 11am, the blood stopped. I again went to the doctor, he examined his mouth and said that everything was fine for now. The next day I looked at the wound and saw a whitish plaque,I thought it was pus and went to the doctor again, he said that it was fibrous plaque, not pus, the wound was washed with peroxide and was told to climb less in the mouth and calm down. But today, on the third day after the operation, I climbed into my mouth and looked at the wound and saw no longer white, but a yellowish-greenish plaque, and a shooting bone pain appeared in the gums. I am very afraid that it begins alveolitis. Today is Saturday, and to the doctor, only on Monday. I make all the appointments. I accept lincomycin, niz, I do baths from romazulan and chlorhexidine, I dissolve immudon. Tell me what else to do to protect yourself from alveolitis? Generally, what percentage of its development after the removal of wisdom teeth? I have to leave in two weeks, and I would not want to suffer with my teeth on vacation. Thanks for the answer!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I would not want to offend anyone, but perhaps you are too fixated, and this attracts problems. Dentist very carefully approaches you from all sides. Having made a maximum (30 minutes for deletion is, in principle, not long), he came to your rescue at the most important moments.

      Your appointments are wonderful, you make them, it seems, very responsibly. Yellowish green is not a sign of alveolitis.You do not want to talk about one of the signs of alveolitis (dirty gray patina), otherwise you may find it in yourself in a couple of minutes. The more fear you have, the greater the risk of the problem. Release the situation and make all the appointments. Nothing more is required of you. Anyway, your doctor and you as much as possible do not allow the development of alveolitis.

      And another thing: alveolitis is not fatal. It is enough to conduct curettage with anesthesia on the day of the visit to the doctor and install gels or ointments per well. My rare wards (who had a chance to encounter alveolitis after tooth extraction) almost always improve in 1-2 days. If you leave in 2 weeks, then in 3-5 days the alveolitis risks will pass, as it did not arise already, and this is wonderful. What else can I say to you for pep: Well, contact your doctor-umnichka doctor, give him thanks from me and as much health as possible! And I wish you to forget about the hole of the tooth for a while, and in a week you will have a primary healing (drawing closer to the edges of the wound), that is, the removal will cease to be “removal” in the sense of the problem.

      Have a great vacation!

      • Inna:

        Thanks a lot! You really calmed me down.I will tell my doctor my regards from you, he is really very patient and professional! )

  57. Nina:

    With what warmth I remember medicine from the times of the USSR ... And do not even say that everything is bad there. Now I remember, and only the good is remembered ... Then the doctors tried to help, and now they provide services. I can never remember that after visiting the dentist there were problems. Everything healed quickly. The pain passed quickly. And now some side effects are removed with problems, it hurts for a long time. Why now doctors do not respect themselves? Sad from such medicine ...

    • Vyacheslav Ivanovich:

      Hello! I have an answer to your question, I think that health officials may not quite like it:

      1. Doctors do not respect in the first place. Personally, I and many of my colleagues bought themselves dental chairs, since it’s impossible to work on emergency ones: they don’t write off the old ones, as they consider them to be workers;

      2. Doctors do not respect, as almost all doctors complain about the salary. The last year is one of the most difficult for doctors (I can say from communication on a closed forum of physicians). Do not believe the average statistics on salaries: it's like a joke, when a merchant has 2 rams, and a collective farmer does not have a single ram, and on average, each has a ram.They simply sum up the salaries of the chief physicians, heads and heads of departments, but in fact - the average salary is not higher than 12 thousand rubles;

      3. Now it is clear why in a budgetary institution they can do it quickly and not at all in a qualitative manner: dentists receive from 6-8 thousand rubles to 12-18 thousand, therefore they are not interested in such work at all;

      4. Those who can somehow make money on the "left" admission are in a vicious circle: you need to do it quickly enough - the better the doctor works in a budgetary institution, the more chances that the flow of people will teach him sooner or later to work not very well . If you don’t quite understand what I’m talking about, then just take my word for it - this conversation is designed for 1-2 hours to expand in detail how everything is arranged there;

      5. And finally: it is not necessary, judging from your bitter experience, your locality and so on, to judge doctors negatively. Maybe in my province I’m considered the best general practitioner and surgeon. And I try to keep even hopeless teeth. But about the previous doctor (who worked under the USSR) they say in a negative way: “I spoiled all my teeth and removed them in batches, that now the older generation walks without teeth, even caries was removed.It happens, heals the teeth, and after a couple of months already under the forceps. ”

      But you are right, I, having 11 years of work experience, of them working for almost 4 years in a state institution, I myself no longer want to respect myself, which means that it’s time to end up being, as the local population calls me, “the last hope”. In our hospital, only these years I went many times after 20-21.00 (and even at 23.00 sometimes) home, worked for 10-12 hours (2 shifts) without lunch, left for each person not as expected (15-20 minutes for an appointment) , and by the hour, on account of my personal time, in time to receive everyone.

      Moreover, he has already bought almost everything to himself in the dental office of the hospital: from “needles” for the treatment of tooth canals and light fillings to a dental unit and a lamp for light fillings. And since the return from this almshouse every year is less and less, in recent months the population gets the same doctor with whom you, Nina, come across in your city: I am not interested in taking it for a long time, I want to go home to my family ... Maybe For the first 4 years, I first began to respect myself at the expense of future not-so-happy patients? But who told you that even a little bit of a good doctor should tolerate the humiliation of the system? Some officials say: “Hard? - leave medicine.So I imagined how thousands of sad doctors all over the country left the health care system at once. For now we will "pedal, while ..."

  58. Jeanne:

    I read the questions and answers of the doctor and am amazed ... Everyone would have such a doctor. I have a problem with teeth since my childhood (fluorosis), my teeth are very fragile. 4 days ago, the 46 tooth was removed from below ((The tooth was with pins and flux started. It showed on the x-ray that there is “emptiness” between the roots. Can it not be cured ?! Teeth are an important part of the body.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Jeanne! I think that here either the inflammatory process between the roots, or perforation of the root as a result of a doctor's mistake. In any case, the tactics of each dentist is individual. It is not always possible to save such teeth, sometimes dentists take on the work to save the tooth, but there is a complication after a complication, and the money is not returned. In budgetary dentistry, the option of free preservation of such teeth is reduced to zero, and private dentistry does not often guarantee the retreatment of complex teeth with various forms of periodontitis or its aggravation, but successes or positive dynamics occur with enviable regularity.Therefore, without seeing your clinical case with your own eyes, it is difficult to assess the prospect of maintaining a extracted tooth, but you correctly noticed that a tooth is an important part of the body, in principle, it is a full-fledged organ. For all people it is a guarantee of health and usefulness in all senses. The condition of the teeth (number, height of the crown, shape, position, etc.) determines in many cases the opportunity to take place in life: from worker to president. I am sure that it is not worth explaining the fact that a healthy smile is in many ways money, success, career, love. The fact that now there is an opportunity to improve the state of the teeth with the help of modern technologies (crowns, veneers, implants, etc.) is a big plus. But it is best to manipulate your own teeth, rather than replace an extracted tooth with an artificial one, although advanced technologies, when the price of a question is from 50-100 thousand rubles for one implanted tooth, can even replace your own fully.

  59. Olga:

    Removed a tooth on Monday, 8 from below. Awful sick. The doctor said that cyst on the root. 4 days I suffered, the pain did not pass. Went on the fourth day, she said it was alveolitis.She gave me a shot, but I still felt as if I was alive, screaming as if they were cutting me. She put medicine in my wound, said it would resolve itself. The pain never passes.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! At the moment I do not see anything "illegal" by the dentist. The fact is that not a single patient is insured against alveolitis, and according to your words, the doctor tries to help you with anti-inflammatory therapy. The only thing that can somehow hint at possible mistakes is the impossibility of achieving a stable anesthesia. But here I would like to know all the circumstances of this issue, so I will leave this problem open. Let me explain: ideally, anesthesia should act so that the patient does not hurt. This is a standard, this is the norm, but in certain situations it can be difficult to achieve. I will not go into these details, so I will say only one thing: watch the dynamics of the following days closely and think as little as possible about the bad. I think that your physician is able to control the situation and make the further healing of the hole as comfortable as possible.

  60. Yuliya:

    Hello.Three days ago, a wisdom tooth was removed, but it broke. The doctor was picking for a long time, but he did not find the root. He said he would be disturbed, he was ill - you would come to the picture, we'll see. So far, it seems, nothing hurts, heals. The question is: if after all there is something left, then when does it usually start to bother you? Maybe go to the picture and calm down, or if nothing got sick right away, then everything is all right?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I can understand the dentist, in principle, but at the moment I am on the patient’s side. I am writing as it is. Many times I have heard such stories from the lips of doctors and patients who are offered to wait, and doctors often say the phrase: "Most likely, the root will come out." This is a vicious practice, and now I explain why.

      On the one hand, the likelihood that leaving the root will lead to serious complications in the future is not very high, as the tendency to “evacuate” the root often goes, although it often takes years. However, leaving the root in the well after removal is a fact of complication during the removal. If the doctor does nothing to eliminate the consequences, and for this there are all possibilities (satisfactory state of your health, etc.), then this is a violation of the treatment process.Leaving an infected root leads to either immediate or delayed complications (periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscess, etc.) in about 30–40% of cases. If a “healthy” root has broken off, and the doctor has taken infected roots from the hole (with cysts, granulomas, etc.), then the risk is less, but it remains. There is no point in hoping for a drainage system in the form of a well after removal, since it can work out with a good set of circumstances that this is a long-term "ventilation" for pus, since the well may not completely "close", waiting for the body to reject root.

      I suggest the best option: turn to another maxillofacial surgeon and remove the fragment after the diagnosis of the picture. It often happens that another specialist in hot pursuit does a much faster job than the previous one. Thanks for asking.

  61. Natalia:

    Hello! I read all the requests and comments, it did not become easier: I feel sorry for people, and now I’m sorry for myself. They removed the bottom 6, the blood flowed 5 hours after removal, an increase in the gums is felt behind the cheek. The tooth was sealed, but sick.The doctor reamed, said, delete, root rotted, plus in the picture I saw a cyst. Now the second day after removal, the upper teeth also hurt, and from the opposite side, something yellow-white on the wound. The temperature rose to 37. Sick tired: there was a fracture of the leg 6 months ago, the nail was removed on the same leg. The tooth began to ache, I thought it was broken - pulled out. Maybe an antibiotic drink? Thanks in advance. And yet, when you press the upper jaw of the bottom - also pain, and quite strong.

    I forgot to write: bleeding stopped with peroxide, poured on cotton wool and applied. Probably hurt by this? All health, do not get sick!

  62. Natalia:

    I report. I was at the dentist, examined, found an empty hole, processed, put a tampon with medicine. Now what? Herpes poured on the lip, a lump on the gum, so it is palpable behind the cheek. Namazal herpes acyclovir. The doctor said to rinse with soda solutions. Excites an increase in the gum. 3 days after removal has passed.

    • Anonymous:

      And my doctor forbade me to rinse soda with peroxide. He says that it is useless and only irritation will be. Said Miramistin necessary or chlorhexidine. And true.Miramistin is better, chlorhexidine is also good, but it does not suit me. Dermatitis from him pours on the face. And the hole after removal should not hurt. The pain should only subside with each passing hour. Everything else should be alarming, and urgently to the doctor.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Natalia! Regarding your extracted tooth, I can say the following. The dentist diagnosed you with a “dry well” - a possible precursor of the alveolitis. After drug treatment almost always becomes much better. Regarding the lips, you can be calm: often (even in my patients) a similar reaction manifests itself against the background of a general deterioration of health, stress, and a decrease in immunity. Usually, the treatment prescribed by your doctor is enough. As for soda solutions, I do not quite agree, but some dentists publish data on the success of such home therapy, therefore it is difficult to suggest something else without seeing you and the result of the removal.

      I think that the gum is enlarged due to the traumatic removal - this, in fact, is inflammation. Do not confuse it with the infectious process for alveolitis.In case of injury, the gum is always slightly enlarged, and the doctor could form it a little rough.

      3 days after removal to assess the state of "evenness" of the gums - this is not enough. I think that you should carry out monitoring: temperature, edema, severe pain, putrid odor. If this does not come to light, then one can calmly expect recovery, and the shape of the gingival margin in the area of ​​removal should be formed in the desired form within 2-3 weeks, although sometimes it takes more time — up to 1-3 months. Health to you!

  63. Irina:

    I immediately removed 2 teeth in the lower jaw, a wisdom tooth and a small tooth (4?). The doctor could not make anesthesia twice, another doctor came, did it 3 times. Teeth removed. The next day, a flux appeared as if about a small tooth and the whole jaw hurt badly. I went to the doctor. Again the exact same story of anesthesia. Triple prick. Mouth does not open in pain. Cleaned, poked deeply and painfully, already burst into tears. Today, a fleece with medicine fell out of the wound of a small tooth, hellish pain appeared. I drink ketanov and Flemoksin. The doctor called for an examination. But, realizing that there will be three more shots in the same place, I did not go.On the hole of a small tooth a white film appeared. Not putrid, not gray. Gums on the side of the cut, with a bloody spot. The jaw aches much. The pain merges from the temple to the chin. But neither pus, nor temperature, nor smell. Maybe I have pain after cleaning? How long should a tooth hurt? White-white bloom on the hole - this is the norm?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Usually a bright patina over the hole is a sign that fits the norm. Severe pain can result from traumatic removal. Also attached to this is the possible effect of a “dry well,” since protection from the wound fell in the form of a drug. In principle, putting dentists in the well is not encouraged by many dentists, but for patients themselves it is often a comfortable healing option. Loss of bandages almost always causes pain, but they usually disappear within 3-5 days due to epithelization of the hole from the bottom and walls. This happens longer and more painful. But you can completely create your own blood clot, and even infiltration anesthesia is usually enough. A blood clot is the best protector against infection.If food gets into a dry well (or just an infection) and rotting begins, alveolitis can develop. It is important for you to adjust the treatment. I advise you to change your doctor if you are frightened by the tactics about anesthesia, and do everything according to the rules. Successful treatment.

  64. Gulya:

    Hello. I have such a problem: I have a tooth removed, 7-ku. That evening I had something white in the hole, and the next morning there was some kind of smell from the hole. What could it be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Despite the fact that the light patina is a manifestation of the norm, it is definitely worth checking out the hole, perhaps it is a commonplace “garbage dump” for food. This happens quite often if a part of the blood clot (or all of it) falls out after removal. I will say right away that quite a few people tolerate healing of the hole after the extraction of a tooth without a full clot, but most often there are still certain problems, from severe pain later to the development of alveolitis. I think that you should be safe and ask the dentist for help. Thanks for asking.

  65. Helena:

    Hello! Two teeth were removed: 7 (simple) and 8 (complex). Every two days, the surgeon changed the medicine, he appointed to come. Now he went on vacation. Leaving, he said to come and change the medicine. I came, but the general practitioner said that there was no need to change. It will disturb the wound, will heal longer. And the medicine and the gauze (or cotton), which covered the medicine, will fall out itself as it heals. No pain yet, today a little discomfort. The surgeon will be released only in November. Here, we need advice: wait for the loss of cotton, or go to another doctor?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you are faced with different approaches about postoperative treatment. At the moment there is no cause for concern, as the dentist, corrective treatment, actively monitors the process of wound healing. Definitely: the first and the second doctors have their own truth. It all depends on the drug, which is installed in the hole. Many dentists do not recommend putting drugs at all, considering that the well heals well and with its full clot. I advise you to let go of the situation so far and watch the dynamics for several days.I am sure that it will not change for the worse. Thanks for asking.

  66. Yuliya:

    Hello, a week ago I removed a wisdom tooth, the eight. The tooth was still, the removal lasted just over an hour. After removal, the tooth did not hurt at all, for 2 days the cheek was slightly swollen, but in general everything was painless, the state of health was excellent. After 3 days I went to the inspection, everything is OK. And now I feel the smell in my mouth all the time, there are no other unpleasant symptoms. Could this be alveolitis?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that is unlikely, although in rare cases, similar initial signs of alveolitis, occurring in a compensated form, take place. Most likely, we are talking about a violation of hygiene in this area - it goes without saying that it is not possible to qualitatively remove plaque from all surfaces on the last teeth near the hole, since you simply protect this area from injury.

      There is also the factor of food getting into the hole and its rotting, therefore it is important to correct the home principles of hygiene and postoperative care for the hole. Be sure to consult your dentist and analyze the situation.I think it will definitely benefit. Thanks for the question!

  67. Little flower:

    Hello! Removed root, 4 on top. It was sealed, the nerve was removed. Removed without a snapshot, the doctor said that so everything is clear, everything is fine, delete. But a month and a half ago, a fistula appeared near this root. The doctor cut me off with scissors, said that I needed to take a picture, and then I could see, build it up or delete it. And I did not, because he did not bother me. Then I started to swell a little gum and I went to the surgeon. He deleted without a snapshot, said everything is fine. Appointed only rinsing soda. Four days have passed, and my place of removal has a little whining and hurts the bottom 6 tooth. There were no traffic jams on the third day, the hole was large, there was a white-yellow spot on the bottom, the gum was swollen and the gum ached when touched. And today, on the fourth day, some pimples jumped out on the palate, maybe it's stomatitis? Very worried. Thank you so much!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you should go to the dentist, because on the basis of signs it seems like either the effect of a “dry hole” or an already beginning alveolitis. Once again, it does not allow us to inspect the well - it may be necessary to treat it with anesthesia followed by correction of home treatment.Without seeing the clinical situation with my own eyes, it is difficult for me to speculate anything more specifically, therefore, for the time being, we confine ourselves to a visit to the dentist, so as not to think. Thanks for asking.

  68. Svetlana:

    Hello. September 19 removed the top 6-ku with chronic periodontitis. Removed 15 minutes, since the tooth was sitting deep. After removal everything was fine, I didn’t even take painkillers. But what worries me is that almost a month has passed, and the hole has not completely overgrown, and I still feel. Went to the doctor a week ago, said that everything is fine, heals. A few days later she goes on vacation. I do not know what to do ... Wait until it is overgrown, or go to another specialist?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Judging by your story, you have a positive dynamic, and the formation of the gums after removal proceeds within 3-4 months, less often - 4-6. Therefore, have patience and wait for the gums to be formed during this time. I am sure that you will be all right!

  69. Kristina:

    Hello. On Wednesday, I removed a tooth from the left above, the last one before the tooth with wisdom.The removal was quick, then the tooth was also barely sick, but a white spot appeared on the inside of the gum on the same day, which causes a slightly unpleasant sensation when swallowing. What could cause it and what to do with it?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Difficult swallowing is almost always observed when removing the lower wisdom teeth. As for the “white spot,” I'm not quite sure that I can explain its origin without inspection. I think that you should contact your dentist in order to clarify the situation on issues that disturb you. Thanks for asking.

  70. Love:

    Hello, today removed the bottom 8, put a sponge in the wound. Tell me, if it falls out at night, what then to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If the sponge falls out, you should come to the consultation with your doctor the next day and adjust the treatment. This is due to the fact that the dentist “insures” the well against alveolitis (ingress of germs, food and its rotting in the hole). Best not to risk it. Thanks for asking.

  71. Vasiliy:

    Removed the upper right molar, put stitches, then removed.Now there is a piece of leather hanging out ... So it should be? When the left was removed, this was not and the seams were not imposed.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you are referring to the gum, which has broken integrity. It is possible that the revenge was to be a traumatic removal, and the doctor did not pay attention to the careful laying of the mucous membrane of the gums with a decrease in the lumen of the hole. If it is impossible to make the wound neat only by bringing the edges together, then stitches are put. In such a situation, healing can take place normally, but the formation of the gums can be delayed and become not the most comfortable for a long time (even from the point of view of the same language, which seems to be trying to get into the wound). I think that you should correct the gingival margin with your doctor or another doctor so that this situation no longer provokes unnecessary problems. Thanks for asking.

  72. Vera:

    Hello! 6 days ago, the seventh tooth was removed at the bottom. When the anesthesia was gone, the pain was unbearable, only after 3 tablets of tempalgin fell asleep. At the moment, pain continues to bother, it is aching and unbearable.Such a feeling that hurts the whole jaw and gives to the temple and in the head. Hole, like, without signs of inflammation. What could it be? Or is it normal healing?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! This is not the norm. There are two options: either the alveolitis begins, or there is a neighboring tooth in which inflammation of the “nerve” progresses. The search for a causal tooth is possible from a snapshot - in general, it would be good to make an x-ray of the removal area, too, since there may be fragments in the hole. Of course, I believe in the integrity of your doctor, but it is always worth checking.

      So your situation is far from the norm, therefore, to find the cause, despite the complexity of this moment, you definitely need to. After setting the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. Thanks for asking.

  73. Novel:

    Good day! Five days ago, the lower molar tooth was removed, it was very hard to remove: it was hammering and drilling. On the second or third day, a white bloom appeared and a not very pleasant scent. The hole, like, is delayed, in a chaotic manner, but the smell does not disappear. First, the entire underside hurt, especially the two teeth between which it was located. Yesterday I started to get sick, and I also climbed with my tongue - when I try to suck a little, a slightly salty taste appears, and the gum under my extracted tooth is slightly swollen.Tell me, please, what can it be, and what are my next steps? To the doctor before Monday I can not apply. Thank you in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that there is a beginning alveolitis. To confirm the diagnosis should contact the on-call dentist, there are also private clinics that work on weekends. Emergency patients are not denied even a private office. Almost every city has the opportunity to find a doctor at the weekend. Thanks for asking.

  74. Veronica:

    Good day. On August 28, the lower tooth was removed - 4, the clot was normal, but the gum was swollen and the hole did not heal for a long time. Today, after 5 cleansing of the granuloma, the wound has almost healed, but from the side of the cheek there is still a painful red swelling of the gums and a small fistula in the hole. Neighboring teeth (5 and 3) also opened, cleaned, put temporary fillings. The doctor prescribed the drug tsiprolet, but I have an allergy to it, although I used to take it. The drug was canceled. What can be replaced? I was already exhausted myself and the doctor was exhausted, although it was not he who extracted the tooth.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Drugs are usually not prescribed over the Internet, since you can also “not guess”, as in your case,and sabotage through this form of communication with patients is not personally welcomed by me. What you have described does not fall under the category of emergency cases, but you should check the gum healing situation directly in the dentist’s chair. I do not think that the reason for this is precisely in the hole: it is also necessary to keep the neighboring teeth in mind (those that are at the stage of treatment), since if there really is a fistula, then it is necessary to check not the hole.

      As for antibiotics, the situation here is even more complicated. Selecting an antibiotic to help basic treatment is essential. If you are really allergic to Tsiprolet, then you are not suited for antimicrobials from the group of fluoroquinolones. In addition to them, an excellent antibacterial effect can be obtained with antibiotics of other groups, for example, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, etc.

      Personally, I use these drugs in practice, depending on the severity of the situation, that is, individually. Therefore, I ask you to get a consultation with a dentist to eliminate possible problems.

  75. Anonymous:

    Good afternoon, deleted a week ago 7-ku below, with a cyst and fistula. Everything went well, nothing hurt, even after the anesthesia had passed.Clot successfully formed. However, on the 5th day there was an unpleasant smell from the hole, on the 6th day it became quite unpleasant, because there is a taste of pus in the mouth, but the gum is pink, there is no inflammation, nothing hurts. The clot partially moved away, I suspect that the infection could get from the side of the hole from the fistula ... I make baths from the calendula nails. What should be done in this situation?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Most likely, this is not about the alveolitis, but about turning the hole into a kind of “garbage”, no matter how unpleasant it may sound. The clot has partially collapsed, so the hole can now accumulate in itself the remnants of food that rot in the wound. To check this and take the necessary measures, you should contact your dentist for help. After the wound has been treated, the recommendations will be corrected. Not sure what you are using is perfect in your clinical situation.

  76. Inna:

    Svyatoslav Gennadievich! A little off topic, but maybe tell me? Treated a sore tooth-incisor in several visits; near his right and left teeth were already removed a long time ago. The doctor said that for prosthetics it is desirable to preserve this tooth, remove the nerve, change the medicine several times.In the depths of the gums there was something like a ball, which, when I pressed, gave in the tooth-incisor, as if some kind of pin was not sharp pressing. The therapist in the control picture said that he could not get sick. After six months, I decided to remove this tooth, but I was afraid that after the prosthesis, he might get sick and all the prosthetics would have to start all over again.

    After the removal of the tooth, 2 months have passed, and what is interesting is that when you press on the gum there is the same feeling, but there is no tooth, and there are no adjacent teeth. But when I removed the tooth, the surgeon said that I had exostosis on the gum, which should be removed during prosthetics. And the therapist to my question, why my gum on the incisor was swollen and slightly protruding, answered that it was because the incisor had taken over the entire load of missing teeth. If it is exostosis, is it visible in the picture and can it hurt when pressing on the gum?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I am almost sure that during palpation your gums are injured from the inside by the uneven (maybe, sharp) edge of the hole. During removal, a part of the outer wall of the alveoli was broken off, which is now perceived by you as soreness under pressure. Exostosis is a completely acceptable diagnosis in this situation.In the picture it will practically not be visible, because this is your native bone, the irregularities of the hole may appear, but they will not give a complete picture. Therefore, answering your main question, I will say this: the exostosis does not hurt, but creates a microtrauma from the inside, that is, the gum or the area of ​​the transitional fold hurts.

      I will not discuss or condemn the approach of the doctor to the preservation of the incisor: it didn’t work out that way. Also, I will not in absentia assume whether the "swelling" was associated with an overload of the tooth. Let's leave it on the conscience of the therapist.

      If you want a prosthesis, then in the presence of an exostosis it is worth removing.

  77. Daria:

    I beg your pardon, maybe I’m in vain worried. But 3 days ago I deleted the top 6. 2 days blood was seeping from the hole, and today it is a salty liquid. The gum hurts all the time. Analgesics do not help. Removal was hard. The hammer was used several times (I do not know how to call it differently). Along the edges closer to the center is a white bloom, and in the very center is a dark red clot. But the gums and cheekbones hurt. Mouth is also a little painful to open. I have already removed my teeth, and this was not.

    I forgot to clarify, it was the root.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You describe everything that is within the normal range, except for severe pain and difficulty opening the mouth. I didn’t even imagine that after the removal of the upper sixth teeth, the mouth may begin to open poorly. So from a distance, not seeing you, I can not say exactly what to expect next: good or bad. After a complicated removal, especially, by such an ancient and in many ways risky method, anything can happen: in Soviet times, when such deletions using a surgical hammer and chisel were widespread, there were cases of even jaw injuries, even cracks, not to mention about pushing roots into soft tissues, maxillary sinuses and so on.

      I do not think that it is worth to consult a doctor who uses such a traumatic method in his work, however, it is definitely worth consulting with a professional (maxillofacial surgeon or a dentist-surgeon of the highest category). Good luck!

  78. Lillian:

    Hello! A week ago, I had my upper tooth, the four, removed (if I'm not mistaken). The poor doctor suffered for 2 hours, and yet the tooth gave up. I put some medicine and a gauze pad in the hole and told me to rinse with chlorhexidine.After the anesthesia was gone, aching pain began. On the third day I could not eat or sleep, the weekend had to endure and sit on painkillers. On the fifth day, I went back to the doctor, I was cleaned and washed the hole, two doctors stood over me and ... did not know what to do with me! As a result, they laid down (heard the words of doctors) alveoli and again a gauze tampon. Sumamed, nimesil and chlorhexidine were prescribed. A day later, the pain again, aches and tugs ... The gums on the adjacent teeth are swollen, and in the place of the extracted tooth there appeared a kind of pimper, like a blood pimple. It seems to me that it is he who hurts most of all now. Two such “pimples” appeared on the lower canine under the removed tooth and also ache. What can be done? Or again to the doctor? Thank you in advance!

    I forgot to say that the dry hole.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Rinses with chlorhexidine and some other points you indicated, I personally do not approve. As for the description of the situation, an internal examination is needed, but for now I can only assume that doctors, for example, did not remove the remnants of roots, fragments of a destroyed tooth, did not correct the exposed areas of the alveoli bone,sticking inter-root septum, poorly performed curettage, forgotten granulation wells at the bottom (rarely, but sometimes). This is about possible omissions. However, it can be said that you are “healed” in terms of prescriptions (for example, chlorhexidine and the introduction of drugs into the well). The bitter experience of my colleagues shows that not all people benefit from “plugged” wells with preparations based on iodoform, thymol, propolis, eugenol, etc.

      I would advise you to contact another dental surgeon for many reasons. But do not be offended by your doctors, they did what they could. In any case, a different opinion on the postoperative management of the wound will only be in favor, not harm. Good luck!

  79. Igor:

    Hello! On the first of September the lower left eight was removed. The operation was very complicated. Came in at 15.00, left at 18.00. Three hours removed! The tooth lay right on the nerve. They injected a double dose of painkiller and it still hurt. Removed in chunks. Anyway, removed. They said about the red clot - that is normal, but I did not know that it can be rinsed out. There was a trism, and sat on the painkiller. In general, by September 15, it did not hurt, and I did not take pain medication. He began to chew on his left side and rinsed his mouth - and, apparently, sweated the clot.

    Around September 20, no matter how we sing, the pain begins. And chewing the right side, but still the pain came. About an hour I just lay and could not do anything - it feels like a nerve in the next tooth ached. Usually after an hour the pain passed - and so on until the next meal. I suffered so much for a week and went to the doctor. Forces already could not stand. She looked and said that the root of the neighboring tooth was hanging in the air - when the red clot was there, it covered the root, and now it is open and I just need to wait for it to draw out and take Kalcemin-d. She covered my hole with the new-comer, and I left.

    In principle, after 2-3 weeks the tooth has healed. I do not know already, it was delayed there, or what, but now it has been 3 months, and the tooth does not hurt, even when I chew with my left side. But it bothers me that there is a fossa, and it is very deep, it has not yet been dragged out with bone tissue. After each meal I rinse the hole. And it feels like when I touch it, the size of the fossa does not change.

    Tell me, please, is this normal? And whether to wait or go to the doctor, and what usually do in such cases?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Judging by the fact that after removal more than 3 months have passed, the hole in the area of ​​the former wisdom tooth took shape at about 70-80%.Atrophy of the bone goes its own way: this area is not functioning, and the bone-gingival crest takes its final relief. I'm not sure that you can subjectively understand for sure if the size of the fossa changes every next week. This process is very slow, it can take up to 5-6 months, and with difficult and traumatic deletions even more time.

      As for the 7 tooth, there is also no need to fear: the gum has formed so much that it closes its cervical area. Good luck and health!

  80. Yuliya:

    Hello. On Wednesday, a tooth was removed, only half of it remained. They took a picture, they said that the previous doctor left something there when he removed his nerves, in general, the removal, he said, was of average complexity. Removed the roots, namuchal horror like me. He put stitches in, said that there were big roots, but it seems to me that he just broke my gum. In general, I made a clot, came home, drank anesthetic. The next morning I drank too, because my gums ached and I gave the pain to my ear. On day 3 in the hole there was a white bloom, the pain is the same, giving to the ear. On the 3rd day I went to the doctor, but there was another doctor there, he said that he expected that it would be worse.He put a vatu with medicine inside and told me to come to his doctor tomorrow. And the pain has remained, I'm already afraid, God forbid, infection. How can I be, what can it be? I carried out all the recommendations: do not eat on this side, do not rinse.

    Forgot: I feel swelling of the gums, but the swelling itself is not visible.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that this is the result of a complex removal: trauma + not quite correct prescription of drugs. Urgently consult a dentist and inspect the hole for "dry hole" and alveolitis.

  81. Catherine:

    Hello. Tell me, please, almost 2 months ago, I removed the right upper wisdom tooth, today with the tongue I felt something in the hole after eating. I thought that the food had come in, I tried to rinse it out - it does not work. Feels like something soft. Then, as a result, she picked up a fingernail and pulled out something that looked like skin, soft. There is no pain, but the blood has gone. Language feel that there is still left in the hole. What could it be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Most likely, the dentist laid the drug in the hole - perhaps it was this “flagellum” or “sponge” that you removed with your fingernail.It is also possible that you tried to hook with your fingernail the already formed granulation tissue inside the hole, which is formed in the process of normal healing (epithelialization sometimes takes a lot of time). Be that as it may, if the blood has gone, it is still useful to go to the dentist and inspect the hole, as there are risks of disrupting the normal course of its healing.

  82. Aziz:

    Hello, dear Svyatoslav Gennadievich! 5 days ago the upper fourth tooth was removed. Clot formed. 2 days there was a slight pain and a little cheek swollen. Now nothing is bothering you. But I care about a clot that has almost disappeared. That is, it was, but every day it is becoming less and less. Actively not rinsed. Now there is a small hole in the hole and the food is clogged there. When I suck (can I do that?) The rest of the food, the edge of the gum from the outside moves, is this normal? When I say something, then in the hole it is like "walking the air." Doing bath with Loroben. Should I be afraid of the development of alveolitis? Or does the hole heal this way? So far, there are no symptoms, except for a weak unpleasant smell from the mouth.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! When there is no blood clot in the hole, it often makes healing difficult, and the hole can become a kind of container for food particles and bacteria from the oral cavity, which is also not very good. You are writing about the movement of the gums - this may indicate that the hole is not quite neatly formed by the doctor, that is, the edges of the wound are not close together.

      Alveolitis should not be afraid, since its favorite time of occurrence is 3-4 days after tooth extraction. If the situation worsens, I recommend contacting the dentist for advice in the chair. Thanks for asking.

  83. Anonymous:

    Hello, on December 6th, the 17th tooth was removed, it crumbled all over, but it was still removed and there were no fragments left. The edges of the gums are inflamed near the adjacent teeth. A few days later I came to check the removal, the edema did not come off, they told me that I had alveolitis of the hole. All cleaned, but the swelling has become even more, and does not pass within 2 days. The doctor said that swelling is normal, because difficult removal, prescribed lincomycin in capsules 3 times a day, and after cleaning, apply Metrogil to the cheek. The third day went like a drink, but the swelling does not pass.I will clarify that there is no pain, the temperature does not rise, the face is also not swollen, but only the gums behind the cheek in the area of ​​the adjacent tooth. What to do? There is a clot, the color is yellowish, there is no breath smell, but there is discomfort behind the cheek due to edema. I'm scared, tell me what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After complicated deletions (especially if you were curetised against the alveolitis), the edema slowly disappears. Since the swelling takes place in the area of ​​the inflamed gums and does not cause asymmetry of the face, we can assume a slow process of restoring the gums against the background of recommendations that are not quite suitable for you. I think that you should contact another doctor so that he examines the hole and, possibly, adjusted the treatment for a positive result. For reference, I will say that, on average, edema disappears within 5-7 days, the main thing here is to have a positive dynamic.

  84. Larisa:

    I have a tooth removed in the summer. While the anesthesia was working, everything was fine, but when she started to leave, the gum ached. At home she made a camomile and rinsed. Another dentist said to buy pills Trachisan, becausethey remove the infection in the mouth and relieve pain well. Helped well, there were no complications.

  85. Paul:

    Hello. Three days ago, I deleted the lower right 8-ku, the removal was very painful. At the time of removal, the lymph node was slightly inflamed, after removal, the submandibular lymph nodes (right) became inflamed, because of them I can not open my mouth. Already three days do not decrease and do not increase, the temperature is constantly changing - from 36.6 to 37.8. When 37.8, the temple hurts ... The gums surprisingly quickly heal, do not hurt and do not swell, there is no redness either. I drink antibiotics. What should I do with the lymph nodes? It is very difficult to get to the dentist, as I live in the wilderness, and the specialists here are not very good, they did not even say what to do. They said only that 2 hours is not there, that's all.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If your words "recorded correctly", then lymphadenitis, which accompanies the postoperative period, can be dangerous, especially if it exists in response to the continuing purulent process in the hole and surrounding tissues. I cannot remotely check this fact - you need an internal examination by a doctor.Patients often very subjectively approach any formations in the maxillofacial region, calling them more often incorrectly than correctly treating their disease. Especially because you focus on temperature, inability to open the mouth, radiating pain in the temple, etc. Personally, I suspect at least alveolitis - it is possible that it forces the lymph nodes to participate in this, aggravating the situation. But this is only an assumption that it is important to confirm (or refute) clinically at the dentist. I will definitely not advise you self-medication without knowing the exact nature and severity of the disease.

  86. Oksana:

    Hello, on 12/14/16 I removed the lower tooth, 6-ku. Before that, he fell ill with me, and the lymph node became inflamed. I went to the clinic, my tooth was removed. Today is the second day after that, there is a blood clot in the hole, is this the norm? Can I eat safely? And then I worry, nothing hurts, only a slightly lymph node is still inflamed, and my cheek.

    If, after removal and before removal, the lymph node was inflamed, will it pass? In a few days? And what is it? Answer, I have a panic.

    And how much can you smoke after removal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! A blood clot in a well is the norm. It would be much worse if this clot was absent (it protects the well from infection and contributes to the wound healing process).

      After a tooth is removed, lymphadenitis disappears as the inflammatory process subsides, most often within 5-7 days. You can eat 3-4 hours after removal: the first 4-5 days, it is desirable to restrict soft food, as well as possible to try to chew the healthy side. If there is no positive dynamism (a decrease in edema every day), then it is worth contacting your dentist for advice.

  87. Denis:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! I have 4 lower teeth removed. It was a stump, along the edges of which remained the remains of a tooth. Immediately he did not succumb to the exit and the doctor shook him from side to side, cutting the gum. As a result, the hole turned into a clearing. The blood went for two days, periodically. From there washed two pieces of tooth. The clot in my glade became ashen and the smell of it vomited me down to a headache of toxic pain. In the evening on the third day I removed this skunk superficially, left the hole closed by this clot. It became easier in the morning.For all that, I can’t say that I have a painful place of removal, although the sensation of a ball is present between the gum and the cheek. No tumors. The gums are getting pink. It seems that even there is no pulsation and lumbago. But the smell and gray color are present. There was no temperature. Reading all the comments, I realized that the alveolitis caught me. Today is 4th day after removal. Well-being is fine. But anxiety in me can grow into critical anxiety and panic, since now the dentist will arrive only in three months, and local paramedics do not know these subtleties and will not do anything. And the thing is that I’m in prison where it’s very difficult with medicine. All treatments are only on the internet. Reading about the complications, I had a question: what to do in this case? How to cope with alveolitis in these conditions? Medicines can order from home. Save, DOCK!

    Update as of 12/27/16. There was bleeding again tonight. The rest of the clot fell out. Now I have a dry hole. When I move my mouth (I eat, drink tea, rinse, or talk), the aching pains begin with shooting. But after five minutes the pain recedes when I lie down and do not move. Temperature is not big. Measured for interest, 37.But it is not felt. I rinse five times a day with furacelin, plus three times with chamomile. Antibiotics do not drink. But there is amoxicillin. I can only get to the hospital on January 12th. What do I do all this time, DOC? There is a person who can clean the wound here, but he is not even an expert. Self-taught, so to speak. Waiting for advice, DOCK!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Yes, I heard that medicine, and dentistry in particular, often in places of deprivation of liberty is at the antediluvian level (except for vip-persons). Perhaps, therefore, judging by your description, the tooth was removed roughly, with a violation of the doctor’s work, splinters were left (God forbid, the tip of the root was left - do not check it without a picture). Due to the morbidity of the procedure and the absence of sutures with hemostatic agents, there was secondary bleeding after removal. Such not very high quality tooth extractions are often complicated by alveolitis.

      Generally speaking, it is not customary to prescribe drugs through the Internet. But considering your special circumstances, let's do this: I will just tell you what I use in my practice - not for treatment, but just for information)

      Among antibiotics, I prescribe Amoxiclav, Tsifran ST and Sumamed, depending on the severity of the situation. To treat wounds from traditional products, I prefer Metrogyl Dent or Cholisal gel, according to the instructions. Of particular interest to me is the tetracycline ophthalmic ointment, 1%, which has a good effect on alveolitis, and it costs a penny. It is difficult to apply, so it is used in professional not quite "traditional" dentistry, imposing on a sterile gauze ball in large quantities, focusing on the size of the wound. Almost always helps during the day - this is a one-time action, the bacteria in the wound are killed perfectly. I usually recommend refusing gargling with furatsilinom, offering chamomile decoction as an alternative. If an antibiotic is used, then only one (5-7 days - no less), an ointment or gel course - one. Tetracycline eye ointment once hold on a gauze cloth on the wound for 10-15 minutes, and then only the next day, according to the situation.

      If the root of the tooth is left in the wound, then even with drugs it will be difficult to treat alveolitis, since in addition to it there can be more serious complications.

      • Denis:

        I took the rest of the tooth with me. The root is whole. I can not say that he broke away. I went to the doctor, outlined what might happen. They looked at the computer, scratched their heads. From what they have, I was prescribed leflobact, 1 * 2 times, and ketoprofen, 1 for the night. For 5 days. Miramistin and tetracycline are. I found antibiotics, amoxicillin. This is what is at the moment. The situation is this. Strong unbearable pain has not yet been. But he shoots a little. Not swollen. Feeling as if I had just removed a tooth. Lymph nodes hurt a little, but do not interfere. Fang near became more sensitive. The smell from the hole does not go, because I rinse something 12 times a day. Chamomile too, and in addition to furatsilina drip peroxide. Tell me, DOC, from what is and what was assigned, what scheme should I adopt? Maybe change antibiotics? I will lay eye ointment before bedtime. May God grant you prosperity in everything !!!

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! What you describe is encouraging. If the root of the extracted tooth has a holistic tip, then everything is fine: the lower 4 teeth almost always have the same root (rarely, they separate at the end, but you would understand that something is wrong).Therefore, at the most important point, everything is fine.

          As for prescriptions - to my patient, I would say this: Ketoprofen is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, but with some delayed action; Leflobakt does not have a paragraph about alveolitis in the instructions, but in general, it is a good antibacterial drug, especially it helps with sinusitis (sinus), and this is just an infection in the maxillofacial area. I do not prescribe these drugs myself, although I think that this budget option will improve the situation.

          But it seemed to me that you no longer describe the symptoms of alveolitis. Your physical condition is close to normal, but from the point of view of the psycho-emotional, there is a suspicion that you are worrying too much about this situation and are listening too strongly to every breath of the body. I would suggest to my patient the following option: leave Ketoprofen and Leflobact. If the patient has already begun to use an antibiotic, then you need to finish it up with a minimum of 5 days, and if you have not started it, then you should not start it, since Leflobact is an antimicrobial drug of general effect. Furacilin is not needed, peroxide is also not worth it, since it can be worse.I have nothing against chamomile, tetracycline ointment 1 time per day, no more than 2 uses. So there should not be an "overdose" of chemistry. 2 drugs for “internal treatment” and prevention of complications (+1, if an antibiotic is used) and 2 local (rinses, if they help, and ointment on the gum).

          Rinses in the amount of 12 procedures per day again indicate that you approach the question too hard. My wards if they do mouth baths and / or rinsing, then without fanaticism, no more than 4-5 times a day, mostly after meals, which is important. Slowly to a New Year, reduce the treatment to nothing: let the hole heal naturally, the body has it in nature.

          • Denis:

            Understood, DOCK! Maybe I’m actually really worried about this + I’ve been reading on the Internet. But this is all due to the conditions in which I am ... I have not yet begun to accept anything. Waited for your advice. Yesterday pawned ointment. Today, it seems, it became even better inside. The pain has not intensified. Tumors too. Then today I once again put the ointment and will not take anything else. In addition to rinsing. I will reduce them too. And tomorrow we will define our state of health.

          • Denis:

            Happy New Year, DOCK! I drink what doctors prescribed. Everything is in one place, there is no deterioration.

  88. Yana:

    Hello! Help me please. On December 28, they removed the 8-ku from the bottom, the doctor prescribed Tsifran, Diazolin and Ketanov for pain. I drink everything. Clot not formed. 2 days remained constant aching pain, swelling of the cheeks and temperature 37. Tonsils swollen badly. I noticed a white unpleasant smelling scurf. On December 30, she went to the doctor, she said that the hole “does not heal well”, without anesthesia, scraped everything from there (I cried), put down the medicine and pressed the tampon for 20 minutes. Immediately, everything became better, and the day was all good, the edema subsided a little, the pain disappeared completely, the jaw opened as it should, but the temperature was 36.8 and the lymphadenitis remained. Today, on New Year's Eve, the most swollen tonsil started to hurt, drank Ketans. A few hours later, when I went to bed, a wild pain appeared at the site of the extracted tooth. It became painful to swallow again. Again drank Ketanov. The hole is dark red-brown, like. I made a small scraping with a cotton swab - there is a red tint on it, it smells of medicine, menthol. Tell me what to do, because the holidays are coming.Why did the pain appear and what to do with lymphadenitis, is this a bad sign? And yet, on January 19th I’m going to fly to a hot country, I’m very afraid it will suddenly not heal up to this point.

    I will clarify: when they removed, the tooth was with one root, its very tip initially remained in the hole, but the doctor pulled it out, applied it to the tooth and thus “folded” it completely.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Despite the fact that the doctor compared the fragment of the root with the main part of the extracted tooth, it is best to check the hole for the left carious walls and (God forbid) fragments of the roots. Otherwise, the symptoms all boil down to alveolitis complicated by lymphadenitis. You should definitely see a dentist to determine the exact cause of alveolitis and to conduct its adequate treatment. It is important to find out why alveolitis progresses, increasing lymphadenitis. The situation is not very good, therefore I recommend that you be examined by another doctor in order to have a different opinion about what is happening (sometimes the doctor who is carrying out the treatment is not ready to agree with the probability of the mistakes made).

  89. Vlad:

    The 22 tooth was pulled out to me, and he was sick for two days, did not let him sleep. Now it does not hurt, but some floating ball appeared, is this normal? But you press - it does not hurt, everything is fine.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you feel the swelling of the gums (gingival papilla, as an option), which in such situations gradually passes on its own and with minimal unpleasant manifestations. A less likely option, which, however, should not be ruled out, is the neighboring tooth, which the dentist missed, having removed, in his opinion, the most suitable tooth destroyed by caries. Perhaps, near the next tooth only purulent edema begins, which falls under the characteristic of the "floating ball". It is worth checking these hypotheses with a dentist, since it is impossible to say for sure without an inspection. Thanks for the question!

  90. Nina:

    Hello, Doctor! On January 4, the extreme molar tooth was removed from the right, below. Removal is difficult, they said that complex roots. Initially, the pain was severe. The entire right side of the face and the head and throat ached. Prescribed by the doctor Ksefokam helped poorly. On the advice of a friend the pharmacist took Dolak.Initially, withstand a maximum of 4 hours. Then the intervals became longer. Yesterday it seemed to me that it was better, I went to an appointment with a dentist who extracted a tooth. He said that alveolitis. Removed the stitches. Then furatsilin and some bitter medicine. He said: keep for 30-40 minutes, how can you stand it? I understood that he removed the clot. Appointed as before Parodontaks, and also added Metrogil-Dent. For some reason, he said to apply ointment before meals. What is not entirely clear. I think that there is no clot there now, and when I put a tampon with ointment in the place of removal, pain appears. It seems that the wound was disturbed there, and I drank Dolak again at night and in the morning to Ksefokam. Now it is tolerable. I read a lot of your answers, and I understood that you do not welcome the appointment of Chlorhexidine. I am afraid that my problems would not be found in the fact that I, as you wrote above, “healed”. The doctor told the reception about Chlorhexidine that he was too aggressive. To which he replied that it was precisely for us that it was necessary for him to remove all harmful microflora. And about the wound, I realized that she would still heal, even if the “dry hole”, only the healing will be longer. Thank you in advance for your response!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Perhaps the doctor’s tactics were chosen incorrectly, so the effect of the “dry” hole was not long in coming. I do not greet Chlorhexidine for rinsing, but this does not mean that it does not help in a number of individual cases - otherwise dentists for home treatment would not have prescribed it so massively. He is just too aggressive, and not suitable for everyone.

      The wound, in spite of these difficulties, will heal - there is no doubt about it, only the terms will stretch. To understand whether you are healed or not, you need a checkup in the chair. Until the hole is examined, it is difficult to say anything and, especially, to criticize the dentist and his methods. According to your conclusions, the doctor seems guilty of the problem, but you should always understand the situation more carefully, nuances are possible.

      Metrogil Dent before a meal can be, and after a meal - after 30 minutes. In principle, here the doctor did not deceive you. Some methods (for example, furatsilin) ​​from the piggy bank of the past dental surgeons, but often they also bring positive results. If you still have a negative dynamic at the moment, then it is urgent to change the doctor and treat the complications after the removal of the tooth from another specialist.

  91. Diana:

    Good evening. 2 months ago, I had my lower wisdom tooth removed. On the 2nd day, a fragment of a tooth stuck out of the wound, I carefully removed it. Everything healed well, but for a couple of weeks I notice a small reddish soft lump just above the place of removal, and today I noticed that there is a white lump on top of it. It does not hurt, there is some discomfort, especially if you press. What could it be? I’m afraid of dentists until I faint, but now again I’m not myself at the thought that I will again be cut, cleaned, stitched ((

    Update as of January 13, 2007: I’m already looking today, on this lump there’s something like a hole, it doesn’t hurt, and I suspect that pus flows from there. Tomorrow to the dentist, all shaking in anticipation ((Maybe it can be cured somehow at home?

    Update as of January 18, 2007: it turned out that the dentist had left splinters from the tooth in the gum, and inflammation started from them. On the 13th, after the picture, I sort of got cleaned out and prescribed antibiotic treatment and chlorine treatment. The first 2 days everything was fine, but yesterday (the 15th) some discomfort was felt all over the cheek and in the wound. And today I look - from the wound a bag of yellowish is visible, it seems, this is again pus.What can it be connected with? My strength is no longer on the dentists to go, well, at least hang yourself ((

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that in case of continuing problems it is worth taking a snapshot again, that is, in this context it will already be a control one. This will determine the quality of the wound treatment. If something is left in the wound again, then the reason is clear, as in the palm of your hand - it is worth contacting a professional. Maybe cysts and granulomas are left at the bottom of the hole. This is rare, but worth checking out. A fistula cannot function just like that.

      I would also examine the roots of the adjacent tooth in the picture for an inflammatory process. The reason should be somewhere nearby, it is often difficult to find it, but without this, withdrawal of symptoms is not the best idea. I sketched your guesses, but I still have to look for the cause of the problems (if they continue) in the dentist’s chair, preferably from an intelligent doctor. Diagnostics - this is one of the most difficult moments in our work, so without it definitely no way.

  92. Tatyana:

    01/10/17 I removed 3 roots (4, 5, 6 from the bottom). On the second day, her cheek was slightly swollen. The pain was tolerable, the gums were red.On the third day I rinsed with sage at room temperature — the pain had fallen a little. On the 4th day I rinsed with soda and salt. On the fifth - rotokan and worm. After the worm, the pain decreased. Today is Jan. 16, 2017 (Monday), she visited the dentist, she took a picture - there are no fragments. Has diagnosed alveolitis; did anesthesia and cleaned the wells. Where I saw a piece of tooth - said it was a septum. I prescribed a holisal gel 3 times a day for 40 minutes. And appointed to come to her on Friday. Has the doctor done everything right? It hurts. Advise what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If the dentist saw a dirty gray patina or absence of a blood clot at the examination of the hole, then, of course, the diagnosis of alveolitis suggests itself. Tactics for alveolitis - curettage wounds and anti-inflammatory therapy. So the injury in this case is disturbed with a good purpose.

      Bony septa should not be removed if they do not have sharp edges and do not protrude too high.

      After curettage, the well may be disturbed for up to 2–3 days. If there are no other symptoms besides painful sensations, then you just have to wait, remembering to go to the doctor, if he prescribes - a normal dentist will not leave you until everything is all right. And it is right.

      • Tatyana:

        On Friday (01.20.17) I was again at the doctor. They pulled me a bandage (he was barely holding on) and laid a new one, with medicine. 3 holes hurt. Removed another 2 (4, 5) roots on the other hand, from the bottom. The doctor prescribed the antibiotic lincomycin and gel holisal on the wells of previously removed teeth, as alveolitis. Baths with furatsilinom and rotokan. Today is Monday, I, worried, ran to the doctor. The dentist examined me and said that she did not like everything very much. In three holes, granulation tissue (wild meat) grows, and it will have to be cut, because it will interfere with prosthetics. 2 holes of the last removal with a red-white bloom. I go to her 2 months. She treated, sealed and removed from above, but there were no complications. I cried, very afraid of the operation. Doctor, advise what to do?

        Addition. The doctor is waiting for me on Wednesday. All appointments are doing.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! For prosthetics, growth from the hole really creates difficulties; there are no questions here.

          But there is a feeling that some points in the treatment are clearly unnecessary (personal opinion) and can have a negative impact: bandages to the wound, furatsilin, Rotokan - for what? Bandages placed in a wound are an outdated method (it does not allow the well to heal properly, does not give a full therapeutic effect, and even irritates the gums).If it comes to that, then there are a lot of funds that can be used to treat the alveolitis in a wound after curetisation for 1 time, since they dissolve as the hole heals. Furacilin irritates and dries the mucous membrane. Rotocan is generally a water-alcohol solution. I understand that there are always risks of complications in the form of alveolitis, or worse, when a tooth is poorly removed, measures taken in the form of curettes, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. are not taken in time. And here (between us) clearly the hole already starts at the end of 2 weeks of restless healing screaming: “Leave me alone!”. In my practice, I don’t put bandages in the wells, very rarely put absorbable anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents in the well, I don’t prescribe furatsilin (like many of my colleagues) and distrust Rotocan. The doctor is most likely to use lincomycin to speed up bone recovery: for many people, for the antibacterial effect, it is like the “elephant grains”. About the gel Holisal - acceptable.

          Just in case, I’ll tell you what I would do: I would not touch the problematic well after the first curettage, and under anesthesia I would have caused a blood clot to form a bit of anesthesia and pressed a gauze pad on top.In 10-15 minutes you would remove the tampon and the first days after the removal did not climb anything there, eat soft food, carefully and without rinsing. In extreme cases, from the second day after removal, mouth baths 5-6 times a day with a decoction of chamomile (but not rinsing, that is, simply “held in the mouth - spit out”). Do not need anything else. At all. Rest for the well in the absence of acute symptoms - high temperature, edema (facial asymmetry), putrid breath, dirty-gray bloom on the hole, pain not relieved by painkillers, etc. - This is the best treatment option. It is possible that a constantly aching and poorly healing hole is the result of its “treating” with drugs, both from the outside and from the inside.

          • Tatyana:

            Hello, Doctor. Yesterday I went for a consultation to another doctor. The gum on the right after the removal of 3 teeth hurts less and less. The gums on the left, after removing 2 teeth, become dull and seemed to me a terrible red and white. The doctor examined and said that she did not see the growth of tissue (wild meat) in three holes. She advised not to give it a cut. Regarding the gums of the last 2 removed teeth, she said that there was a slow normal healing, there was no pus.Rebelled for lincomycin. She said replace cholisal on metrogil denta. After applying this gel, I immediately felt better, there was no pain, my gums were a little upset, but it was not inflamed, it looked pale pink, and the pink one was still not grown together. Today I go to my dentist. I still have to delete the 8th on the left, and worry about the overgrowth, or not? I will ask for a while to leave everything in peace until complete healing. Tell me, please, how to accurately determine the growth in the gums? I do not see it from above.

            Already went to the doctor. She said that the removal of 8 in a week, we will wait until everything heals.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello Tatiana! It is reasonable that the removal was postponed for a week. I would recommend, if the removal is planned, to postpone it for 2 weeks, so that the wells have finally stopped bothering. If you do not see the growth “in the gums” near the hole, the independent doctor does not see this either, then you should not worry. However, the last word for the orthopedist. If the orthopedic surgeon for some reason insists on promising manipulations for successful prosthetics, then there are two options: 1. Submit and do as required; 2Change the "prosthetist" on the one who will have a different opinion.

          You can send a photo of the hole with a suspicious gum to the site’s mail, so that I can somehow determine what is actually happening and whether it is worth a little worry.

          • Tatyana:

            Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! Again, I ask for your help. My gums have healed successfully and there is no wild meat. 1.02 went to delete 8-ku. All previous deletions were very fast. My doctor, a dentist, pricked ultrakain. I prepared the tool, could not remove it for 15 minutes, asked the nurse to submit more tools, got excited, said that she was mobile 7, now she will send me to the hospital. Upon hearing this, the head of the dental surgeon asked for a picture. My cheek was already injured, I was immediately taken a picture and a print was given by the manager. They said that the wisdom tooth is lying, and since the seven is mobile, they will delete both. The manager removed very quickly and put a turunda in the hole. She said that the removal is difficult, keep the tampon for 1 hour. I then spit out 2 splinters with a mongrel. Cheek slightly swollen and had a temperature of 37.2, ached in the holes.

            3.02 I changed the turunda, in the holes it was still a bit sore, but I could endure it. 8.02 I was washed (slightly ached when washing with a syringe) and again put the turunda. It was also hot for 4 days, then it just came up. 14.02 washed again (it did not hurt when flushing) and put the turunda again, then ached a bit, sweated up. Today, February 17, they pulled out a turunda and said that it was slowly healing, the partition was closed, the hole was pulled on 1/2 with a cloth, and again they wanted to put a turunda. I prayed that you promised to pull it out. The head did not want to leave for the weekend without turunda, but, pitying me, laid the powder. She said that if she was ill, then the doctor on duty was working on Saturday, and she had to come and get the medicine. It has been 5 hours, there is no pain, sometimes single painful second firing. I'm afraid to eat and drink, I will endure until tomorrow. Tell me, please, is it normal what is happening? Ahead of prosthetics ...

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello Tatiana! The fact that you are all right and there are no signs of alveolitis is very good. You just listen to your feelings, and even every light “backache”, as you describe it, may be the cause of panic for you. According to your description there is no cause for concern.The only strange thing is why the dentist-therapist began to delete, since this specialist without a corresponding certificate has no right to apply for this manipulation? Although, I am almost sure that I can carry it out because of the acquired primary skills at the university.

  93. Helena:

    Good day! On the 18th, on the night I was deleted 6-ku, the upper right. From the tooth there is little left. The doctor said that he had already completely crumbled, was soft, and when he removed, pus came out. The doctor prescribed 5 days of Cifran and, if necessary, an anesthetic. Well, and all sorts of Klaritiny for the night. There is no swelling, severe pain was only at night after removal. The doctor forbade eating-drinking hot, forbidden to rinse (only baths), no physical exertion, and so on. On the first day, the temperature was 37-37.4, then there was no more. A blood clot was seen only in the first hours. Then I just did not look. Today I looked - there began to converge the edges and in the middle something bright, non-uniform was formed. The hole quietly ducks and gums around (plus more injections, as if from bruises). It is unpleasant, but I only take the anesthetic for the night. To the doctor is scheduled only after 2 days for an examination.Tell me, please, is it normal what is happening? Can I wait for a scheduled inspection, or should I run as soon as possible?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! What you describe fits into the norm, there is no reason to urgently consult a doctor. According to the plan, it is possible, for monitoring, and so that the doctor does not lose sight of you (it is important for a good doctor that the result of the removal is successful healing). “Light” in the hole is a fibrin film that determines the initial wound healing stage. The aching pains in the first days after removal are not unusual. And so - the temperature, swelling, sharp pain, a violation of chewing, putrid odor - this is not all, and therefore the risk of complications, too. So wait for the scheduled inspection, you health!

  94. Jeanne:

    Good day! On February 6, the old lower tooth was removed, the next day there was a smell from the mouth, and I found a piece of tooth in the hole. The doctor removed it, blew it with air, dropped something and sent it home. He said that the smell from the clot and that's fine. Since then, the pain has intensified, pulsing, nimesil and ketanol help only for three hours! Inside the hole there is a dark brown stripe and on the sides gray-brown and white, looking as a bloom.The smell after rinsing goes away, but for 20 minutes ((Alveolitis? It hurts terribly.

    And another question about the hole - do you need a dentist-surgeon to show up, or is it possible to go to an ordinary dentist?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Yes, that's right, it is very similar to alveolitis. The smell of a clot, grayish bloom in combination with severe pain, painkillers can hardly be relieved, confirms the intended diagnosis. The third day after tooth extraction with increased pain is a classic of the “genre” of alveolitis.

      On the last question: I recommend it to the dentist-surgeon to eliminate the cause of the disease. In extreme cases - to the dentist, leading mixed reception. Health to you!

  95. Inna:

    Good day. Removed the upper 6 tooth, because the process of decay of the lateral part of the tooth, an abscess, went from the old wrong treatment, went pus with blood, the smell - horror, did not hurt and did not bother more than that. Difficult removal, more than an hour, the blood did not flow. The next day I went for a routine inspection, a clot was not formed. After the surgeon's manipulations in the hole, the blood also did not go, he put a hemostatic sponge inside. Recommendations - rinsing with salt-soda solution.

    I feel the pain of the bone (not the hole), a small barely noticeable swelling of the cheek is present. The color of the gums is reddish from the side with a blue tint. Removed on Sunday, today is 5 day. Sponge when rinsing flew. I looked into a mirror with a flashlight, a huge, deep hole, visible wall 7 of the tooth almost the entire length, and the diameter of the hole itself about 7 mm. The questions are as follows: how will the healing and overgrowing of the hole occur in this case? How long and what are the complications? What would recommend more? Is it possible the occurrence of alveolitis in the future? He is worried that the wall of the 7th tooth will not linger and be bare.

    A lot, messy, but I hope you will understand. Thanks in advance.

    Update as of February 19, 2007: teeth began to hurt near the hole, some numbness (

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Holes without a clot after such a traumatic and not very accurate removal can heal for a long time - up to 3-4 months. It means that completely - until the disappearance of visible traces of intervention. The final formation of the ridge of the process ends by 6-7 months.

      As for the inflammatory process: I think that the time during which there was a risk of developing alveolitis has already passed.Now the hole can simply be a place for the accumulation and decay of food for a long time, or simply a “garbage can”. The clot was required in the first 2-3 days after removal, and now, over time, the wound will heal without it. The risks of alveolitis for the future are minimal. The wall of the 7th tooth will not be visible in the coming weeks, as the gum has a tendency to grow, that is, it effectively fills the void.

  96. Madinah:

    Hello, yesterday I had my lower molar removed, it was very rotten, and the doctor barely removed it. Already the second day of severe pain, on the hole something white. I went to the doctor - he says that this is normal, the hole heals like that. And the smell is unpleasant. I drink painkillers, but nothing helps. Her cheek is swollen, and her ear and head ache. What should I do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! On the first and second day after removal, there may be severe pains that fit into the normal state. However, it all depends on the quality of the removal itself. For example, there are situations when the symptoms simply “scream in the ear” to the person who removed the tooth, that:

      1. Not all tooth is removed - root or roots left;

      2. Left fragments or carious walls of the tooth;

      3A granuloma or cyst is partially removed or not completely extracted;

      4. The hole is so “ruined” that the edges of the bone tissue protrude outwards and increase the pain syndrome and other unpleasant moments ...

      That is why you do not want to say unequivocally that in the first days of removal it is worth tasting because you don’t know the level of your doctor. So I just can not encourage you without inspection. If your doctor says that everything is fine, then there are few options:

      1. To take his word for it and wait for the weather by the sea, tolerate and hope for the best;

      2. Turn to another doctor and check the hole, and at the same time - on the professionalism of your doctor.

      I personally would choose the latter, but it's up to you to decide. Health!

  97. Olga:

    Good day! Yesterday I had a tooth removed, a five from the bottom on the left side, the doctor said that it is not necessary to rinse too much, unless with furatsilinom and chamomile. The tooth was pulled out without pain, it did not hurt me, it was just one wall with a filling and it fell off - in short, it was equal to the gum. But when the doctor watched, he persuaded him to increase it for a long time, and I tell him that I somehow ache. Well, he examined the next tooth and said that he could whine from the next tooth, becausethere is little caries. And yet we deleted it. Put a cotton swab and let go, did not say when to spit it out. I spit out a tampon somewhere in an hour, and went with it, then it bleed from me, spat blood for a very long time, even rinsed with plain water. When I began to move away from the injection, the pain began to torment me, I even regretted that I removed the tooth, because He didn’t torture me much, just afraid that later they would hardly remove him.

    Today I woke up and my cheek was slightly swollen, and it feels like flux on the gum, but it is not visible. The neighboring teeth hurt, the cheek hurts, where they were given the injection, there is no temperature, but there is no bloody clot either. At this place where there should be a hole, something white, even a little grayish. There is a smell, and when you swallow, it feels like a taste of blood in the mouth. And it seems that about a normal tooth, which is a little bit with caries, where a tooth is pulled out, as if a fragment of a tooth is sticking out - maybe the doctor has not removed everything for me?

    I rinsed today with a solution of potassium permanganate, as there is no chamomile or furatsilina, and I’m afraid to rinse with soda and salt. When a tooth was pulled out before, this was not the case, although it was rinsed with soda and everything was fine.What can you advise? I'm just afraid to go to the doctor again because he starts picking things up there again ... I'm very worried. Or maybe it should be, although today is only a day after I'm without a tooth. There is no particularly pulsating pain in the gum, but just some discomfort, as if I have a candy on my cheek, and something is interfering at the bottom of the gum. I really need advice - what to do? Help me, doctor! Thank!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It is certainly worth going to the dentist to check on your complaints. This is hardly an alveolitis (so far), but according to your description, the well is not very neatly formed: there may be fragments of the walls of the tooth after removal or sharp edges of the alveoli that require correction. It should be borne in mind that with these negative aspects, the risk of developing alveolitis at 3-4 days after removal is quite high. If the doctor after the examination does not see anything that requires urgent intervention, then at least you will be calm for further healthy healing.

      As for rinsing with potassium permanganate, soda, salt - that would not be advisable. This adversely affects the blood clot in the well.Let your doctor after the inspection will adjust and recommendations.

      • Olga:

        Good evening! Thank you for answering, tomorrow I will go to the doctor. Today there was a temperature of 37, the smell is, the tumor did not sleep, even the temple aches a bit. There is no particular pain in the hole, but the gum hurts, although I drank the painkiller. All these days I made baths with broth of thyme herb - it seemed to be easier, but there was no use. To be honest, I'm afraid to see a doctor ...

        Thanks again, I will sign off tomorrow if I stay alive after the dentist ...

      • Olga:

        Good afternoon, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! I'm terrified, or maybe I don't understand something. I came to the reception today, I spent a huge queue, I went and told the doctor that I had a fever like 37 since yesterday, that the tumor, it feels like candy, somehow everything is swollen and disagreeable, and the hole. He answered me, of course, he inspected the well, there he does not see the alveolitis, but he needs to take a picture, namely a 4 tooth, as he allegedly suspects that the whole tumor may be from him. And I deleted 5, but he says that 4 teeth and 5, which was removed, will be seen in the picture. Then he says: rinse with chamomile, furatsilinom, and even digitally registered drink 2 times a day, I have to drink it for 7 days.Than to remove the tumor did not say how to kill the pain - too. I can not take a picture, there is no film in the hospital, we have a district, and there is no time to go to the city either, you will not leave work again.

        I have a question, what will advise you to do? And if the gum is overgrown, and after the snapshot, when I make it, something is found in this tooth, then what happens - will it have to re-cut the gum? I will not survive this, to be honest. Yes, even today, I was brushing my teeth, and it accidentally fell, as I wrote in other messages, something white. But the fact is that in the hole a little of this white-yellow remained - probably, it was not completely washed out ... Is it not dangerous? As I understand it, it is necessary that the hole was closed. Around the hole gums are inflamed. Doctor, well, help me, well, advise any home remedies, I do not know. If our doctors do not want to be cured by, then at least you want help. And is it possible to replace this digital with another drug, I have a sore stomach and I'm afraid of side effects, because I read about the backsides ... Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.

        Yes, also, the doctor said: how completely it will be bad, so you will come to the reception. To be honest, I'm sorry for the expression “ofigel”, it means that I have been tormented since February 22, waited for Monday, came with pain, and he still tells me if you feel bad.Yes, I feel terrible, they do not care ... I'm tired of pain, one neurosis. Thank!

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! The fact is that in difficult cases, application diagnostics is needed, and not my correspondence reasoning - maybe this or something else. Obviously, the dentist doesn’t know what to do with you: either the case is complicated or the doctor simply cannot help you due to circumstances (the lack of X-ray film reinforces my guess that the doctor is connected by hand) . It is necessary to guess in some sense and to him on a coffee thick. This is the wrong tactic.

          If it is important to check the hole of the extracted tooth and the adjacent tooth next to it, then it is necessary to check, there is no other way. As for appointments: self-medication when not knowing the true cause of pain, temperature and edema is very dangerous. The best way is to take pictures, get a qualified in-person consultation from another dentist-surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon (not from the doctor you went to), adjust appointments, and continue to live in peace.

          • Olga:

            Good day! I finally took a picture.A tooth that was removed - I myself saw that the gum was clean. I went to another doctor, he told me that I had a cyst on the 4th tooth (I already had it), and deleted 5-ku. I tell him, what then have to do a resection, or how? And he answered me: why resection, you need to open the old filling and, roughly speaking, open tooth somehow remove this cyst. And then, I say, I will put a temporary filling, and then a normal filling, and immediately I need to put on a crown.

            Why do I need all this? If, as the first doctor said, I have a small caries there, then maybe it is just to heal it again and that's it? And this one says that that's why you have a tumor and a temperature, that when the tooth was removed, there was a place for pus to go out of 4 for my 5-well. And I told him: why, when I haven’t yet removed a tooth, there was no tumor, nothing, I don’t like it all. I told him that I would think about it. And he told me: there is no time to think, your cheek can be smashed at any moment. In short, I understood that this doctor wants to tear off more money from me, and that she is gathering clients to herself. He comes to our village for 2 days and he heals at the hospital, and at the very clinic in the city ...

            But, to be honest, when I click on 4-ku (a tooth in which there is a cyst), it hurts me, it reacts. And so, if I eat and drink hot, it seems to be nothing.But if there really is a cyst, is it necessary to have to remove the tooth again? I will not survive this. And I also regretted that I deleted the 5-ku - maybe it would be possible to walk like this for a while, and then, when the finances would have appeared, then it could be increased ... is to blame.

            I have a question: what do you say to me about another doctor who, like, saw that I have a cyst on a tooth? I just remember that once upon a time I had a cyst, and my gums were cut and everything was cleaned and then sewn up ... Thank you, for the answer, I will wait.

            Yes, also, this other doctor advised me to rinse my mouth with chlorhexidine, decoction of pomegranate partitions and ointment with aspira with propolis ... But why do I need this? The tumor seems to have subsided, there is no temperature. Thanks again for the reply.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! I think it makes no sense for you to panic now. My advice to you: take a picture and send it to me (to the mail of the site), and I will check if there is a cyst or not. Maybe you are quite right. If there are no symptoms of an active inflammatory process, then there is no sense in you to rinse with all this that the doctor prescribed, the ointment may also be superfluous.You can use chamomile decoction to rinse or sage decoction, so that food does not contaminate the hole - and nothing more. Enough time has already passed to fear that the hole will behave negatively. And about the dubious 4, I will say once again that you should get a picture and show it to me, so as not to think.

  98. Sergey Y.:

    Hello, six months ago, I removed a tooth, everything went away, but literally the day before yesterday there was a strong pain in that place. Went to the doctor - it turns out, there was a root that began to fester. He removed the root, the pain subsided, but the swelling at the top did not disappear for 3 days already, his teeth ache (aching, shooting pain). I make baths with soda solution. Tell me what to do? I can not get to the hospital, because I am in the taiga at work. Thank you in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello. Alveolitis (if it is) is difficult to treat at home without treating the well and creating a full blood clot. However, if you are in such extreme conditions, find suitable anti-inflammatory ointments. For rinsing better decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage). Of anti-inflammatory ointments or gels for gums, Holisal, Metrogil Dent, and Terracycline Ophthalmic 1% may be appropriate (although the instructions do not contain treatment for alveolitis,but may be suitable in your conditions). These recommendations are only in the context of the impossibility of seeking help - no more! When deterioration - urgently to the dentist for professional help.

  99. Helena:

    March 6, removed the two upper front teeth. In the evening, edema appeared and one of the wells became inflamed. March 9 went to the doctor. Appointed solcoseryl and bath Miramistin. The edema subsides, but the pain is at times hellish. I swallow ketans. The hole is dry. Edema remained on the edge of the gums. What else can you do? I'm tired, I can't eat or drink.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Of the drugs, I can not advise you anything, since remote treatment can even be dangerous (in such situations, an internal examination is necessary). If you are talking about a “dry well”, denoting that there is no clot - the absence of a clot is almost always the cause of the painful healing of the well. Especially if its bony edges are exposed. That is why it is so important to form a good blood clot in time. As an option, go to another dentist and ask for curettage of the hole (done under local anesthesia if there are no contraindications).The formation of a clot and the correct processing of the hole with a decrease in its lumen will quickly help in this situation, and additional funds from medicines can only become indirect helpers. Often, during curettage, the doctor finds fragments of carious walls of the extracted tooth, parts of the roots, sharp bones of the alveoli, granulations, etc. They often create obstacles for comfortable healing of the hole: while the body tries to get rid of the "garbage" on its own, wasting immunity resources, the level of inflammatory reaction in the area of ​​removal rises significantly, and hence gum swelling, severe pain and even high temperature up to 3-5 days and more. Sometimes the fragments go out on their own, and the hole is painful, but it will heal itself.

  100. Irina:

    Good afternoon, I have a tooth removed on my lower jaw, 5 days have passed. There is nothing suspicious in the hole, but the gum is swollen, and the tumor does not subside and pulls. But in the hole there is nothing, pus, too, can not see. How can this be cured without a doctor? How to rinse?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Without a doctor, the so-called “dry well” is difficult to cure on its own, and it would not be very correct to begin treatment without a diagnosis.Suddenly the alveolitis begins? An adequate option can be a consultation with a dentist, in order not only to select a complex of drugs, but also, possibly, under anesthesia, to form (refresh) a well so that its healing takes place without symptoms of infectious inflammation. So, choosing a home treatment without a diagnosis and examination by a doctor is the risk of direct harm. Thanks for asking.

  101. Marina:

    Hello, yesterday morning I removed the upper front tooth (if not mistaken - 2, which is in front of the eye). Removal was difficult, I was detained for about 20 minutes. Explained that very thick root. The tooth constantly crumbled. I have been sitting on Ketanov for a day — a aching pain, especially from the side of the adjacent tooth. The color of the gums resembles gray-yellow dirt, and it begins to swell. I have to work tomorrow night, then the day off. What can be saved? Thank you in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The fact is that according to your symptoms there is a suspicion of alveolitis. Without the intervention of a doctor, it is difficult to decide what to “save”. I am particularly worried about the appearance of alveolitis in such a short time: maybe there are fragments or parts of the root left by the doctor in the hole and provoking painful sensations and other symptoms: edema, grayish-yellow plaque, etc.Be sure to visit the doctor, even if it is a weekend. In large clinics and regional hospitals (polyclinics) there are always on-call dentists who can receive and assist in your profile. Here it is professional help that is important, not self-medication. Thanks for asking.

  102. Katya:

    Svyatoslav Gennadievich, hello! I read your answers with interest (I haven’t read everything yet) and it became interesting - what do you usually recommend to your patients for rinsing and / or baths after tooth extraction? Soda, as I understood it, is a controversial variant, chlorhexidine is aggressive, and what else happens? 🙂

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I am glad that you are a fan of my works)) Thank you very much. If to speak at all, that is, the mass of rinses and baths after tooth extraction. However, according to one authoritative and maxillofacial surgeon (implantologist) known in his circles, rinsing and bathing are more minuses after tooth extraction than advantages. Although this doctor during his medical career (about 15 years) has repeatedly changed their opinions. It's quite normal. And so - for rinsing can be used as folk remedies (decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, eucalyptus, etc.), and medications (furatsilin, Miramistin,Stomatofit, etc.). Regarding the aggressiveness of certain means - soda, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine - I can say that everything depends on concentration, exposure, individual moments and contraindications. Of course, there may be a lot of risks from many such drugs, but since many doctors continue to prescribe them, and the dentist patients write on the forum that “they rinsed and everything was OK” - this means that these techniques have the right to life.

      As for me, I recommend doing mouth baths with chamomile decoctions (sage) up to 6-8 times a day (the more often, the better) in the first 1-2 days after tooth extraction, and on the third day and the next couple of days I suggest trying neat rinsing after eating the same means. In addition, there is also a set of tools that help to overcome the infectious process after tooth extraction and help the patient's body: antibiotics, antihistamines, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. It's all on the testimony and strictly individually.

  103. Nikita:

    Hello! Yesterday the top seven was removed. This is the second tooth removed. The first time, when they were removed in state dentistry with huge claws, the entire right side of the face was swollen, and sat on Ketanov for several days.Now everything is in order, after removing any pain, I am very surprised at this outcome. However, at night it was discovered that there was a huge blood clot in the mouth (the first time this was not). It is very difficult to swallow, so I cut it a little, because I’ve gotten into 4 teeth. But it still remained quite large, if you carefully grope your tongue.

    Blood periodically flows if, say, sneezing or something else like that. Churning my cheek. And also drank one captopril to relieve the pressure.

    Is everything okay in my case? Wait for the final cessation of bleeding or go to a dentist? It seems that everything is fine, but the state is sluggish, I associate it with a cold (throat, nose, I probably chose an unsuccessful removal time), and also because I have hypertension.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In hypertension, it is important to stabilize the pressure - otherwise delayed bleeding is a completely natural phenomenon. I am also confused by the increased bleeding when sneezing: I am sure that it is worth checking with a dentist for the proximity of the maxillary sinus to the bottom of the hole.In general, with long-term (or regular) bleeding from the well, it is not worth waiting long and hoping for the best. You may not know the exact cause of the bleeding, so it’s best to see a dentist.

  104. Irina:

    Hello! In mid-February, the tooth vertically split - the top five. I wanted to remove it, but the doctor took an x-ray and said that the root was whole, put the stump tab under the crown. On a roentgen on the next four, he discovered a granuloma, suggested re-channeling. After the treatment, I climbed onto the wall for three days, the painkillers did not help much. She insisted on removing this tooth. Three weeks have passed. There were aching pains in the place of the roots. Today night slept badly. I feel a salty taste in the place of the hole. Enlarged lymph node under the jaw, painful. On the top five it hurts. What could it be and what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It may be that the doctor’s tactics were wrong with respect to tooth preservation at the longitudinal root fracture, but there is also an option that the hole against the background of the alveolitis gives pain to the adjacent teeth, since at the alveolitis there are symptoms of inflammation (pain, swelling, redness and etc.). That is why it is important to take a picture of the hole along with the treated tooth (fiver).The dentist-surgeon together with the dentist-therapist must study the problem comprehensively, evaluate the treatment, the condition of the hole (if there are any fragments, roots, etc.), and most importantly, assess the external state of the hole itself. In order not to make mistakes and not to do too much work, you should start with diagnostics. There is no reason to endure pain, as it can signal a serious complication that you can easily miss, which is fraught.

  105. Anonymous:

    Hello. He removed a rotten tooth, and a blood clot never appeared. The tooth whined for 2 days, the third one became easier. Now I look in the hole - there is blackness at the bottom, what is it? )

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It is possible that you call a burgundy blood clot "black." Although sometimes in the hole there may be leftover food or a dirty gray patina with alveolitis. The latter is always accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms (fever, pain, swelling, etc.). If there is nothing like that, then you can only suspect a blood clot or food debris and assume that the well is healing normally.

  106. Anonymous:

    Hello! Yesterday I removed the lower tooth - it seems that it doesn’t hurt, the gum has become inflamed, where a tooth has been pulled out.A day later a white clot formed there, but it is not completely white, it confuses me. But there is no strong pain. A little sore. Should I worry?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It seems to me that you have nothing to worry about, since, judging by the description, you do not have any symptoms that require consulting a dentist. What about the color of the bunch: why should it be white? 🙂 Usually the starting point for concern is the absence of a clot or a dirty gray clot (black), as a pathology, as a possible symptom of alveolitis (or the effect of a dry hole).

      If the color of a clot is so important to you, then usually it is not white at all, but light yellow, or red shades (burgundy, for example). Thanks for asking.

  107. Hope:

    Hello! The lower molar was removed, a week has already passed, and constant pain does not go away. The purulent well, the lymph nodes are inflamed, the membranes hurt, as if the ears are laying. There is no temperature, a bruise appeared on the cheek at the place of removal, but there is no swelling. Tell me something.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It can be alveolitis or even osteomyelitis of the hole on the background of lymphadenitis. Be sure to immediately contact your dentist, since taking into account the symptoms described by you, it is important to carry out accurate diagnostics in time (and, if necessary, to treat the hole, to remove possible tooth fragments, remnants of a decomposed clot, antisepticly treat the hole and create a full blood clot so that later serious problems).

  108. Marina:

    Goodnight! I have the lower molar removed, the same problem. I rinse, but not often. I feel an unpleasant pain and some kind of yellow bloom. Tell me, please, what to do? And the doctor is very afraid!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Judging by your description, it can be, as a state of norm, and the beginning alveolitis. Symptoms are sluggish, so it's probably hard to say. It is best, just in case, to contact your dentist so that there is no excitement on this issue. If you say that everything is in order, then you will only have to wait for the end of this transitional period for another 2-3 days. And further, in most cases, the general condition is significantly improved, and the well is formed by the stage of primary healing.

  109. Yuliya:

    Hello! I do not know what to do anymore ... Please help me with advice!

    04/16/17 (two weeks ago) in the “cool” paid dentistry of Chelyabinsk, I was removed the top “five”. Previously, the eights were removed - there were no problems, and therefore did not even assume that this could be. The removal was very traumatic: the root crunched and crumbled, the surgeon ruined my palate and gums when his instrument broke ... Then he put a sponge with medicine (not iodine-containing, because I was allergic to iodine), said that the clot was not formed, and therefore, the sponge will lie for three days, after which it will dissolve itself. Sent home. After that, for a very long time, the bleeding did not stop for me (I could not move away from the hospital for an hour and a half - I spit it, as a result, it was bleeding for a day). Probably, the bleeding washed away the above sponge, because by the evening of 04/17/17 I had a smell from the hole. The pains after the anesthesia had "withdrawn" were very strong, shooting both under the eye and in the ear, but the pain and mobility of the neighboring healthy "four" were especially alarming.

    04/19/17 turned to a surgeon at the place of residence (I live 200 km from Chelyabinsk, and therefore could not immediately come to the same surgeon who had extracted a tooth).At the place of residence, the free surgeon of the “Soviet” times cleaned the hole for me under anesthesia of “lidocaine” (it was painful, my head was spinning), washed it with a syringe, put a bandage with streptocide for 20 minutes and said that now everything will heal ... After this manipulation everything became even more “fired”, the pain intensified in the neighboring “four”.

    On the same day, 04/19/17, I turned to a paid dentist at the place of residence. They took a picture, removed the detected fragment of the periosteum. She explained that the hole is simply huge for the "five", that it had to be sutured, that the roots of the neighboring teeth and the jaw bone could be seen, determined that the "4-ka" is really mobile. She also put a bandage with iodoform (in spite of my allergies, they just decided to take a chance, as she had no other drugs). Her recommendations were: to rinse with furatsilinom, drink azithromycin and wait until it heals. At that time, everything hurt me: the palate, gums, sinus, eyebrow - the whole half of the face from the side of tooth extraction.

    Then I started to endure two weeks before I had the opportunity to go “to the mainland” - to that surgeon who had a tooth removed ... I couldn’t live without “money” all these two weeks, because only he helped, Ibuprofen did not anesthetize. I washed the well with furatsilin from a syringe, squirting "Miramistin" into it.In general, the edges of the hole had healed, the swelling at the site of the extracted tooth had passed, but the Quartet and the slight swelling and redness above it were disturbing.

    04/29/17 came to the reception in the very "cool" dentistry) I did this "terrible procedure" when they break out the walls of the hole under anesthesia. The clothes of the hole were “stagnant”, they were already knocking when they fell into the tray. The doctor said that now my suffering had come to an end, as he had cleaned everything, removed the dead tissue and laid the turunda with Levomekol. In this case, the bleeding was again strong. He said that the turunda will lie for two days, after which it will need to be changed. I, already read about this problem, did not eat anything, did not drink, did not rinse ... The next day (I was still in Chelyabinsk that day) decided to go for a visit to the surgeon (just in case). BUT he said that there is no clot again, as there is no turunda with medicine. And it fell out, it seems, again immediately with blood, since I did not feel it at all. Then the surgeon again laid me a turunda with Levomekol, said that now she would lie there for four days, since there was no more blood. After that, according to him, I have to visit the dentist for an indefinite periodplace of residence (since I no longer had the opportunity to arrange my own days off and live in Chelyabinsk) for laying a camp with Levomekol ...

    BUT!!! Turunda with Levomekol did not last half a day! And this is despite the fact that I again practically did not eat anything, tried not to drink, so as not to touch her. But she just fell out of the hole. At the same time, I’ll clarify that the hole is still just huge: deep, to the jaw bone and wide, the outer gum already “slurs”.

    As a result, this is the weekend at our local dentists (I live in a small town), and I do not know what to do with my “dry hole”. The surgeon said that it is absolutely impossible to leave it empty, since the bone had already begun to collapse. But what can I do myself with her when there is no opportunity to go to the dentist? I bought Levomekol, but I didn’t find it at a special pharmacy, but only for external use, I bought Solcoseryl and Metrogil Dent, sterile bandages ... Maybe take a chance, and put one of these ointments on my own ? But I'm afraid to do self-treatment already. The gum on the outside of the hole has become quite thin, bending into emptiness to the very bone of the jaw,The “four” next hurts when lightly pressing on it, the gum over the four is inflamed and hurts, the palate hurts again (this seems to be after anesthesia). When walking at every step, the “current” pain is under the eye ... I ask for advice, I no longer know where to rush ((

    Update as of 07.05.17. And hello again! While I am waiting for an answer - I will add that at the moment, that is, 05/05/2017, three weeks after the removal of the tooth, I still have no improvements. On the recommendation of the surgeon, I asked the dentist in my city to do the dressings — to lay a turunda with levomecol (I bought the usual levomekol for external use, since I did not find anything else and I don't know if it is any other). At the same time, this dentist believes that the hole should be open, as under the turunda (if left for a long time) everything will rot. But I have this turunda for a long time and does not hold: a maximum of half a day, and then falls out of my huge hole. There is no progress in healing so far: the gums and the palate above the hole and the adjacent tooth are still inflamed, it hurts when you press on the gums. The hole is deep and does not heal from the inside. When walking etc. - "Streaming" under the eye in the sinuses ... The dentist said,that it is again drawn out from the outside and on the sides, and inside a deep canal in the gum ... In general, there are four days of holidays ahead, and I was left even without dressings, only as I can “shove” Levomekol to myself.

    I am really looking forward to advice: what should I do in this situation, since I cannot go “to the mainland” in the next two weeks. How to do the right thing: to close the hole, or not? Levomekol or something else to lay? To drink a second antibiotic? Is it really necessary to do “curettage” again? Is it true that when the hole is open, the bone will collapse? How long does it take to lay a turunda (if you need to do this) with levomecol and with what frequency?

    Still very worried about the further possibility of installing implants in my case (considering how badly this hole heals)?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Sorry for the slow response and thanks for the detailed description. There is no information as to whether the fourth tooth was injured during the removal of the fifth. This leads to some difficulty in issuing recommendations. Diagnostic imaging would not hurt either.Were there pictures of the hole to analyze the seriousness of what is happening? If so, you can send them to the mail of the site, and I will comment.

      Proximity to the maxillary sinus against the background of a traumatic intervention gives some of the symptoms you are talking about. When the hole is so "raped", it is quite possible to think about such a variant as damage to the bottom of the sinus, even if it is insignificant.

      Regarding the question of implants: I suspect that, taking into account the state of the hole, sinus lift may be required. I think that the suturing of the well was required immediately, if there was such a difficult removal, and not “pushing” the turunda with the medicine into the well, but replanting the artificial bone, since further implantation is expected. One big problem you have created is a lot of medium and small ones that cause frequent damage to the hole.

      As for drugs: remotely, without examination and understanding of all the nuances of the clinical situation, drugs are not prescribed - it is simply dangerous. As for the formulation of ointments and gels - here, again, everything is individual. To be guided only by the fact that Metrogil Dent or Solcoseryl dental paste is annoyingly indicated to the indications “after the extraction of teeth” imprudently, although it often leads to a positive effect.

      I recommend finding an intelligent specialist - for example, a maxillofacial implant surgeon who will examine you and at the same time tell you about options for further implant installation.

  110. Anna:

    Goodnight. The lower tooth was removed, a dry hole formed, inflammation went. I went to the dentist, the doctor cleaned the hole, put in the medicine and said that it would resolve itself. It has been a day and a half and I am very worried about the pulsating pain in the gums. Tell me, please, is this normal, or is it urgent to go to the doctor again? Thank you.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It’s good that you went to a doctor in a timely manner - it is important that the clot is present at the healing stage, since everything goes faster and more comfortable with it. However, after the well is disturbed for its own good, this calm does not come so quickly. I hope the doctor warned you that during the day after curettage, it is usually necessary to take painkillers (the next day, depending on the situation). And sometimes the use of antibiotics and antihistamines is important (if indicated). The implementation of clear recommendations gives a chance to return to service in a matter of days, but in one day this happens very rarely: after all, there is an injury (wound) in the mouth, and all people have different pain thresholds.

      I advise you to go to the doctor again, if within 3 days after curettage there is no tendency to reduce pain of exactly acute nature.

  111. Kseniya:

    Hello. Three days ago, the upper tooth, the seven, was removed. The day after the removal began to fall clot. I was scared because I didn’t know what to do. I rerun all my relatives, everyone laughed at me, which I panicked and advised to rinse, but I soaked a bandage with warm water and put it to the hole. Clot eventually entrenched. At the moment, the hole seems to be in order and does not bother, but the gums on the cheek side are slightly swollen and turned white. Is it worth it in this situation to cause panic and run to the doctor?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Do not panic, because, according to your description, there is no cause for concern: the lump is not destroyed, it does not “fall out”, there is no pain and temperature, and a small swelling of the gums in the area of ​​the extracted tooth is almost always present in such cases. As for the "whitening" of the gums, it is possible that the usual tension of the gums is present, but it is worth looking directly at the mouth to understand the true cause.

      If you are so worried about this situation, you may well go to a doctor for a checkup (at least for the sake of additional calm). But there is no urgent need for this at this stage of healing of the hole.

  112. Helena:

    Good day! Thanks to your site for the tips. I have the remains of a wisdom tooth removed from below. On the second day, unknowingly, I pulled out white pieces of food from the hole, and, most likely, it was a clot. I read on your website that you urgently need to see a doctor, so that there they scratched the hole and formed a new clot. I went to paid dentistry (she was near) - they made an injection, scrubbed the hole and put medicine into it, so that, apparently, a clot formed without inflammation. A clot formed, yes. I was very careful, I didn’t rinse, I didn’t eat on this side, I didn’t pick anything ... But the clot still “floated” out of the hole while brushing the teeth on the other side on the 4th day from the day of removal and the 3rd day after forming re clot.

    Today is 5 days after the initial removal. In the morning I went to the surgeon who removed the tooth, he looked, said that most likely, a part of the clot remained at the bottom of the hole, put a bandage with “expensive French medicine” - hesitated to ask for the name.They said, if necessary, make baths with tea, as I am allergic to herbs. The hole was narrow, not inflamed, the pain was a little aching and tolerable, now it is not there at all (does the medicine relieve pain in the hole, or is everything so good and shouldn’t hurt?) I was surprised that they said that the hole would heal itself (???) push the gauze with medicine.

    Tell me how many days I can not worry about finding a gauze with medicine in the hole? How many days should she sit there? 5-10 days? And if the gauze is pushed out, and the hole remains deep and empty, not prolonged? .. Thanks in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If it is getting better every day, and there are no symptoms that interfere with normal life, then there is no special point in going to a doctor right now: you just need to correctly follow his advice. About “gauze with medicine” - a lot of things depend on what kind of drug was used (the time spent in contact with the wound is prescribed in the instructions for the drugs). Usually, foreign bodies are actually independently pushed out of the hole as it heals.And the hole will not remain empty and deep, as the tissue is formed from the bottom of it during healing.

  113. Kristina:

    After the removal of the lower tooth (after the canine), I feel a nagging pain. The edema was already asleep, and inside the hole I notice a white bloom, is this normal? Advise something!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! According to your description, there is no cause for concern, since there is almost always a whitish or light yellow bloom in the well area. And since the edema is asleep, there is no temperature (you did not indicate), then aching pain can be attributed to the features of healing + irritants that periodically affect the wound - starting from mechanical (solid food) and ending with temperature (cold, hot). Therefore, I recommend that you be patient and follow the recommendations of your doctor. There is nothing to worry about yet.

  114. Yuliya:

    Hello. On Tuesday, the lower tooth was removed, the removal was difficult, the roots were knocked out with a hammer. They put a cotton swab, told to spit in 20 minutes and in no case do not rinse the day. I spat, came the lady, everything was in the blood. Do not rinse, did not eat anything.Very much started to hurt, and so 3 days. Then it began to throb, I rinsed with a solution of soda and salt, but the pain did not subside. I looked in the mirror - I have everything in the yellowish hole. I tried to clean it with a cotton swab, and it seems to me that it is pus. What to do? Today is Saturday.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I believe that you have a standard plaque on the background of the healing of the hole - most likely, it has no relation to pus. However, the removal was carried out rather tough method, which often leads to extensive wounds that require special care, otherwise it often leads to alveolitis and other complications. Independently poking around in the hole is fraught with negative consequences. I do not advise you to touch the wound - it makes sense to immediately contact your doctor. A control inspection of the well will not be superfluous in 3-4 days after removal, even if nothing hurts.

      If a similar situation occurs at the weekend, the advice is this: first, do not rinse with soda-saline, as this can destroy the protective blood clot. Secondly, do not disturb the wound with foreign objects, and even with the tongue.I recommend to go to the nearest dental clinic, where they take on weekends, and to inspect the hole. If everything is fine, then you will simply adjust home treatment and you will calmly follow the advice of a doctor. It is also possible that it will be necessary to conduct curettage of the hole.

  115. Ivan:

    On Saturday, I removed the rotten tooth from above on the right side. The operation went quickly. X-rays showed that there were no roots left. On Monday, the gum began to swell. The hole is brown, there is no unpleasant smell. The pain is not throbbing, gives in the ear and in the weighty. Drooling yellowish, what does it mean?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Judging by the symptoms and the time of their occurrence, most likely, this is a beginning alveolitis. To confirm or refute this assumption, it is important to visit a dentist. You may need to adjust the treatment, conduct curettage of the hole and (or) setting anti-inflammatory wound healing ointment with antibacterial effect. Do not be afraid, as in the case of curettage prior anesthesia is performed. However, it is more likely that you will be able to do without interfering with the well.

  116. Igor:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! Please advise what to do in the following situation: in the last days, the 8th lower tooth (wisdom) began to be slightly disturbed. Everyone says uniquely delete. And the problem is that before leaving for vacation there are 9 days left. Is it possible to remove it a week before? It’s just that everyone’s opinions are different: someone says that it’s not desirable before going on, because It is not known how the hole will behave due to climate change. I would not like very much in the case of an aggravation of the whole vacation to sit on Ketanov and other medicines. Thank you in advance!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! This is a difficult question. The fact is that the removal of any tooth is a complete operation, after which there is a postoperative period, which has its own characteristics for each individual person. With the difficult removal of the lower wisdom tooth, it is often necessary to recover more than one day with periodic monitoring by the dentist. If the work is done is not very high quality, traumatic, then the risk of a severe postoperative period becomes even greater, and no one is immune from it.

      At the same time, the fact that the wisdom tooth began to bother you speaks about the indications for its removal (if the preservation of the tooth with the help of intracanal treatment is impractical). If not removed, then there is a risk that the onset of the disease during the holidays can be aggravated by going into an active purulent process.

      In other words, there is a risk both when the tooth is kept for the period of vacation, and when it is removed the day before. Weigh, which of these risks is more and more important, without additional information will not work. A thorough examination of the tooth and decision making together with the attending physician will be required.

  117. Alyona:

    Hello! I am writing to you to assess the situation. I had the same wisdom tooth on the lower jaw three times at intervals every week. For three hours each time, three surgeons in the clinic took turns taking turns. As a result, the roots greeted with applause. Completed the epic a week ago. The doctor first let go with turunda for two days, then pulled out and formed a good clot.

    I have a blood clotting problem. The clot flew out with the first sip of barely warm tea. I came to the doctor, he went a different way - now he changes the turunda every two days so that the mucous membrane grows, carrying out the cleaning of the hole during the replacement.I have drunk augmentin's course and I take painkillers every day, since the aching pains in the cheekbone and ear are hard to endure. There is no inflammation in the hole, only when I was without a turunda, food got into and the doctor was cleaning.

    Yes, still. I was touched by the trigeminal nerve. There were terrible shootings, the neurologist wrote down the drug lyric and neuromultivitis, and everything helped.

    The question is: is it normal that I still have pain in my jaw after these deletions? Is the therapy adequate now? I’m scared because I’m completely out of date. Thank you so much for the answer!

    • Hello, Alain. The doctor is doing everything right, changing iodoform turunda. Unfortunately, a similar outcome of a situation after tooth extraction sometimes happens.

      Continue to follow the recommendations of the doctor, the pain will gradually subside, and the wound will heal. But if it suddenly happens that the doctor stops observing you, and your body temperature does not stabilize, go to the doctor immediately, as this may indicate the development of a dangerous inflammatory process with the formation of pus.

  118. Marina:

    Good day! October 17, removed 46 tooth.Removal was difficult, knocked out with a hammer, as in the 7th grade they put a pin. No blood clot formed. To prevent infections, saw anti-inflammatory medicine - nimesulide. But after 3 days, she began to notice that a white-yellow substance appeared in the hole, moreover, she noticed that the gum was badly damaged. Accompanied by a slight aching pain. I went to the dentist, he said that everything is fine with you, let him heal. Now after each meal I wash with chlorhexidine, but nothing heals. What to do?

    • Good afternoon, Marina. Do not worry, your situation is fully consistent with the norm. After each meal, it is useful to carry mouth baths - chlorhexidine, as you do, or its analogue - miramistin. These are good antiseptics that will prevent the inflammatory process from developing after tooth extraction.

      As for the white-yellow substance, it is a fibrin coating that serves as a natural defense of the well. It takes time and proper adherence to a doctor’s recommendation for complete wound healing, so be patient.

  119. Catherine:

    Good afternoon and thank you for the good advice on this site. Doctor, tell me, will the well itself heal after alveolitis (8th day), without forming a clot? The hole is after acute alveolitis, but the hole is not tightened at all ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Of course, heal. The only drawback after a qualitatively treated alveolitis in the absence of a clot can be a lengthening of the healing period and in some cases a loss of comfort for some time (from 3-5 days to 2-3 weeks), most often only when chewing food. Against the background of the fact that you do not have threatening symptoms, you should not be afraid of repeated manifestations of alveolitis. The main thing - to be patient and clearly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

  120. Lena:

    Hello! A week ago, I was removed by two lower most extreme teeth on the left. Constant aching pain (not strong, but still) and a tooth ache from above. Today I noticed a black patina on one hole. In this case, should I immediately contact a specialist?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! This may well be mild signs of alveolitis. It is worth contacting the dentist as a confirmation or denial of the diagnosis - at least, this will help to correct further home treatment if necessary.

      Do not worry, go to the doctor and clarify the situation, as there are reasons for this.

  121. Violetta:

    Good evening, dear doctors and patients. I have a question: after the removal of the lower 8, the serous alveolitis began. The pain was radiating into the ear and under the collarbone. Once every three days for two weeks I washed the hole and laid turunds with iodoform. The pain stopped, they said to change the turunds once a week now. Today turunda fell out (to the doctor only tomorrow). I rinsed with chlorhexidine solution using a syringe. Laid in the hole to the brim with adhesive solcoseryl paste. Now I think, did you do it right? Worried. Hole, by the way is huge. Will she even heal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After such a long period of time (I understand that almost 3 weeks have passed since the extraction of the tooth), the hole is already at the stage of healing from the bottom and side walls. Given the improvement in the condition, there is practically no danger that the problems will start anew. Your reinsurance with adhesive paste will not make it worse: it (the paste) is needed to make healing comfortable and to speed it up as much as possible.

      The fact that the hole with your words "huge" - apparently the result of a complex and traumatic removal. There is no direct fault of the doctor in this, another question is that stitches could be used to reduce the wound. But once the deed has been done, I can only say that the hole will be completely formed as a “ridge” that will visually suit you approximately 4-5 months after the extraction of the tooth. The process of formation of a new tissue is not so fast, especially when the doctor does not make efforts during the extraction of the tooth, so that the wound turns out to be “beautiful” and the bone loss during removal was minimal (sometimes it even makes sense to compensate for the loss of bone tissue with artificial bone).

  122. Olga:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadyevich! On Friday, the 22nd, a wisdom tooth was removed from above. A clot in the hole, it seems, was, but there it could not particularly see (far from above, and the mouth did not open much). She tried to drink and eat carefully on the other side. Today is the 4th day - I looked at the hole, I was a little worried, because the hole was a little deeper, a dark little hole was visible.

    I read articles on the Internet: it seems that the hole should be white on the surface, with epithelium.Sometimes there is a dull pain in the area of ​​the hole. And bad taste in the mouth. Could it be that on the 5th day the clot went deep into the hole, or did the clot wash out and need to see a doctor?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The fact is that the hole can heal in different ways, and there are quite a few conditions that fit into the norm. This refers, for example, to the color and condition of the blood clot. A slight soreness in the area of ​​the hole and taste in the mouth are also not signs of alveolitis (the taste is often caused by a drug put into the hole by the dentist - to improve tissue healing and prevent inflammation). So if the pain does not increase, then there is no cause for concern - just follow the recommendations of the doctor and be healthy!

  123. Catherine:

    Good day! On December 27, 6 lower teeth were removed, pain started on day 3, the hole was open, a terrible smell appeared. The matter was complicated by the fact that on December 30 I flew to Bali. I contacted my doctor, he said to wash the well with chlorhexidine, or furatsilinom two or three days. I do it all the way, but the pain disappears only after taking ketonal.Also, the doctor said to put metrogil dent into the well, but in local pharmacies it is not. What advise in this situation?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that prescribing drugs in this case without knowing the real cause of the problem is fraught with serious consequences. Only after the diagnosis can a doctor appoint home remedies. Otherwise, you can get a complication (read, for example, with phlegmon). There are many drugs that have the goal of eliminating some symptoms (temperature, pain, swelling, etc.), but if the attending physician didn’t finish something important in his work (left root pieces of a tooth or a cyst, for example), It is recommended to correct the treatment in a timely manner, since the drugs are often ineffective against this background, and the situation can only be exacerbated. So find a way to see a doctor.

  124. Larisa:

    Hello. They removed the wisdom tooth, 10 days sick. Went to the doctor, they said that the alveolitis, cleaned the hole. No antibiotics prescribed. It hurts the second day, there is a temperature. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After the curettage of the hole, there may be pain and temperature. Antibiotics are most often prescribed against the backdrop of purulent infections, and they are appointed exclusively by the attending physician. If you doubt the adequacy of the therapy and the prescription of your doctor, you can, just in case, consult another specialist in another clinic (take a picture of the hole and assess whether the tooth roots or fragments are left in it). In principle, after complex deletions, the wells do not heal quickly, comfort arises only after 5-14 days. Therefore, sometimes you just need to be patient.

  125. Yuliya:

    It took 10 days after the removal of the tooth, eights. As they said, she was partially in the gum and was tilted to the side of the cheek, growing unevenly in a row. The roots were straight, the doctor pulled out quickly, put some kind of sponge - said that it would resolve itself. For 2-6 days in the evening there were aching, tolerable pains and the feeling that they were bursting as if I had bitten my cheek (that is, swelling inside). For 6-7 days, it seems, it became better. Antibiotics were prescribed for 7 days. Propyl. The first days did only salt and special baths with chlorhexidine.She was afraid to remove the clot from the hole, constantly looking. The wound, like a volcano, is very deep. Over time, the dark burgundy clot became lower, even the dark ones looked like 3 points (well, where the roots were). I thought I had washed the clot. Today I examined white or yellow pieces there. I began to rinse a little with effort, I thought, maybe bread or food. Do not climb there ...

    Since the wound is deep, visually it is filled with saliva, one edge from the cheek is lower than from the side of the tongue. Gums whitish, although in the entire cavity such. No sharp pains. Now I've seen enough of the wound, pulling back the cheek - a bit swollen again. Everyone worries about whether there is a clot and why such a deep wound. It seems that 10 days have passed, this sponge inside, probably, has resolved with a clot. She asked me to take a wound, but the doctor said that it was not necessary. Here, in doubt, whether to go to the doctor. Just a dentist far, 30 km.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that taking into account the time limit (10 days) and positive dynamics, there is no critical need to go to the doctor. The hole is able to heal normally and without a clot, so even if it was cleaned, this is not a significant problem.

      As for wound closure: the seams after tooth extraction are not always superimposed, sometimes they can even interfere with the normal course of healing due to poor hygiene in the area of ​​the seams. The indications are determined by the doctor and depend on the nature of the wound and the severity of the operation.

  126. Anonymous:

    To me, on the 18th, the root was removed, after 2 days the hole turned black, a terrible smell began. I went to the reception again, diagnosed alveolitis. The doctor cleaned the hole, put some medicine. He said that he would not be ill anymore, ordered to rinse with chamomile, sage and soda. Last night was hellish pain. Now there is no pain, but the terrible smell from the hole reappeared, everything is black there. I am in a position, very afraid of the consequences 😢

    • Hello. After tooth extraction, alveolitis can sometimes develop. All the symptoms you have listed (pain, discoloration of the hole and unpleasant smell) are characteristic of this disease. Alveolitis is a very limited inflammatory process and cannot be influenced by pregnancy, as are drugs for the local treatment of the hole, since they act in the focus of inflammation and do not penetrate into the bloodstream.Most of them are just local antiseptics. Be that as it may, alveolitis requires immediate treatment, so it makes sense to return to the dentist for a second audit and treatment of the hole.

  127. Natalia:

    Good day. On February 9, my son had a tooth removed (4.6) at 13.00. The blood stopped only at 19.00. February 12, the temperature appeared, 37.2. They drank nimesil (powder), made the baths of furatsilina. Not rinsed. It was a weekend, and we need to go to the doctor for another 35 km. Three days later, we went to the doctor. He looked and said that they rinsed out a clot, "with which I congratulate you." I cleaned the well, rinsed it with an antiseptic and put iodoform turunda. After 5 days the turunda fell out. The hole is so deep, 10 days have passed, and there are not even signs of healing. The edges of the hole do not converge. At the bottom there was a small yellowish stain. There is no smell from the mouth, but the temperature rises to 37. Is this normal or not? 18 days have passed since the day of tooth extraction. How long will the healing take? Son is going through. What should we do next? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Removal was difficult with the use of an elevator.

    • Hello! Judging by the description, alveolitis developed after the removal of the tooth. I will note that the treatment you described, which was performed by the doctor, is quite adequate (curettage, washing with an antiseptic, iodoform turunda). If the pain and smell from the hole do not bother, it means that the inflammatory process in the hole is prescriptive, or has already passed. Now the hole will heal with the so-called secondary tension, slowly filling with bone tissue. Sometimes it takes 1.5-2 months for the recess to disappear. It will not be possible to speed up this process with home procedures or preparations (as a rule, this is not required). It is only important to ensure that the remnants of food do not linger in the hole.

      However, you write that the temperature has remained at 37 degrees for 18 days already - normally this should not happen. It is possible that the source of temperature is no longer the hole of the tooth. In such a situation, it is useful to periodically monitor the progress of the healing of the hole at the doctor until the disturbing symptoms pass completely.

  128. Kseniya:

    Hello! A tooth was removed (7-ka), a week after the diagnosis was made: alveolitis.They cleaned and put a sponge, in the next reception put gauze in the hole with medicine. A day has passed, I feel that there is always some purulent exudate oozing out from there ... I rinse with a stomatofit, Miramistin. And at the reception only after 2 days. What to do? Beat the alarm?

    • Hello! In the situation described by you it is not necessary to sound the alarm. For complete cure, as a rule, several dressings are necessary. But if the inflammatory process is sufficiently active, and pus is oozing abundantly, then dressings should be done more often than once every 3 days. I recommend to make an appointment with your doctor before the appointed time, do not wait another 2 days.

  129. Alexey:

    Cool pictures for weight loss. As you look, there is no desire at all.

  130. Eve:

    Good day. I read all the answers, thank you for helping people. Please answer my question too. In February, my crown fell from a tooth, and the orthodontist said that this tooth (7 at the bottom left) should only be removed. The surgeon confirmed this after an x-ray. On March 14, the tooth was removed, the removal was short, about 20 minutes, but the tooth crumbled, the doctor changed the instrument three times and applied force. Then put a tampon, said to come in two days and let go home.

    For two days there was severe pain, drank for the night on a bag of nimesila. March 16 went to the reception with a complaint of pain not in the hole, but in pain in the gums from the side, from the side of the cheek. There was a strong reddening and something white. The doctor, having examined the hole, said that there is no clot, it is “dry”. I clean it, put the medicine and that's it. The gum on the side did not touch. On March 19, after a wild pain on the side of the gum (it was impossible to touch it, it even interfered with my cheek), I again went to the reception. After listening to my complaints, the doctor said that this is a sharp edge and needs to be removed. After anesthesia, I began to perform some kind of manipulation, and then saying that “do not be afraid,” I began to hit either the gum or the side. The feeling was that he was working with a hammer and chisel. For fear, I did not ask a single question.

    Then the doctor said that now he would not be ill, the sharp edge was removed. No rinsing, no medicine, no baths were prescribed. In the evening, the temperature rose to 37, drank again nimesil. There was no white protrusion on the gum, but it was damaged as an abrasion. The next day the temperature was gone, but the pain did not stop for a day. After the appointed 2 days, I went to the doctor, told about the pain and about the anesthetics taken for 9 days.I also asked about the remaining roots, inflammation of the hole, swelling of the gums on the side. She reported on pains in the ear and under the jaw. The doctor assured that there was nothing of that, it was just a complicated removal (although this was not mentioned in the first days). Then he changed the medicine in the hole and that's it.

    On March 23, at the next visit, the doctor put a sponge in the hole, said that it would resolve itself and said goodbye. I was left with a dull pain in the gums and unsteady swelling. The hole, on the contrary, has a healthy color, does not bother. Tell me, please, why does the gum on the side (as it were inside) hurt under the extracted tooth? This place is still swollen. I make baths with chamomile, there were no other recommendations. 11 days have passed since the day of tooth extraction, 6 days have passed since the removal of the sharp edge. Thanks for the answer.

    • Hello. It seems that in your case, after the removal of the tooth, two complications were observed at once: alveolitis (inflammation of the tooth hole) and the sharp edge of the hole, which overlapped each other, giving rise to pain. Your doctor took the necessary action for both complications - put the medicine in the hole and removed the sharp edge of the bone. For 10 days, the hole was tightened, and this is normal.The edema on the buccal side is most likely an infiltration (usually such edema is thick, slightly painful, formed by the body in response to trauma and resembles a “bump”). Since there were two operations (tooth extraction and removal of a sharp edge), it can be assumed that this infiltrate is of significant size. The fact that the hole is already healing is a very good prognostic sign. Now you only need time for resorption infiltrate. Some appointments are usually not required. Watch the dynamics of the process - if the pain and swelling gradually subside - great, but if the dynamics are negative (the pain intensifies, the puffiness persists or intensifies too) - then you should consult your doctor again. Thanks for asking.

  131. Olga:

    Good evening. March 16 was deleted 8, lower right. 23 cleaned the well again, as there was no blood clot. 25 went to another doctor - said that there is no blood clot. 27 to go to an appointment with the doctor who removed the tooth. It is terrible that they will clean the hole again so that blood clots form. Is it necessary to form it?

    • Hello, if there is no blood clot in the hole after a tooth is removed, then it heals with a so-called secondary tension, that is, slowly filling with connective tissue (with a blood clot, the process would go much faster). In this case, at the initial stage, dressings are carried out: treatment with antiseptics, laying stimulating preparations, sometimes cleaning the hole. If the hole of the tooth does not hurt, there is no putrid odor and it is already covered with soft tissues from the inside, then there is no need for additional dressings. It is only important to ensure that no food particles accumulate in the well (rinsing is needed immediately after a meal) - and gradually the hole will fill up.

  132. Kristina:

    Good day. Tell me, please, after the removal of the tooth, one and a half months have passed, everything was fine, I went for a checkup. But already as a week I noticed an inflated bubble in the hole. Very worried that this could be? To the doctor only in 5 days.

    • Hello Christina! As a rule, after the removal of a tooth, the hole heals within 2-3 weeks. At the moment, after the removal, as you write, 1.5 months have passed - this indicates that the wound has healed.I suppose that in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, the scar tissue in the form resembling a bubble simply formed. Anyway, taking into account your description, I don’t see any reason for urgent concern, so after 5 days, when you visit your doctor again, just pay attention to your worries.

  133. Gulnara:

    Good morning. The situation is this: on April 24, 2018, the molar tooth was removed (on the right before the wisdom tooth). It seemed that everything was fine, but on May 31, her jaw began to ache in the region of the extracted tooth. On June 3, pus began to go when pressed on the cheek. By the way, the swelling of cheeks has begun, and not small.

    As a result, on June 4 I went to the clinic (where the removal was made) - they took a picture, everything is fine on it. But there was a strong inflammation, they made a “curettage”, that is, if I understood correctly, they cleared the hole. The feeling was terrible. Processed, put gauze with ointment for half an hour and recommended antibiotics and rinsing every three hours ...

    Here, I wanted to know from you - after cleansing should pus stand out from the hole? Or should he not appear at all after cleansing the hole? Thank you very much for the answer!

    • Hello, Gulnara. After curettage and treatment of the well, pain may persist and there may be discharge from the well. Normally, the hole should heal in a few weeks, and there is usually no intense pain in a day. However, sometimes as a result of the fact that the blood clot covering the wound is shifted or not formed at all, the wound becomes infected. As a result, alveolitis occurs, and the healing of the wound surface is greatly delayed. As a rule, this is due to a violation of the postoperative regime, when an active rinsing of the oral cavity leads to the leaching of a blood clot and exposure of the wound surface, followed by infection.

      So do not worry too much about the allocation of ichor from the hole immediately after curettage (often mistaken for pus). But follow the general dynamics and well-being, and if unpleasant symptoms persist, reappear to the doctor.

  134. Daniyar:

    Hello. I wanted to know, I had a molar tooth recently removed, and after 2 days I found pus in its place. What to do? And because of what he could be formed? I did everything the doctor said. He recommended chlorhexidine. Thanks in advance for the answer.

    • Hello, Daniyar. Most likely, the blood clot covering the wound was shifted or not formed at all. As a result, the hole was infected. In such cases, alveolitis often occurs (inflammation of the hole), and healing of the wound surface is delayed. Although patients are often mistaken for pus blood, standing out from the hole.

      Anyway, I recommend that you sign up with your doctor for a checkup. Sometimes it is really necessary to process the well for its speedy healing.

  135. Stanislav:

    Hey. Should I go to the hospital, if after the removal of the tooth in the hole, something white has formed. There is a feeling that I can remove it. On one side it is white, on the other - either black, or red, I can not understand. I would be grateful if you answer.

    • Hello, Stanislav. Independently remove from the hole does not need anything. Moreover, the white bloom is fibrin, and its presence is one of the signs of normal healing of the hole under the blood clot. In extreme cases, if something is seriously disturbing, then sign up for a visit to a doctor, but do not pick it up on your own and do not remove it.

  136. Inna:

    07/25/2018 two teeth were removed, after that there was a terrible pain for 3 days. I could not stand it, I went to the doctor on duty, I was diagnosed with alveolitis. They cleaned the hole, put the medicine, but the pain did not stop. It was Saturday, and on Monday I went to the dentist. They cleaned and put the medicine back on, and so on for three days. The antibiotic has spent on drink, a lot of painkillers have been drunk. All these three days at home with a syringe washed with chlorhexidine, rinsed with Malavite and sprayed with iodex. And only on the fourth day after all these procedures, it became a little easier. Here, I wait now, when he heals.

  137. Evgenia:

    Hello. Two weeks ago, after a bad toothache at night, the doctor removed the bottom eight. Pain after removal did not decrease at all, I spent a week on painkillers and went to the doctor again. He said that the hole was dry (a blood clot either did not form or fell out). In the end, they made curettage and laid a yellow medicine (something like Marlechka), which had to be absorbed. But nothing has resolved, and fell in a week. The doctor on the phone said that everything is fine, but I feel discomfort (and pain), especially after eating. And there was a hole at the place of removal. What to do?

    • Hello! You have described the typical manifestations of alveolitis. The problem, as a rule, arises from the fact that the hole after the removal of the tooth is not filled with a blood clot, or due to the fact that during the first days after removal, food got into the hole. The hole will gradually tighten over the mucous, and as soon as this happens, the pain will recede. This usually occurs within 3 weeks. It is only important not to self-medicate and not to disturb the wound on your own. Exciting you "hole" soon overgrown. However, in case of negative dynamics (increased pain, increased body temperature, development of edema), it is necessary to come to the doctor’s consultation as soon as possible.

  138. Natalia:

    Hello. Two weeks ago, the upper tooth was removed (I do not know which number). The tooth was split, fragments cut cheek and tongue. Removed from the roots, he sat firmly, had to shake. All week there was aching pain, saw painkiller. Do not rinse, did not eat on that side. The pain gave in the ear and a head ache. A week later, she came to the doctor - he cleaned the hole, pulled out some nodules and said that there are no tooth fragments, no smell, no pus. Washed, put the medicine and gauze with medicine.Gauze pulled out in half an hour, so it was said. The pains have decreased, we can say that it hurts when I climb my tongue. The gum is swollen around the former tooth and aches a bit, something white forms on the hole. When I ate, the white disappeared. I'm afraid it's pus. I’ll only go to the doctor on Friday, wring myself to panic.

    I forgot to say that there is no temperature, my cheek is not swollen. Head and ear no longer hurt, but when touching the cheek ache. Is everything going fine?

  139. Natalia:

    Hello. Tell me please. 22 days ago I was simultaneously removed 4 teeth at the top (2, 3 and 3, 2 is obtained). Wounds were sutured, the doctor said that he put the collagen. It hurt badly for 3 days, there was swelling on the right. And so, after so much time, I went to the doctor to try on a temporary prosthesis - and it hurt. The doctor pressed on the gums and from the lingering, seemingly wound, pus began to flow.

    I went to the surgeon, the doctor cleaned the hole, saying that there were small pieces of bone. I put a gauze swab with medicine (which one I didn’t ask) and said to appear in 5 days ... But then I went to the mirror at home and tried to press the right gum. And I can not say that it hurts and bothers me, unlike the gums on the left.And I saw that from the lingering hole, literally from a small hole, pus also oozed out.

    Tell me, dear doctor, what should I do about this? Clean the right hole, even if it does not bother?

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