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Does garlic help a toothache or is it more a myth than the truth?

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Let's figure out whether garlic is really able to help with a strong toothache, or is it a myth ...

The bactericidal properties of garlic are widely known - partly because it has gained popularity in the treatment and prevention of various diseases, especially in traditional medicine. Folk "healers" found the use of garlic and toothache, and some even consider garlic from pain in the tooth to be more effective than special tablets painkillers.

What is most interesting is that it is recommended to use garlic to reduce pain in the tooth almost as you please: this is putting a piece of garlic in the carious cavity, and compresses on a bad tooth, as well as taking alcohol tincture inside and rinsing it with the mouth, and even putting a tooth on it. wrist.

One of the popular ways of getting rid of a toothache involves attaching a cut garlic clove to a diseased tooth.

Is using garlic miraculously able to relieve a suffering person from toothache? Let's understand ...


The possibilities of garlic in combating tooth pain

If you try to understand the chemical composition of a simple clove of garlic and look for substances that are able to anesthetize among the substances in it, then we will not find any analgesics, even if weak ones. Therefore, you should not expect that immediately upon application to the diseased tooth, garlic will have about the same effect as analgesic pharmaceuticals.

But the antiseptic properties of garlic are really pronounced, and are caused by the substance allicin, exhibiting a bactericidal and fungicidal action.

Allicin - chemical formula

It is interesting

Allicin is not present in garlic in its free form, but is formed only by mechanical destruction of clove cells, when the contents of damaged vacuoles and the cytoplasm are mixed together and enter into chemical interaction.

Thus, the “anesthetic” properties of garlic are very, very limited, and can manifest themselves only in the sense that its bactericidal properties will reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms that cause, for example, gum inflammation.

It should be borne in mind that allicin is a very aggressive compound, as a result of which garlic can, for example,cause burns of the oral mucosa with immediate prolonged contact, as well as lead to additional irritation of the pulp (dental “nerve”) in the presence of a deep carious cavity in the tooth.

Allicin in garlic is a rather aggressive substance and can cause burns of the oral mucosa.


  1. Suppose there is a deep carious cavity in the tooth, almost reaching the pulp chamber (here the neurovascular bundle is located, which is colloquially referred to as simply the dental nerve). If the pulp is still alive (that is, it has not undergone death and necrotic decay), then if chemical stimuli, for example, acidic, spicy, salty foods, get into such a carious cavity, there is often severe pain. So if you try to follow the advice of the popular “healers” and tamp down a piece of garlic into the “hollow”, then the unforgettable feelings will be immediately provided. Immediate washing with water will help.Laying garlic in the carious cavity will only strengthen the toothache ...
  2. There are situations when pain arises due to inflammation of the gum tissue - food remains in the so-called gingival pocket, and here the process of their decay begins. In an effort to destroy the bacteria in the outbreak of inflammation, some people also try to put a piece of garlic to the sore spot, and at the same time they painstakingly suffer terrible pain and burning, believing that this is a natural cost of the healing process.Well, the damage from a burn can be no less than from inflammation, and bacteria can be destroyed in much more rational and safe ways.

The picture shows the essence of the processes occurring with the gum and bone tissue during gingivitis and periodontitis.

Garlic is really able to antiseptic inflammation, but with prolonged contact with the gum will lead to her burn.

Thus, toothache and garlic are almost incompatible concepts.

In all situations in which folk recipes recommend using garlic as an antiseptic, simple warm salt water can help: food debris, pus, and pathogenic bacteria can be washed by simply rinsing the mouth without trying to burn your gums with garlic “for better reliability”.

On a note

Putting garlic in a deep carious cavity can also lead to a burn of the pulp and its subsequent death, however, it will have to endure a very strong pain. The next day, the tooth can even almost stop hurting, since the neurovascular bundle will already be dead. However, you shouldn’t be too happy about it and assume that now you can not hurry to the dentist: dead tissue will decompose right inside the tooth, and the pus, not finding a way out, can give many more unpleasant surprises if you don’t go to a doctor in time.

If you put garlic for a long time in a deep carious cavity, this can lead to the death of the pulp.


“Once in my youth, when I didn’t take care of my teeth and didn’t particularly hurry to the dentist for toothache, I often used garlic. Sometimes she made tincture on vodka, sometimes she just chewed. Honestly, it seemed to me that garlic helps to relieve a toothache, it is always so different, it will be more and more painful, and it will let go. So far it hurts, you use garlic, lets it go a little. Then again. But there was never one such tooth cured with garlic; everything always ended with a doctor. Now I understand that the less you go to the doctor and indulge in painkillers, no matter garlic or analginum, the healthier you will be. ”

Alexandra, Tyumen


Tincture of garlic toothache

A few words about the use of tincture of garlic to relieve toothache (also a popular popular technique).

Preparing such a tincture is quite simple: 100 grams of crushed garlic are poured with half a liter of vodka, the vessel is closed and placed for two weeks in a dark, cool place. After the expiration of the infusion, the entire mixture is filtered through gauze, and the filtered liquid, or rinse your mouth with a toothache, or (the second common method) is taken orally.

The photo shows tincture of garlic on vodka.

Well, with regard to ingestion, everything is clear - do not feed some comrades with bread, give something alcohol to ingest. Of course, the harm from such treatment will be greater than the benefits (from the very regular intake of ethyl alcohol, not to mention the constant irritation of the gastric mucosa with garlic).

However, the second use of garlic tincture in some cases may well be applied in practice with a neat performance: garlic phytoncides, which turn into tincture, get into areas of gum inflammation and destroy pathogenic bacteria, thereby inhibiting the inflammatory process and reducing the pain to a little. Ethanol also has a certain antiseptic effect, which, moreover, has a vasodilating effect.

More or less beneficial effect will be achieved in people suffering from gum disease. However, water with a decoction of chamomile, sage, and infusion of oak bark can be used with about the same effect for toothache.

Oak bark also has a well-pronounced antiseptic effect.

But with toothaches caused by caries, pulpitis, or periodontitis, the effect of garlic tincture will be practically zero.


“I read somewhere that you can make a tincture of garlic so that the pain in the tooth can be removed, but they don’t get it at the very hand. This process is too long: the tooth got sick, you put the tincture for two weeks, during these two weeks the pain became so severe that you had to go to the doctor, and before the next bad tooth this tincture is either poured or drunk. I used something similar to my grandmother in the village once. Well, a bit drunk, feel better, but caries does not disappear anywhere. The next day, my tooth ached anyway, and with it also my head ... ”

Sergey, Kaluga


Garlic wrist compress

At first, it may seem that putting garlic on the wrist with a toothache is something completely devoid of meaning, a kind of "babkin" method of conspiracy and prayer levels. It is also called Siberian, and it looks like this: a garlic clove is pressed until a slurry is obtained (sometimes it is simply cut off half), which is then applied to the inside of the wrist, where the pulse is felt, and carefully pressed with a tight bandage. And if the tooth hurts on the right, it is recommended to apply a bandage on the left hand, and vice versa.

A rather strange method of getting rid of a toothache is to put garlic on your wrist ...

Apologists of this method of relieving toothache appeal to the connection of various points on the surface of the body with nerve ganglia,and consider that by treating such a point on the wrist with garlic, you can stop the flow of pain impulses to the brain. This rationale does not have any evidence base, and use this technique today except in the villages, for lack of more effective painkillers.

Meanwhile, less odious comrades formulated a different principle of garlic when it was applied to the wrist: the strong burning of the skin on the arm distracts a person from a sick tooth, as a result of which toothache no longer seems so unbearable. Well, the approach is ambiguous, and here it’s up to the person himself to decide what is best for him: either only one tooth hurts, or the tooth and wrist at the same time hurt ...

If you want, in addition to a toothache, your hand is also sick, then it is quite possible to put chopped cloves of garlic to it ...


“Once it was such that the tooth suddenly ached, and it was Saturday outside the district center, fifty kilometers away. That is, I will go to the doctor only in two days for dinner. I went to a local grandmother-herbalist so that she could help at least something. She tied a clove of garlic on her wrist and so pinned him up that she began to press. She said that if I feel a strong burning sensation, then everything is fine, the process is underway.I was also surprised that the tooth ached on the left, and she tied the garlic on the right. My hand burned mercilessly, but I put up with all my strength, I sweated a lot. Then I still could not stand it, I removed the bandage, the skin under it was red, like a cancer. The tooth did not pass, but so far my hand was burning, I didn’t notice it that way ... ”

Olga, Khabarovsk


The safety of garlic, or why you first need to call a doctor

First of all, it should be remembered that the use of garlic to relieve toothache in no way can replace a visit to the dentist. It is so “established” that if a tooth gets sick and, moreover, it hurts regularly, then it will not heal itself, and it will only get worse without dental care.

No matter how much you try to relieve a toothache with garlic, do not forget to make an appointment with the dentist.

As for garlic, the brief conclusions are:

  • Putting it to the tooth does not reduce toothache - on the contrary, pain in most cases will only increase, especially in the case of a deep carious cavity;
  • Attempts to frantically chew garlic and apply it to the gums are fraught with serious and very unpleasant burns;
  • Acceptance of garlic tincture on vodka inside is not more effective than simply “drinking”, and rinsing such a tincture of the oral cavity is not more effective than rinsing with a warm decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • Putting a garlic clove on the wrist will at best distract from toothache by a strong burning sensation in the wrist area, and otherwise it is completely meaningless.

With severe toothaches, regular attempts at self-treatment, be it garlic or pain pills, can lead to severe complications, some of which are even life-threatening. Therefore, the first thing to do with pain in the tooth - make an appointment with a doctor. And garlic ... put it better in the soup, so it will bring much more benefit.

(If you, too, had occasion to use garlic for toothache, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page!)


Useful video on how to quickly relieve toothache at home without pills


How to act when you have a toothache: the advice of a dentist-therapist



To the recording of "Does garlic help toothache or is it more a myth than the truth?" 28 comments
  1. Dmitriy:

    The other day, the gums swelled up at the top of the tooth, the pain was not too strong, but unpleasant, the tongue was not touched by the tongue, not like chewing. He took a clove of garlic, finely chopped, took a piece of bandage and put the garlic in it. Then the resulting tampon applied to the sore gum. Held for half an hour. Went to sleep. In the morning, really, no pain, the swelling subsided, and with a tooth that could not be touched in the evening, you could chew on nuts. I did not believe in all these "grandmothers" methods before. But I tried and ... believed. Do not be ill!

    • Yuri:

      I agree. 2 tablets did not help, and garlic relieved pain in 10 minutes.

  2. Olga:

    I do not know how harmful garlic is. Today I applied, cutting it in half, to the gum, and slept through the night.And in the morning the tumor went away.

  3. Nadia:

    Whenever I have a toothache, I always put garlic on my wrist, and it always helps me. And those who write that garlic does not help - just make money for medicine (

    • Paul:

      I agree with you on all 100, I carried a day, now I did it again - no burn, no burning, the temperature was 38, and now it's normal. And I repeat for safety net.

    • Natalia:

      Agree! Very surprising, but really helps. True, my tooth does not hurt, but my gum is swollen and itchy, while the temporary filling is lying. A half of garlic instantly relieved both pain and itching. Self-suggestion may, of course, but I am glad of that too - no drugs and painkillers helped.

  4. Maria:

    Swollen cheek and lower lip. The pain is unbearable, even strong painkillers did not help, she could not open her mouth. Weekend ... I signed up for a doctor only on Monday. I cut a clove of garlic in half, put one half in the direction of the diseased tooth, the other in the direction of the lip. I did it twice a day, the tumor disappeared twice, almost no pain, now I can not even touch it, but I can even get to the aching tooth. Even ate without tears)

  5. Astana:

    Just got a toothache.Hole, caries. I applied garlic for 2 minutes, the pain was gone. It helped.

  6. Helena:

    We remember the old wisdom that a medicine can be both poison and medicine - it depends on the dose. I would add: and from the time of application. If you apply garlic for 5-20 minutes (pulling out with a strong burning sensation, of course), then there will be no harm. Whether there is a benefit depends on the cause of the pain and the severity of the process. Anesthetic pills also do not eliminate the cause, so the disappearance of pain from garlic or other means does not preclude a visit to the dentist. But it is often necessary to wait for him, and then it is quite possible to use folk remedies (without fanaticism: it becomes worse - stop!).
    I myself am a general practitioner and I think that it is necessary to reasonably combine traditional medicine and farm. facilities. From pain in the gum pockets I use a mixture of a third of a teaspoon of garlic gruel, the same amount of honey and salt. A piece of bandage should be rolled up into eight layers, then opened so that on one side there are two layers of bandage (to the gum), and on the other, six (to the lip). Put the mixture inside (so as not to leak out of the edges of the bandage) and stick it between the cheek and the gum (where it hurts).Keep 15-25 minutes (pull out with a strong burning sensation, rinse the mouth thoroughly). Make an appointment with the dentist.

  7. Vika:

    Were on vacation, suddenly a tooth ached and there was a fever. Painkillers only relieved pain for 2 hours, and that was not completely. After 2 cloves of garlic (chewed on a bad tooth, spit out) it immediately became easier. She chewed again for the night, the pain went away, in the morning for prevention, there was no more pain at all. So it saved only garlic. Painkillers did not help. To treat a tooth, we could only charge, and it is not known how. Thank you garlic.

  8. Vladimir:

    A minute later, the pain in the teeth subsided, after half an hour I was already eating chicken. How it affects the tooth through the pulse, I have not found on the Internet, with sensitive skin through a rag, but the effect on toothache is the strongest. Ketanov works more slowly + after it you don’t feel anything at all, but here you are the same person. And do not hait folk methods, they are hundreds of years old, and your pills and their contraindications ... In general, garlic is a force, I try it on myself.

  9. Natalia:

    The article is clearly customized. Everyone needs money, the patient does not care.Dentists and healthy teeth are treated.

    Garlic is power. Natural antibiotic, do not need to reproach him. Nature created it for man. Be healthy!

  10. Valentine:

    A tooth got sick, not even a tooth, but the root alone remained there. The entire side around the tooth ached, aching pain, nagging - horror! She placed analgin on the tooth, a little numb around her cheek, and her tooth ached and ached. In the morning I remembered garlic, cut a lobule and a tooth. After a while, the pain began to pass! Then in the evening I got a little sick, put it again, and after all!

  11. Valeria:

    I did not believe about garlic. Always rinse with salt, soda and iodine, or medication saw. Today, so twisted that even howl. And nothing helps. Began to chew garlic - after a minute it became easier.

  12. bear:

    Now I will try, I will unsubscribe later. The article is clearly customized ...

  13. bear:

    It helped, and on a little dried garlic. Then he ran for juicy garlic, pinched more tissue around the tooth, and the tooth itself passed. Before that, he broke away and was sick for a couple of days.

  14. Sveta:

    My daughter cried weight day. Only in the evening I remembered the garlic, put it to her tooth, and after a minute I looked - my daughter was already asleep.So garlic is the best remedy for toothache.

  15. Lina:

    I tried a bunch of tools, it does not help. I'm going to try garlic. Unsubscribe ...

  16. Alice:

    I almost lost my mind from pain at night. Acute pain in the wisdom tooth, screaming like crazy - without the garlic until the morning, I would not have just lived.

  17. Novel:

    Swollen flux on half cheeks. I am on watch, the dentist is something from the category of fiction. On the second evening I was about to punch an abscess myself, took a bottle of vodka as an anesthetic. I put the garlic in the gruel to the wrist - an abscess erupted within 15 minutes. Half an hour rinsing disinfectors. I sit in prostration, because I believed in garlic last.

  18. Alexander:

    Helps, even dried (dried) garlic. I cut the clove in half, put a bandage on it (and it is not necessary to press it tightly so that it is directly pressed). It helps a lot.

  19. Alexey:

    Compress of garlic on the wrist - helped me several times without fail, with severe pains. Only need to place the application of oil with sunflower oil, so as not to burn the skin.

  20. Galina:

    Hello. I read the article and tied garlic to my left hand, where the pulse (a tooth ached on the right side), in the hope that the pain would pass at night. The pain did not go away, but in the morning it was also a burn of the hand ((To whom as, but the garlic did not help me.

  21. Olga:

    Thanks for the comments left) Thanks to them, my tooth calmed down. He was ill very much.

  22. Ruslan:

    The article is literate, but oddly enough, garlic does help! Still, folk remedies rule! Lilac decoction also helps, but it grows only in spring.

  23. Sofia:

    Helps a lot. At night, put on her wrist, slept like a log. The pain passed in the morning.

  24. Evgenia:

    Miracle garlic! All week she suffered from pain in the wisdom tooth, painkillers acted only for an hour, and then not to the end. Today I put garlic on a bad tooth, for five minutes - and the pain was gone, as if I hadn’t been sick. At first, however, there was a strong tukusha pain, as soon as it applied, but then everything went away.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I'm afraid to calm down early. In this case, the most likely cause of the disappearance of pain is the death of the “nerve” inside the tooth due to the aggressive effects of garlic juice.If the tooth had a carious cavity, the application of garlic caused the penetration of the active substances into the pulp chamber. In fact, necrosis of the neurovascular bundle has occurred, and as a result, in the near future (if nothing is done) it is worth waiting for the development of periodontitis, and the question is what form it will be: with a fistula, with or without a cyst.

      In any case, these actions with the use of traditional medicine exclude only the effect (pain), and not the cause. Therefore, despite the disappearance of the painful reaction, I recommend to consult a doctor in the near future, in order to treat the problematic wisdom tooth by canal, and not to expect what will happen to it further.

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