Website about dental diseases and their treatment

Dental treatment

How to remove a nerve from a tooth and what problems may arise.
How to remove a nerve from a tooth and what problems may arise.

Removal of a nerve from a tooth is a very important procedure, which, unfortunately, does not always go smoothly for the patient. Improper preparation for work with the “nerve” and medical errors can lead to serious consequences, ranging from terrible pain during and after extraction of the pulp, and ending with bleeding from a tooth and a broken and forgotten tool in the canal. Why do you need to remove the nerve from the tooth, how it happens and what problems you may have to wait on this path - we will talk about this later and talk more ...

What to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy
What to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy

Toothache for many pregnant women is a nightmare. At least because future moms are not less afraid to go to the dentist than to drink pills. As a result, mild signs of tooth decay and slight soreness are first completely ignored, then the pain intensifies, often turning into a serious problem over time.And often, by the very time of childbirth, when it is really undesirable to go to the dentist, a pregnant woman feels a toothache of such strength that the birth does not seem so scary to her. How to behave correctly if a tooth starts to hurt during pregnancy and how can it be calmed without harming the developing fetus? In these questions we will further and try to understand more.

Characteristic symptoms of acute purulent pulpitis and methods of its treatment
Characteristic symptoms of acute purulent pulpitis and methods of its treatment

People who had to feel the symptoms of purulent pulpitis on themselves usually do not forget the experienced sensations. And this is due to the fact that due to the inflammatory reaction inside the tooth and the compression of the neurovascular bundle by purulent exudate, severe pain occurs, which often radiates to different parts of the face, upper or lower jaw, to the head. It is the absence of a clear localization of pain that creates at the dentist’s stage of diagnosis serious problems in determining pulping teeth. From here and the mass of ridiculous cases when healthy teeth are reamed or removed by mistake. About all these points, as well as what the patient should and should not do in such a situation, let's talk.

Does Analgin help with toothache and is it dangerous to use it?
Does Analgin help with toothache and is it dangerous to use it?

For toothache, Analgin was used by our parents and grandparents. Even today, this tool remains one of the most popular painkillers in Russia, although with the advent of more modern and safer substitutes, its former “fame” is rather rapidly dying away. Next, we will try to figure out how effective and expedient the use of Analgin for relieving toothache, and why it is increasingly being refused in favor of other drugs ...

Strong conspiracy for toothache: how they work and what is important to know about them
Strong conspiracy for toothache: how they work and what is important to know about them

When a tooth is sore, and there is no possibility or desire to go to a dentist’s appointment, then a variety of means are used: from attempts to pick a tooth with a needle to all sorts of prayers and plots. If a person is sure that a toothache conspiracy will help him - well, perhaps it will be so. Strangely enough, but in certain cases it works: pain decreases or even disappears completely. However, it is important to understand that even if the pain is gone, the disease itself will not disappear anywhere, and moreover, if left untreated, it can become chronic with severe complications.For the sake of curiosity, we will try to figure out which conspiracies against toothache are most often practiced in alternative medicine and how their healing power is substantiated ...

What if a tooth aches badly? ..
What if a tooth aches badly? ..

Unfortunately, we can face a toothache at any time and at any age. Naturally, no dentist will prohibit the use of home methods of getting rid of toothache, if they do not contradict common sense and do not have a harmful effect on the body. However, as practice shows, many people do not know at all what to do in order to relieve a toothache correctly, sometimes dangerous amateur activities begin and they risk their health. Well, it's time to get acquainted with the popular and professional methods of assistance in such situations, as well as to learn more about the various mechanisms for the occurrence of toothaches.

Chronic gangrenous pulpitis and modern methods of its treatment
Chronic gangrenous pulpitis and modern methods of its treatment

Chronic gangrenous pulpitis is associated with the course of irreversible necrosis of the pulp inside the root canals of the tooth, and it can be cured only by removing the decomposing tissues of the neurovascular bundle.The transformation of “living” tissue into pus is a very unpleasant tendency, since there is a great risk that all this content will be directed towards the root apex and out into the tissues surrounding the tooth, where it will form either a fistulous passage through which pus will pour into the oral cavity. , or "flux" on the gums. Therefore, gangrenous pulpitis is considered to be a borderline form, when there is only one step left before periodontitis and diffuse purulent inflammation ...

Folk remedies for quick toothache relief
Folk remedies for quick toothache relief

Generally speaking, folk remedies for toothache are much less effective than modern pharmaceuticals. However, in many cases, those who suffer from pain in their teeth prefer folk recipes rather than various pills. And there is nothing surprising in this: it is considered that folk remedies are safer, and therefore they can be used without harm to health. But are folk remedies always safe? And which of them really can effectively soothe a toothache, and which ones will not give a special effect? Let's understand ...

What to do if a tooth hurts after installing a seal (including after filling canals)
What to do if a tooth hurts after installing a seal (including after filling canals)

It often happens that a seemingly tooth is already cured, a seal has been placed, but suddenly it starts to hurt. Especially often the pain occurs after treatment and sealing of the channels. Is this the norm, and if so, how long will it take to endure such pain? Why does this pain arise and can it be dangerous with any complications? Answers to these and some other interesting questions will be discussed further with you ...

What to do if a tooth hurts under the crown
What to do if a tooth hurts under the crown

It would seem that the crown-closed tooth should not hurt, since as a result of the treatment, it turns out to be immured into a kind of “sarcophagus” that reliably protects against external influences. However, life dictates its own rules, and sometimes there are cases of pain under the crown - immediately or some time after its installation. A certain percentage of pain passes quickly and without harm to a person, but there are situations when the tooth under the crown or the gum adjacent to it needs serious help to avoid complications such as swelling of the gums, fistula with pus, abscesses and osteomyelitis, often leading to tooth extraction .What you need to know about the pains under the crown, in which cases you can relieve pain at home (and how to do it), and in what cases it is better to see a doctor immediately, as well as what you can expect at the dental clinic - all this we'll talk further ...




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