Often within 1-3 days after tooth extraction, patients develop varying degrees of swelling of the soft tissues adjacent to the hole. The strongest swelling occurs when removing the molar teeth in the lower jaw — for example, impacted or polyurethinized wisdom teeth, when the face may become significantly asymmetric due to the swelling of the tissues. And this is only half the trouble - often this is joined by severe pain and problems with opening the mouth, when an elementary meal turns into a real torture for an exhausted person. Is it possible to initially prevent the appearance of severe edema and what to do if it nevertheless appeared and acquired impressive dimensions? Is it possible in such cases, the development of dangerous complications and when should I quickly run to the doctor for help? Let's understand ...
What can we say - the removal of teeth by many people is considered one of the most unpleasant dental procedures. Meanwhile, there are a number of specific practical recommendations that allow a patient to survive a tooth extraction with minimal losses for his health, nerves and wallet - we'll talk about this later. And also we will see from what stages the surgical manipulation is formed, in which cases it is better to wait a little with the removal of the problematic tooth and how you can remove the tooth without pain and without the risk of running into the “villain-surgeon” who is the most in a meat processing plant ...
Many patients, having learned that a large cyst has formed on their tooth, start to panic - this is what it means, you will have to remove the tooth, and then also remove the cyst from the jaw, scrape it out! And even when the doctor proposes not to remove the tooth, but to resect the root apex with a cyst, this is also often not perceived very positively - you have to literally cut a piece of bone from the jaw and cut a piece of tooth with a purulent sack at the root through the hole. .Is it really impossible to remove the root cyst somehow conservatively, without surgery, to cure it with the help of any drugs? We will continue to discuss all these interesting nuances in more detail ...
When the crown part of a tooth is severely destroyed (for example, by caries, or due to injury), the question of tooth root removal is often raised. It may also happen that a cyst or granuloma has formed on the top of the tooth root due to the inflammatory process - in such situations, it is sometimes possible to save the tooth from being removed by resection of the root apex, or even have to amputate the entire diseased root. We will go further and talk in more detail about the fact that it is useful to know about the removal of the roots of teeth: let's see when, in general, removal of the roots is required, what can you expect in the dentist-surgeon's office and what problems sometimes arise during the procedure ...
When saving a tooth is no longer possible, it becomes necessary to remove it.It would seem that deleting is not a cure, which means that this service should not be very expensive. However, not everything is so simple, and in fact the price for the removal of “complex” teeth in individual clinics can reach 10-20 thousand rubles (especially when it comes to the removal of impacted wisdom teeth). Meanwhile, to remove any tooth today can be almost free. Why such a difference and, in general, what factors affect the cost of tooth extraction? Let's understand ...
When certain problems begin with the wisdom tooth, a person often faces a difficult choice - either try to carry out expensive treatment of the tooth (and not always with a guaranteed positive result), or remove it in order to avoid serious complications. Meanwhile, there are a number of quite clear criteria that allow you to make the right decision regarding the preservation or removal of wisdom teeth - we will talk more about this later ...
Generally speaking, any tooth can be impacted for one reason or another, but most often it is about eights - wisdom teeth.Be that as it may, tooth retention (i.e., difficulty teething) often gives a person very serious problems. Whether there are ways to help the impacted tooth erupt normally without having to remove it, as well as how to protect oneself from suppurative inflammation and in what cases it is necessary to get rid of the tooth as soon as possible - we will continue to discuss all this in more detail ...
The removal of any tooth, including wisdom teeth, sometimes does not proceed exactly as planned by the dental surgeon initially. There is always the risk of making a mistake, the consequences of which the patient will inevitably feel either immediately or a little later when he comes home. We will continue to talk about such problematic, unpleasant and dangerous situations that may arise both during the wisdom tooth extraction procedure and already after it, ...
After the dentist-surgeon has removed a tooth, a wound in the gum remains in the patient's mouth, which sometimes heals for a very long time (not one month). Than to rinse it and how to make it so that it drags on faster and at the same time does not hurt - this question still worries not only the patients of the clinics, but even the dentists themselves.The fact is that in modern dentistry, opinions on mouth rinsing after the procedure of tooth extraction were divided: diametrically different approaches to solving the same problem appeared - we will continue to look at them ...
If in the near future you need to remove the upper wisdom tooth, then before visiting the dentist-surgeon you probably already puzzled a number of questions: how is the removal procedure, is it painful, is there a danger of complications, what should you be afraid of most, what the cost of service and is there a risk that mercenary doctors “obsess” you? We will further discuss these and other equally interesting questions ...
As if a person was not afraid to remove his teeth, but sometimes he still has to go to a dentist-surgeon for this purpose. The reasons may be different, as well as the complexity of the procedure itself - sometimes everything goes easily and quickly, in just 5 minutes, and sometimes the doctor can spend hours getting the tooth roots in small pieces from a torn bleeding gum.
Moreover, in both cases, the patient is not immune from a wide variety of complications that may arise both directly during the tooth extraction procedure, and after its completion. About these very important issues for health and will be discussed in this section of the site.
For example, you will find out why sometimes, after removing the lower wisdom teeth, part of the cheek, lips, chin may simply go numb for several weeks, months, or even forever. Or why, for example, after the removal of teeth in the upper jaw, food can suddenly literally begin to flow from the mouth through the nose ...
In addition, anyone who is going to remove a tooth (or has already come home from the hospital without receiving sufficient information from the doctor), it will be very useful to know how to act if the cheek on the side of the extracted tooth is suddenly swollen, the temperature has risen, or for example, bleeding from the hole for hours can not stop. And this is only a small part of the problematic issues that can be encountered after the extraction of teeth and about which we will try to convey the maximum of useful and important information in this section of the site.
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