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Modern types of dental implants and standard prices for this procedure

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Let's talk about the current types of dental implants and the prices for this procedure ...

Next you will find out:

  • What types of dental implantation exist today and how do they differ among themselves;
  • How much can the implantation of one and several teeth cost, depending on the implantation method chosen;
  • What stages and procedures can you wait for when installing a dental implant and what time costs you need to prepare in advance;
  • What are the features of classical (two-stage) implantation, which brands of classical implants are available on the market and how they differ in price;
  • Is it possible to install the implant in the hole of the newly extracted tooth, without waiting for several months until the gum heals;
  • What is the specificity of the so-called basal implantation of teeth (with immediate load), allowing you to restore the beauty of a smile and the ability to chew food just a week;
  • What is a mini-implantation of teeth and in what cases implants install the most gentle, through the puncture of the gums (without incisions);
  • You will also learn about the prices for dental crowns from different materials and important points that should be considered when you see that the clinic has a special offer or a special offer for the installation of implants ...

Those who are now planning dental prosthetics on dental implants are often confused, because you have to choose not only the brand of implants themselves, but also the method of their installation. The fact is that modern dental implantation is divided into several areas, and although the goal is always the same - restoration of missing teeth - but the methods and technologies for installing implants, and even the method of their attachment to bone tissue can vary significantly.

In modern dental implantation, not only the most diverse models of implants are used, but also very different technologies of their installation in the jaw bone are practiced.

In addition, some patients may not at all approach a certain type of dental implantation due to the existing contraindications, and may also require preliminary surgical manipulation associated with the need to build up bone tissue, if it has already had time to atrophy since the moment of tooth extraction.

What is the modern implantation of teeth, what kinds of it are and how is the situation with prices today - we will continue to talk about all this in more detail ...


What are the types of dental implants today?

Perhaps the first thing you should know about the existing types of dental implants today is that the terms of implant installation from the moment of tooth extraction are distinguished by two methods (in medical terminology they are called treatment protocols):

  1. The classical protocol of dental implantation (the so-called two-stage implantation) - in this case, the problem teeth are first removed, then you need to wait for the gums to heal and restore the bone tissue at the site of the extracted tooth, and then the implants are installed. Installation of implants is possible only with a sufficient amount of bone tissue, and in case of its lack, a preliminary bone buildup is carried out - for example, a sinus lifting operation;
  2. And the second option is a one-stage dental implantation protocol (the so-called one-stage or one-stage implantation of teeth) - in this case, the implant is installed simultaneously with the extraction of the tooth, that is, immediately into a fresh hole.

The photo shows an example of the installation of the implant in the hole of the newly extracted tooth.

The concept of a classical implantation protocol should not be confused with the concept of classical implants, that is, the most widely and long used. As a rule, during the implantation of teeth using classical implants, it is assumed that the final prosthesis, that is, for example, installation on the crown implant, will be made only after complete engraftment (osseointegration) of the implanted titanium "screw". Simply put, since the implant is installed, the patient has to wait about 4-6 months before a permanent crown or other denture construction is installed, which can fully take on the chewing load.

On a note

Classical implants can be installed as a two-stage method of implantation, and one-stage - depending on the particular clinical situation.

In this regard, it is useful to know that a separate direction in dental implantation exists today and is developing dynamically - the so-called basal implantation of teeth (otherwise, implantation with immediate loading). Typically, this technique involves the replacement of teeth in an extremely short time - no more than a week. That is, the implant can be installed immediately after a tooth is removed, it is initially firmly held in the jaw and it can be given a chewing load almost immediately, that is, it can be made and installed permanent crowns.

With a basal tooth implantation, the volume of the bone tissue of the alveolar process is often not critically important - in most cases it will not be necessary to build up the bone, since the basal implant is implanted in the deep (basal) bone areas. Compared with the spongy bone tissue of the alveolar processes, in which classical implants are implanted, the basal bone is much more dense and strong, due to which the basal implants are ready to withstand increased loads immediately after installation.

The so-called basal implants are implanted in the deep sections of the jaw bone.

On a note

A few years ago, the method of basal implantation implied the installation of very peculiar implants - without a thread, simply in the shape of the letter "T", having a flat base. The base was located in the deep layer of the jawbone - the basal section (hence the name of the technique).

Today, T-shaped disc implants are practically not used anymore, since the process of their installation is too traumatic (through the lateral incision of the gums and bones).They were replaced by root-like basal implants that look quite similar to the classic ones, but adapted to the immediate loading technique. They have a special thread and also use the basal part of the bone. At the same time, the main advantage of basal implants has been preserved - the prosthesis can be attached to them literally within a week, that is, without a long wait. Therefore, the technique today is increasingly being positioned not as a basal, but as an implant with an immediate load of the prosthesis, and in promotional materials it can be presented as a new method of implantation of teeth (which, in general, is not far from the truth).

The photo below shows the basal implants:

Basal implants

Speaking about the types of dental implantation that exist today, it is also worth noting the so-called mini-implantation: in this case, very thin and small implants are used, which are installed with minimal surgical intervention (the bone does not even have to be drilled, because the implant is simply screwed into it, as a self-tapping screw) . However, it should be borne in mind that the purpose of mini-implants is only the support of removable dentures, since they would not withstand the full-fledged chewing load (the removable denture assumes the main load).

Mini-implants help secure the retention of a removable denture in the jaw.

On a note

Today in the promotional materials of clinics you can find such a service as laser implantation of teeth, and it is positioned as the most modern and most sparing. So, it is useful to keep in mind that laser implantation of teeth by an independent method, in fact, is not - the laser during the procedure is used solely as a gentle alternative to the metal scalpel. The laser scalpel allows for effective tissue incisions (both gums and bones), while it has an antibacterial effect and minimizes bleeding.

Now let's see how much tooth restoration can do in one way or another, and then examine what the essential difference is between the existing methods of dental implantation and why in some cases there may be significant deviations from the declared value.

Tooth restoration options Classical implantation Basal implantation Mini implantation
Restoration of 1 tooth using a metal-ceramic crown from 35 000 rubles from 35 000 rubles Not applicable
Restoration of 1 tooth using zirconia crown from 50 000 rubles from 50 000 rubles Not applicable
Restoration of the entire dentition from 350 000 rubles from 150 000 rubles from 130,000 rubles


The main steps and procedures for installing implants

As an example, consider the method of classical (two-stage) implantation. Although the technique is called two-stage, however, as you will see below, in reality there are not two, but significantly more stages:

  1. Preparation for treatment - a primary consultation with a doctor, a visual assessment of the condition of the oral cavity, diagnostic procedures (orthopantomogram, that is, a panoramic picture of both dentitions), preparation of a treatment plan, selection of implant models and conclusion of a contract;
  2. Removal of problematic teeth (usually under local anesthesia), prescription of drugs and issuance of recommendations for comfortable postoperative rehabilitation;
  3. The stage of healing the injured gums and the restoration of bone tissue at the site of the extracted teeth. It may take 2-4 months;
  4. Surgical stage of the implant installation. The operation is also usually performed under local anesthesia. After installing the implant, the cap is fixed on it (gum former);For clearance of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the installed implant, a so-called gum former is used.
  5. Temporary prosthetics.After a short period of time after implant implantation, a temporary prosthesis is made, which allows to restore the appearance (aesthetics) and partially the functionality (however, the temporary prosthesis cannot be loaded too much, because the process of osseointegration of the implant has only just begun);
  6. And finally, permanent prosthetics - usually performed 2-4 months after the implant is placed on the lower jaw, or 4-6 months after the implant is placed on the upper jaw. During this time there is a complete accretion of the implant with the bone tissue (during these months you will have to visit the doctor 2-4 times).

Now about the additional procedures. They are held far from always - only when necessary, and are paid separately. Note the most common:

  • Dentistry and gums, removal of plaque and tartar, which helps to restore the natural color of enamel - it is necessary for the exact selection of the tone of dental crowns;
  • Delivery of additional tests in case of detection of health problems;
  • Bone grafting - required if its volume is not enough to install the implant (carried out by replanting natural or artificial bone material);
  • Gum plasty is a surgical operation that is sometimes required when the gum contour changes (mainly due to bone atrophy).

Next, we will talk about the features of each method of dental implantation and try to figure out which technology is better in a given situation and how much will have to be paid in each case.


Classic two-stage dental implants

As noted above, with a classical two-stage dental implantation, the problem tooth (or teeth) is first removed, then the gums heal and the bone tissue is restored, then the implant itself is installed, which you need to wait for 2 to 6 months. This type of implantation is the longest in time.

The photos below show the corresponding example (installing the implant to the place of the extracted tooth after the hole has healed):

One of the front teeth was removed on the lower jaw, the hole had already healed.

Dental implant installation stage

For quite a long time, the patient walks with the gum former while the osseointegration of the implant is in progress.

And this is the final result of implantation.

On a note

Classical implantation places the highest demands on the state of the bone tissue, so after the extraction of the tooth, it takes about 3-4 months before an implant can be installed. Bone tissue must fully recover.

With a lack of bone for attaching the implant, its preliminary extension is carried out.

Advantages of the method:

  • This type of implantation in dentistry has more than half a century of history, and a great deal of experience has been gained that allows minimizing the risks of possible failures (implant rejection and other complications);
  • The method is owned by a large number of implantologists, so it is usually not a problem to find a suitable clinic and specialist in almost any more or less large city;
  • A wide range of implant brands is available - from budget Chinese to premium models (German, Swiss);
  • A high aesthetics is achieved, since much attention is removed to the formation of the contour of the gums around the crown;
  • On classical implants, you can fix almost any dentures (single crown, bridge, and even a complete conditionally removable denture).

Cons of the method of classical two-stage implantation of teeth:

  • High duration of the whole procedure - from the moment of tooth extraction to the moment of installation of a permanent crown on the implant, it can take six months or more;
  • Bone tissue is often required, and these are additional costs of money and time (for example, a sinus lift operation will cost about 15-30 thousand rubles);
  • Relatively traumatic implant placement - the gum is cut, then a hole is drilled into the bone for the implant. Many patients perceive the fact of bone drilling in panic.

With the classical implantation of teeth in the bone with a special cutter, a hole is drilled, which is a rather traumatic procedure.

Nevertheless, it is two-stage implantation using classical implants that is today one of the most commonly used types of dental implantation, allowing you to restore the beauty of a smile and the ability to properly chew food to a huge number of people in the whole world.


A few words about the cost of classic dental implants and abutments for them.

Generally speaking, most of the price of the whole treatment (no matter what type of dental implantation is used), as a rule, is the cost of the components - first of all, the implants themselves, as well as the formers of the gums and abutments.

The main contribution to the cost of dental implants is made by the price of installed implants.

Today, dental implants are produced by several dozens of companies. The main ones are concentrated in Israel, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. Each brand has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, however, many experts are inclined to think that it is not so much implant brands that you need to choose as a doctor - it depends on his experience and professionalism how long the installed implant will last.

Here are examples of minimum prices for classical implantation of 1 tooth in Moscow, depending on the brand chosen:

  • Implantation using the implant Alpha BIO (Israel) - from 35,000 rubles;
  • MIS (Israel) - from 40,000 rubles;
  • XiVE (Germany) - from 70,000 rubles;
  • Astra Tech (Sweden) - from 70,000 rubles;
  • Straumann (Switzerland) - from 80,000 rubles;
  • Nobel (USA) - from 90 000 rubles.

In the photo below - Xive implants:

Dental implants Xive

As a rule, basic preparatory procedures (orthopantomogram, consultation with the doctor to identify contraindications from the body, treatment planning), as well as local anesthesia, direct installation of the selected model of the dental implant, subsequent consultation with the doctor during the engraftment of the design and warranty .

The base price for implantation of the tooth is usually already included additional superstructures - formers of the gums and abutments. By the way, the more expensive the brand of implants, the higher the cost of components (for example, the cost of a conventional MIS abutment is about 1000 rubles, but Nobel or XiVE - from 7-8 thousand rubles).

On a note

It is important to keep in mind that the cost of a dental crown, which will be installed on the implant, is not included in the price.In other words, for example, if you want to install an inexpensive Israeli Alpha BIO implant, and put a high-quality zirconia crown on it, you can safely add to the base price for implantation (from 35,000 rubles) also the cost of a zirconia crown (about 20 000 rub.)


One-time implantation of teeth (it is one-stage or immediate)

One-time dental implantation involves the implant being inserted into the hole of a newly extracted tooth, which, compared to the two-stage option, provides an important advantage - no need to wait 3-4 months before the bone tissue at the site of the extracted tooth is fully restored (this is the main plus techniques).

An implant specially designed for this protocol is placed in a fresh hole, where a remote tooth root was located a few minutes ago, after which the space around it is filled with artificial or natural bone material - to accelerate bone tissue regeneration. Then the implant is closed with a cap (shaper gum) and left for 3-6 months for engraftment.

The photographs below show an example of implantation in the well of a newly removed front tooth (which is cracked from a mechanical injury):

The photo clearly shows a crack in the tooth - it is no longer subject to restoration, it is supposed to be removed with subsequent prosthetics on the implant.

Simultaneous implantation involves the installation of the implant in the hole immediately after the removal of the tooth.

The next day, a prosthesis (crown) was installed on the implant.

This is how the result of implantation looks after 2 weeks - an artificial tooth cannot be distinguished from relatives.

On a note

In a number of situations, when the condition of the bone tissue allows the implant to have a fairly good primary fixation, an inexpensive metal plastic crown can be installed for the period of osseointegration of the implant. This is especially important for the front teeth, as it allows to restore the aesthetics of the dentition in the express mode. Considering that the front teeth are not involved in chewing food, the load on the implant will be minimal.

Unfortunately, immediate implantation is not always possible. For example, in some cases, it is necessary to first urgently remove the diseased tooth, after which for a long time to fight the inflammation that was triggered by an infectious process on the roots of the tooth. In such situations, simultaneous implantation is quite risky, since it is associated with an increased likelihood of rejection of the structure against the background of an incomplete inflammatory process.

As for today's prices for simultaneous implantation - they are generally similar to those for a two-stage protocol. The advantage of the one-stage option is not the price, but the opportunity to complete the prosthetics of the lost teeth by several months.


Basal implantation with immediate loading

Basal implantation of teeth (its current name is implantation with immediate load, or in the American version - Immediate Load), belongs to the category of express methods.

For implantation with immediate load, single-piece implants (that is, components together with the abutment are one) are used, moreover, they are slightly longer than the classical structures and have a more aggressive thread. This allows you to securely fasten them in dense bone tissue - in the basal layer or cortical plate, which are characterized by increased strength (they have almost no capillaries, unlike the spongy layer, so they do not undergo atrophy, that is, does not shrink in volume and remains as strong as possible ). Therefore, this type of dental implantation is usually performed without prior bone buildup, since in most situations, a good fixation of implants can be achieved with the available volumes.

In most cases, the basal implantation is carried out without prior building-up of the bone tissue, since reliable fixation of the implant is achieved by installing it in the deep layers of the bone.

The most important feature of the basal method of implantation of teeth is the possibility of almost instant prosthetics. Namely, literally as early as 2-3 days after the implants are installed, fixed prostheses are attached. They are made of metal and have a small plastic base, the prosthesis is quite easy. Artificial gum, which is almost the same in appearance as natural, can improve the aesthetics of the dentition (often with a long absence of teeth, there is an uneven subsidence of the bone along with the gum).

Instant prosthetics performs another important function - the prosthesis is a stabilizer of the installed basal implants (it fixes them in a certain position and does not allow them to move). In addition, the prosthesis provides the transfer of chewing load to implants, which allows to speed up the process of osseointegration.

It should be noted that the basal implantation is carried out mainly in the absence of 3 or more teeth. For single restorations, the technique is much less common, as in this case, higher demands on the state of the bone tissue and, moreover, gum plastics may be required with high probability to provide the necessary aesthetics.

On a note

One of the varieties of this trend is the All-on-4 implantation method (Nobel's patented technology). The essence of dental implantation according to the “all-in-four” system is that only 4 implants are used to restore a complete dentition, two of which are fixed in front and straight, and the other two are fixed at the sides and at an angle. The prosthesis is attached within a week after surgery.

One of the most popular types of dental implantation today is All-on-4 technology.

The method “all on four implants” allows you to significantly save (almost 2 times compared to the price of restoring the entire dentition with the classic form of implantation), as well as return to a full-fledged lifestyle in just a few days.

Advantages of dental implantation with immediate load:

  • the ability to quickly restore the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth (during the week);
  • less invasiveness when installing implants and, as a result, easier and faster rehabilitation;
  • in most cases, you can do without the operation to build bone;
  • restoration of teeth is possible with periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  • relatively low cost of prosthetics on basal implants.

The photo shows the appearance of the teeth before prosthetics ...

Appearance after installing the prosthesis with attachment to the implants.

The disadvantages of this type of implantation:

  • in comparison with classical implantation, a slightly lower aesthetics, because a prosthesis with an artificial gum is used;
  • almost never used in single restorations (when only 1-2 teeth are missing);
  • Only a few implantologists are fluent in the method, since this is a relatively new technology for implanting teeth.

Below are the estimated prices in Moscow for implantation of teeth with immediate load on the example of a complete restoration of the dentition (implant installation and fixation of a metal-plastic prosthesis):

  • Full prosthetics on 8 implants Alpha BIO (Israel) - 280,000 rubles;
  • Full prosthetics on 6 implants ROOTT (Switzerland) - 300,000 rubles;
  • All-on-4 prosthetics on 4 Nobel implants - 300,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that implantation with immediate load, as a rule, is “turnkey”, that is, all necessary procedures and materials are included in the price.

Implantation of teeth with immediate load allows in a short time to get such a smile at a price of about 300,000 rubles.

On a note

Both with the classic form of implantation, and with implantation with immediate load, the implants are often installed by a low-impact (mini-invasive) method - at least, this is how clinics position it.At the same time, it is sometimes claimed that the implant installation process takes place without cuts and sutures (sometimes in advertising they write about the so-called non-invasive dental implantation).

It is useful to keep in mind that advertising is a little cunning - to access the bone tissue through the gum anyway, you have to make a cut. Simply, it may not be longitudinal, as usual, but circular. That is, the operation, in fact, is carried out, the incision is present, but it is as gentle as possible, and stitching may not really be necessary.


Mini dental implants

Perhaps the first thing to know about mini-implantation of teeth is that this type of dental implantation is not a complete replacement for the classical technique.

The fact is that mini-implants use thin implants, literally about 2 mm in diameter (there are various brands, but MDI are considered the most popular). Due to the small size of the mini-implants are not able to withstand a significant load, so they are used only to support lightweight dentures (and also sometimes used in orthodontics in combination with braces).

Compared to classic implants, mini-implants are not able to hold significant loads.

In other words, it is not possible to put a crown on the mini-implant,since in such a case the surrounding thin implant bone simply would not withstand the chewing load transmitted to it.

Anyway, mini-implantation of teeth is a fairly modern technology and allows patients to receive "new teeth" in an extremely short time - a removable denture is mounted on mini-implants for several days after their installation.

With the so-called mini-implantation of teeth, the prosthesis can be installed within a few days after the implantation of the mini-implants.

It looks like a prosthesis

Aesthetics and functionality of the dentition restored.

There are additional advantages:

  • Mini-implants are installed with a minimally invasive (gentle) method - the implant is simply screwed into the bone right through the gums, like a self-tapping screw;
  • Also a significant advantage is the low price for this type of implantation - the cost of restoring a full dentition is from 130,000 rubles;
  • As with the basal implantation, the requirements for the state of the bone tissue during mini-implantation are not high (that is, mini-implants can be installed even with significant atrophy of the alveolar process).


Prices for crowns used in dental implant prosthetics

It should be borne in mind that dental implantation is a complex procedure, and it is necessary not only to install an implant (acting as an artificial tooth root), but also to fix a prosthesis on it.The cost of such a prosthesis can vary considerably, and sometimes makes a very significant contribution to the cost of the entire treatment.

The cost of crowns can make a very significant contribution to the final price of dental prosthetics on implants.

Immediately after the implants are installed (more often with the classical implantation method), the gaps in the dentition are sometimes covered with inexpensive temporary prostheses. An example is the immediat denture (the artificial limb butterfly, which received its name due to the fact that, in addition to 1-2 artificial teeth, its design provides for 2 hooks on both sides, which resembles butterfly wings). The cost of such prostheses is low and starts from about 3,000 rubles. After the implants grow together with the bone, you can proceed to permanent prosthetics.

Prosthetic butterfly

Dental crowns installed on implants can be single (that is, for one tooth), or be present as part of a dental bridge (for several teeth) or a removable denture.

On a note

Removable dentures on implants should be chosen if most of the dentition is missing. And not only because of the low price: in the design of such prostheses, in addition to crowns, there is also a plastic base. In fact, it is an artificial gum, designed to hide the flaws of the present,which becomes unaesthetic due to bone tissue atrophy. In this situation, the plastic mucous conduct is impractical.

The material from which the dental crown is made largely determines its cost. Options may be as follows:

  • Metal-plastic crowns - they have a metal base (cobalt-chrome or nickel-chrome alloy), and the outer coating is plastic. Regardless of the type of dental implantation, such crowns are mainly used as a temporary option, and they are quite light in weight, look more or less aesthetically and most importantly - they can be corrected in case of a breakdown right in the patient’s mouth as in the case of cermet). As for the minuses, plastic is still not the most aesthetic material, moreover, is porous, and over time it is painted. The cost of such crowns starts from 1500 rubles;Metal plastic crowns
  • Metal-ceramic crowns are in many respects similar to metal-plastic ones, only a layer of ceramics is used as the outer coating. It is believed that this is the most optimal crowns in terms of price and quality.They are quite durable and exceed the crowns made of metal plastic in aesthetic characteristics. Among the minuses - the metal base is not transparent, so the color of the tooth may not be completely natural (such crowns should be used to replace lateral teeth). In addition, some patients may experience an allergic reaction to the alloys used. The average price of metal-ceramic crowns in Moscow is around 7-10 thousand rubles;Metal-ceramic crowns are quite aesthetic and reliable at a relatively low cost.
  • And finally, zirconia dental crowns. To date, zirconium dioxide is considered the most perfect material for the manufacture of dental crowns, it is characterized by increased strength and white color (while, unlike metal, it is capable of transmitting light). It is usually used as a base and is covered with a thin layer of ceramics on top. The shape of the crown is planned on the computer, and then cut out on the machine from a single piece. When this is achieved the most accurate positioning of the crown on the implant and high aesthetics. The service life of zirconia crowns is more than 20 years. The average cost of such crowns in Moscow clinics is about 15-20 thousand rubles.Zirconia crowns are the most expensive.


A few words about promotions and special offers for dental implants

Today, many dental clinics hold various promotions and offer discounts on various types of dental implants. Here it is important not to chase the minimum price, but to adequately approach the choice of both the clinic and (first of all!) The implantologist.

Sometimes, for an unnaturally low price offered for a particular type of dental implantation, certain risks are hidden: the use of economy class implants and (or) the work of inexperienced implantologists. The clinic can also save on materials for prostheses, diagnostic procedures, etc.

Often, the low price for dental implantation involves the use of materials of an economy class and the services of inexperienced implantologists.

There are more sophisticated approaches in clinics that are covered up with a low price for a stock (see review below), when in reality the price turns out to be significantly higher than originally stated.


“Led to a share - it was proposed to install an Israeli implant for 29,900, along with a crown. After consulting the doctor, the price remained unchanged, but in the end it turned out that to install the implant, one still needed to plant a bone, some additional membranes were also used. The contract stated that it was included in the stated amount, but no one said that I would need more. As a result, I paid about 60 thousand (!!!) for one tooth ... "

Andrey, Moscow

From shares and special offers for dental implantation, of course, you should not refuse, but you should be careful and be guided by common sense. In addition, it is cheaper to be treated with a small discount from a good doctor in a good clinic than with a huge discount in a bad clinic from an inexperienced doctor.

If you have a personal experience of installing certain dental implants - be sure to share it by leaving your review at the bottom of this page (in the comments field).


Useful video about the cost of dental implantation today


A bit of theory and a clear demonstration of what can wait for you in the implantologist's office



To the entry "Modern types of dental implants and standard prices for this procedure" 8 comments
  1. Anastasia:

    A few days ago two teeth were removed from the bottom. Now I am going to put in implants, I chose Konmet on the advice of a doctor. Removal was quite easy but periodically there is a slight pain in the gums. I’ll not be able to go to my doctor in the coming days, so tell me, please, what could it be? And it will not affect the further installation of the implant? Thanks in advance for the answer.

    • Good afternoon, pain after removal of teeth is a normal phenomenon. Most likely, the healing process is not yet fully completed (the pain may persist for several days), but in any case, your doctor will diagnose the implants before installing the implants, and if any complications are detected, the implantation will be postponed.

  2. Hope:

    Hello. I decided to put the implant, dug up a bunch of information and reviews.It is also interesting how the state of bone tissue is determined at the site of a tooth that has long been removed? And how to understand whether the implant will take root? It's just that I haven't had a top tooth for a long time and want to understand approximately how difficult it will be for me to undergo this procedure.

    • Hello, Hope. Initially, you need to do computed tomography, it is possible to determine the volume and quality of bone tissue. In our clinic, you can do it all at a free consultation (it also includes diagnostics). If there is the necessary bone volume and there are no contraindications for health reasons, then problems should not arise. If there is not enough space to install the implant, then additional bone tissue may be needed.

      If the tooth is long gone, then the probability of atrophy is high, especially if the tooth is absent in the upper jaw in the sinus area. As a rule, we lose up to 60% of bone volume in the first year after tooth extraction.

  3. Love:

    Please advise. I wear removable dentures for 20 years. Gums began to shrink, especially lower. When examining the CT scan, the doctor said that even 4 implants have nothing to install. If only 2, and then questionable.Maybe I just need to make the best removable dentures? Advise not very expensive clinic and a good doctor.

    Regards, Love.

    • Hello, Love. Removable prosthetics - this is not the best option, since it replenishes the chewing load only by 50% and the quality of life deteriorates due to various inconveniences associated with the wearing of prostheses. Your case is just a vivid example of what I constantly tell patients about - bone atrophy as a result of removable prosthetics and the complications associated with it. As an alternative to removable prosthetics, you can consider prosthetics based on bicortical implants that are installed in more dense areas of bone tissue, and even strong bone atrophy is not a contraindication to this type of prosthetics. The method is called BASAL COMPLEX or basal implantation with immediate loading. You can contact our clinic - we specialize in the restoration of teeth in difficult cases. If you live in Moscow, you can sign up for a consultation and diagnosis (free). If you are from another city, then send your computed tomography to the mail of the site, we will consult you for free.

  4. Alina:

    I am so afraid of the dental ones that it came to the point that I had to put an implant in the end in order to maintain a presentable look. From here comes the advice, even if your teeth do not bother you much, go to the doctor. But in the end I was satisfied, everything passed without any problems, and the doctor was just a great one. Now at least it is not a shame to smile.

  5. Anna:

    And I put the implant IIA, Israeli. For one tooth I gave about 37 thousand (I didn’t count it with all costs). In general, the norms, I’m already wearing a year - there were no problems.

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